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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Wendy, I think you did the right thing and the timing was good. Blessings. Don
  2. Peggy, my prayers are with you, hubby and son. I think it was good for your husband to let go of the job and concentrate on the cancer. He will need to get intersted in something though, so it isn't all cancer. Does he have any hobbies or special interests he can pursue? Don
  3. My prayers are with you two, Bill.
  4. Good report, Bruce. Glad to hear your lung is well.
  5. Don Wood

    good report

    Alriiight, Gail!
  6. I am sorry to hear your husband is in this condition. I would try to be with him as much as your circumstances allow. And, you have your children. Rely on them for support -- they are all old enough to do that. Use this website to vent, ask questions, get support. But also reach out to at least one or two friends you can trust and rely on to help you through this. My best to you. Don
  7. Welcome! Yes, sometimes the disease is in the genes, unfortunately. Let's hope you are an exception. Don
  8. The way I heard it, God gave man the brain as well as the penis but only enough blood supply to operate one at a time.
  9. A good attitude goes a long way. Hang in there. Don
  10. Yes, many have bounced back -- again and again. My wife has beaten the disease back with two chemo protocols, much radiation now and then, systemic infection and bilateral pneumonia. Hang in there and keep hope. I suggest you focus on the wedding and all of you enjoying that occasion right now. It will serve all of you well. Blessings. Don
  11. Don Wood

    One year

    Congratulations on your one year of survivorship! May you have many, many more years. Don
  12. Happy birthday, dear Joanie, happy birthday to you! And many more!
  13. Welcome back, Rick. Best to you, guy.
  14. I would call in the i.o.u.'s. Some may disappoint you with excuses, but others may surprise you -- and out of that, you'll get some help. Don
  15. Lucie started out with carboplatin/taxotere and had all the side effects. She had 5 bone mets. It worked. She remained in remission for a while. Don
  16. David, it is good to see you posting. Glad you were able to get through all that, and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Glad you both got out to enjoy some diversion. Don
  17. Hi, Erin. Lucie and I went through "The Purpose Driven Life" together and it was very helpful to us in our struggle with this disease and with other life issues. It is good to see you rediscover your faith again -- glad that is happening for you. Don
  18. Hi, Oliver, and welcome! Glad you are posting. Sounds like you are right on track with your treatments. I, too, found this place through Google. Let us know how we may support you through this and keep us posted. Blessings. Don
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