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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. I agree. It would be wonderful to hear from the young couple. Don
  2. The darned thing posted before I was finished, dadburn it. 1. This is no cat. 2. This is comment cat.
  3. Glad you expressed that and got it off your chest. That is one of the functions of this supportive community. You all are in my prayers. Hang in there. Don
  4. I think that is standard procedure for such a case.
  5. True! True! The other day I went into a card shop to pick out a graduation card. I was at the counter in two or three minutes with my purchase. The saleslady said, "That was quick?" I said, "Well, yes, I am a man!"
  6. Don Wood


    Yep, I brag about my age. Good list.
  7. Yes, I did know that. Lucie and I normally attend a luncheon each year put on by CanCare here in Houston, which is a cancer support group. This year, with her leg pain and tendency to tire, we just decided to skip this year. The head of CanCare did light a candle at the luncheon in Lucie's honor, which was special. Don
  8. Don Wood


    Thanks for asking, Connie, and thanks MaryAnn for bringing us up-to-date. I also try to wait until there is a completion of something before I post about Lucie. Take care. Don
  9. Yep, I've been there and continue to be there. How much do you let them do for themselves and how much do you do for them? I continually evaluate that. Lucie is using a walker right now because of pain in her leg. I put her walker in the car for her when we go out, but if I stop in front of a place to let her out and then proceed to find a parking place, I let her get the walker out for herself. It gives her independence and it is also good exercise. My immediate reaction is to do it all for her, but for her own self-worth and health, I think it is good to let her do what she can, even if it makes her a little more tired. This is something I think the couple has to work out between them. I can certainly identify to "hovering" and I try not to do too much of it. Don
  10. Welcome! You're at the right place for info and support. Many people here at Stage IV that are beating this thing back, including my wife. So take heart. Don
  11. Don Wood

    I am Ok!!

    Glad you are OK, Marge.
  12. Don Wood

    I love you all

    Missed you, Elaine! Glad to see you back. Hang in there. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Scan results

    Go, Nina! NED! NERD! Great news! Don
  14. Kick that cancer in the butt!
  15. Don Wood

    PET Scan

    I am sure Lucie's bone mets have highlighted in the PET scans. Bone scans are also done. Don
  16. Joanie, you all have a great time!
  17. Good tips, Peggy. Thanks. I would encourage newcomers to put a bio note on the patient at the bottom of the post and keep it updated, so we can refer to the background of that person when responding. Also, sometimes I don't have time to read through a long narrative. It would be helpful if the questions or main points are put at the end or highlighted. Thanks. Don
  18. Congratulations to you two, Heidi! Great mews!
  19. Don Wood

    Chest x-ray

    Hi, Rachel! Good to see your post. Prayers are with you. Don
  20. Hi, Kate, and welcome. You are living in my home town! There is a lot of info and support here, so glad you found us. Your mom's treatment sounds normal for SCLC. Hang in there and let us know specifically what questions you have and how we may support you. Cheers. Don
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