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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. I think the nurse gave you very good advice. Take it.
  2. Peggy, Lucie had radiation on her hip and it definitely alleviated the pain. Also true of tailbone, rib, spine for her. Keep us posted. Don
  3. Enjoy Sea World. You both need it. Don
  4. Welcome! We are definitely here for you, as we all walk this journey together. Let us know how we may support you. Don
  5. Congratulations, Rich. Great news! Celebrate life! You are an inspiration to us and we are glad you are here. Lucie is coming up right behind you with 1 years 8 months. Wow! Don
  6. Congratulations, Fay! What a milestone! You give us such hope and inspiration. I'm glad you are here. May you have many, many more anniversaries. Don
  7. Your mom might check into Effexor. It is an antidepressant that has the great side effect of dampening sweats. My wife took it when she was on chemo and it worked for her. I have heard success with other women. Don
  8. Congratulations, Cindy. Celebrate!
  9. Welcome, Pat. I am not sure how to convince your husband. I do believe the patient's wishes should be respected and supported, even if they are different from mine. I can tell you that, before my heart attack, I would always say "no surgery -- noone is going to cut me open/" Then I was faced with the reality of having heart bypass surgery. It was an easy decision to have it done, because it saved my life. Also, everyone reacts differently to chemo and radiation, so you can't use someone else's example to predict your own situation. Keep us posted. Don
  10. Fun-ney! I laughed the hardest at 28. Related to 14., how do you tell when yogurt is spoiled?
  11. Well, I got 8 of them right, although I still think a better answer for 2. is "Time for a big argument." I missed also 6, 8 and 9. Fun.
  12. Ah, how we rationalize! Ha!
  13. David, so sorry you have more trials and tribulations. You all are in my prayers. Don
  14. Kim and Mike, welcome here. My wife's first chemo was carboplatin and taxotere. She had every side effect, but it was quite effective on her advanced stage. Hang in there. Don
  15. Welcome to the board. So sorry you and hubby and your families have to go through this so soon in your young marriage. LC can be hard to detect early, whether you have high pain tolerance or not. My wife started losing function in her left hand, and that is what signaled she had a lung tumor on her spine. Keep us posted on progress and let us know how we may support you all. Don
  16. Nancy, love the pic. Glad you are planning a cruise trip. Go for it! Where are you planning to go? Don
  17. I go along with Peggy. I think the friendships were formed around fun and happy things. As long as that was the way it was, they were steadfast. Now that your friend has cancer, that doesn't fit the "fun and games" image, so they have isolated themselves from her. In all fairness, there may be individuals in the group who might respond if talked to, but I wouldn't count on it. I am speaking from our own experiences on this. Luckily, we had many friends who have stuck with us through all this, and they are priceless. I agree that what is needed is a new support group of new friends who are really there for her, bad or good. She needs that very much right now. Don
  18. Congratulations, Di! A significant milestone. Wish you many, many more anniversaries. Don
  19. Don Wood

    My Thanks!

    I, too, believe a funeral or memorial service should be a celebration of life. I was honored also to do a eulogy for my sister and my mother-in-law. Take care. Don
  20. I agree with what you said, but I don't apologize for being male.
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