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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
  2. I also am a caregiver to my LC spouse. It is a very difficult job -- maybe one of the hardest. We need to keep them going, keep them fighting, keep them positive with hope. In order to do that, we must first take care of ourselves -- that means eating right, exercising, taking time for oneself, having someone to talk with on a regular basis. It was once explained to me like the heart -- it feeds itself with blood before it pumps it to the rest of the body. If it didn't do this, it would eventually weaken and not be able to perform its function. You must take care of yourself. You can certainly vent here and get support, but you need someone you can physically reach out to, to talk with besides your hubby. In order to have time also for yourself, you will have to be willing to ask others for help -- let them do things for you and your husband. We have been showered with help from friends, neighbors and church members -- because we encouraged them to do so. I hope you will take this to heart. We are all with you here. Blessings. Don
  3. Of course, we are interested. Thanks for the post. Please continue the updates. Don
  4. Don Wood


    Gone, shrunk and stable are all good terms.
  5. My heartfelt sympathies on the loss of your dad. I, too, believe he is in a better place. Don
  6. Don Wood

    3+ and counting

    Tiny's a NERD! Tiny's a NERD! Congratulations, gal. Don
  7. Melanie, how beautiful you are! So good to see your posting. My prayers are with you. Don
  8. There is no norm since each person is a different case and reacts in their own way to specific chemo. The shrinkage is definitely good news at this point, since you have more to go. I wish for you total disappearance of those buggers. Don
  9. Hi, Pammie, and congratulations! Celebrate the year! A prayer of thanksgiving has been said for you. Don
  10. Welcome, Bobbi! I would ask your dad if he wants to know the statistics before telling him. Some people want to know and others do not -- the patient's wishes should be honored. As for the statistics, they are just averages, and based on old data at that. Each person is unique and responds differently. My wife was given 9 months and she is now 2 years 9 months from diagnosis and going strong. Take care. Don
  11. Hi, Kathy, and welcome! Yes, each person reacts to cancer in his or her own way, whether you are the patient or the loved one. Anger is definitely one expression. Be patient with him -- he is going through a tremendous emotional and physical upheaval. Normally, surgery is not used if the cancer has escaped (metastasized) to other locations, since removing the original tumor does not remove all the cancer. It is normal to treat then with chemo and radiation. Tell hubby that my wife was diagnosed with NSCLC, Stage IV, many bone mets, in Oct. '02 and she is still here fighting! She has had two different chemos and a bunch of radiation, and has favorably responded to it all. I wish the same for him. Don
  12. Welcome, Melinda! Can't help with Tarceva question, but glad there are those who can. Don
  13. Don Wood

    My mom died

    Very sorry for your loss. My heartfelt sympathies. You are numb right now. Emotions may come later. I know -- I've been there. Don
  14. Lucie started her first chemo in Nov. '02 and got a staph infection in her port in Dec. She was off chemo in Dec. and Jan., and then started up again, and did fine. Don
  15. Would appreciate a minute today for a toast to the 46th wedding anniversary of Don and Lucie. We are going out to dinner, of course, and will toast also.
  16. Aw, quite monkeying around! Actually, it isn't a bad likeness.
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