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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Congratulations to you and hubby on your 8th anniversary. Celebrate! Don
  2. Hi, Beth! Been there, done that! Had my gall bladder removed several years ago, and now they do it laparoscopically, which means they don't slice you open, but use about 4 small incisions, including the bellybutton. It runs in my family. My mother had it, my siter had it, my younger son had it and my daughter had it. We should have made a rock collection -- well, maybe not. Hang in there, gal. Wishing you the best. Don
  3. Don Wood

    Connie B 2000

    Yep, our dear Connie B has posted her 2000th message of encouragement and support here on the site. Connie has been with us since the beginning, Jan. '03, and we have been so fortunate to have her here, cheering us on. Congratulations, Connie, and thanks so very much for all you do for us here. Rah! Rah! Connie! Don
  4. Tammy, my heartfelt sympathies at the loss of your dad. May you heal well with time. Don
  5. Lucie's onc told here that you should not wait until the pain is severe to take the meds. He says you need to stay ahead of the pain, and not play catchup. We believe that and it has worked well for Lucie. Take care of yourself. Don
  6. Hi, Sue, and welcome to our little extended family here. Good to have you aboard. Don
  7. Michael, welcome here! You have a great attitude and that will get you far. Glad to see you are in a support group -- commend you for that. So many men shun the idea but I have found it informative and supportive. My wife is also in a support group. If they gave you a year, based on old statistics (each person is different), just make up your mind you are going to beat that. This is what my wife has done, and she is Stage IV NSCLC, and out 2 1/2 years from diagnosis. She was originally given 9 months. Keep us posted on your progress and your family, and let us know how we may support you. Good luck. Don
  8. Great overall news, Connie! Halleluiah!
  9. Looking forward to you posts from MI!
  10. Frank, you're one heck of a guy! I think there are enough of us on the site that we can keep distracting the singing fat lady for some time to come. Blessings. Don
  11. Whining is one of the things this place is for, so don't apologize. Sorry so much on you. My prayers are with you all. Don
  12. I'm glad you are going on the appointment. I think that would be good for all of you. My prayers are with you. Don
  13. Don Wood


    Hang in there, Kel. My prayers are with you all. Don
  14. Welcome, and you are not alone. Hang in there with us. Don
  15. Hi, Jane. Good to see your post. My thoughts are with you. Don
  16. Welcome, fellow Texan! So sorry about your mom. It sounds like she is getting good care and support. I hope you are getting the support you need. We can help here. Don
  17. Wow! What a time! So glad it all turned out so terrific for you all. Don
  18. Welcome! My wife found out she had lung cancer through an MRI on her upper spine. She was experiencing loss of function and then pain in her left arm and hand. The MRI revealed a tumor on her upper spine, which turned out to be a lung cancer bone met. She wound up with five bone mets and a clear lung! After chemo and radiation the first time, she has had bouts with infection and pneumonia, and more radiation and chemo. Still going after 2 1/2 years. Best to you. Don
  19. Might ask your onc about a diuretic, like Lasix. Lucie used that when she had swelling. Don
  20. Iowagirl, you are definitely welcome here, and congratulations on your NED. You are an inspiration to us. Thanks for joining in. Don
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