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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. I think cancer in a parent is doubly hard on the children, no matter what age. They first have to contend with possibly the loss of that loved one, and then, second, they worry about their own mortality (is it in the genes?). So your reaction is very normal. Don
  2. You are in the right place and posted where one starts. This is a place for info and ongoing support for LC patients and their loved ones. You fit the bill. Sorry about your mom, but we are here to support you. Let us know what you need. It would be helpful to tell us some about your mom and her lung cancer. Thanks. Don
  3. You might say she really delivered! Ha!
  4. Don Wood

    My dad

    Micky, my heartfelt sympathies. Don
  5. Don Wood


    Great news, Rachel! I'm so pleased for you.
  6. Actually, I spoke at my sister's and my mother-in-law's funerals, and I told little funny stories about them and their personalities that brought humor to the talk. Don
  7. Beth, prayers for a good CT. The gall bladder -- piece of cake -- I had it done a few years back and it went smoothly. They do it arthroscopically now, so it is small incisions and recovery is usually fast. Don
  8. Great news, Melanie! Whooo! Hooo!
  9. My heart is saddened. Prayers for you all.
  10. Don Wood

    Mom's Check-Up

    Whoo Hoo! NED! Great news!
  11. Great news, you two! And congratulations on your 35th wedding anniversary. Don
  12. Jim, congratulations on your NERDiness! Great News! Don't ever hesitate to post good news. Lord knows, we need it, and it gives us hope. Blessings. Don
  13. Hi, and welcome! My wife's experience is similar to yours (see bio below). Hang in there, and let us know how we may support you. Don
  14. Forgot to add, I love the pic! It's good to "see" you two again.
  15. WELCOME BACK, you two! You have been very much missed here. No forgiveness needed -- you did what you needed to do for yourself and Keith at the time. I'm just glad you can come back now and vent all you want. Sorry that things did not work out with the trial, but you two are certainly in my prayers. As you say, Keith is still here after over two years. And so is Lucie! Lucie gets discouraged, too, at times, and I can relate to your feelings as the caregiver. Hang in there with us and keep us posted when you can. We love you two! Don
  16. Welcome, Debbie. Glad you posted. My wife did not have as many hospitalizations as your husband, but she did go to ER with infected port, which went systemic (staph), and almost killed her. She had another port put in on the other side and has had no trouble with it. She then later had bilateral pneumonia, which we believe was induced by the chemo she was taking at the time. She survived that also. The cancer has appeared several times and she has responded well to the chemo and the radiation (see bio below). Best to you both. Hang in there. Don
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