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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Crash & Burn

    Very frustrating. Sorry. Hope you find resolution to this to your satisfaction. Don
  2. Hi, Lars, and welcome! I wish you all the best. Please keep us posted on your progress, and let us know how we may help you with info and support. Don
  3. Don Wood

    My Mom is gone

    My heartfelt sympathies at the loss of your mom.
  4. Don Wood


    Rachel, go, girl! Such good news!
  5. So good to hear your good news.
  6. Don Wood

    Out for Dinner

    Beth, congratulations to you and Bill for a year of survivorship! Glad Bill is doing better, and glad you are going out to dinner. Celebrate! Don
  7. Chemo is a poison -- it kills -- not only cancer cells but fast-growing healthy ones. It is normal to have all kinds of side effects. Of course, as long as the cancer lives, it also will cause problems. That is the nature of the beasts (cancer and chemo). Don
  8. I am very uneasy about a gun in the house, especially where someone is frequently depressed and on much meds. I would see that the gun was removed.
  9. Pat and Brian, thanks for the update. Glad some things are going well. Prayers comin'. Don
  10. Maybe the downfall was not apples at all, but chocolate chip cookies!
  11. I would have the port checked. You sure don't want it to get infected or for infection to spread. Don
  12. Hi, Ray! Good to see you posting. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Wood Update

    Lucie finished the 20 radiation treatments on her leg bone. Midway, the leg was feeling better, but lately the pain has increased. We suspect radiation damage since this is the second time the area was radiated. Hopefully, with time, this will improve. Lucie is glad to have this series completed. She continues to have Zometa once a month for the bones, and she sees the med onc once a month roughly. I am fine. Walking 20 min. a day (about a mile) and saw cardiologist. He says I can go back to the gym next week, but to start slowly. I will be happy with that. No more urinary bleeding since I got off the aspirin. I am taking Plavix now, which seems to do fine. Thanks for your continued support, caring and prayers. Don
  14. My heart is heavy for you, Jen. My prayers are with you. Don
  15. Melanie, I am saddened by the news. My prayers are with you. Don
  16. Don Wood

    My good news

    Bill, thanks for the good news. Best to you. Don
  17. Vent away! That's what we are here for. Your husband does need to eat regularly if he is regain his strength. You need to keep encouraging him to do so, regardless of whether he feels like it or not. I've been there with my wife. My prayers are with you all. Don
  18. Chuckle chuckle cackle snort!
  19. Don Wood

    My Mother

    Hi, Deb! So good to see you posting and the good news of your mom. Enjoy! Don
  20. Lucie also uses Ambien when she needs it and it has been effective for her.
  21. Lenda, so sorry you lost you hubby. It is quite numan and normal to feel the pain you feel and the anger. It can get better with time. I just wish you had someone to share with you so you could talk about it all and get better. Well, you have us here! Vent away. Don
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