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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Hey, folks, our own Snowflake -- aka Becky -- has reached the milestone of her 3000th post! Thank you, Becky, for your continued wisdom and support for all of us over the past two years. You are a true "dragon slayer", as your picture denotes. We look forward to more of your loving care and wisdom. Rah! Rah! Don
  2. Yep, lung cancer is a yo-yo affair. Up-down-up-down.
  3. Hi, Suzanne, and welcome. A combination of the cancer, the meds and the treatment can interfere with appetite. To be sure your dad has enough nourishment, it may be better to go to snacks every two hours or so instead of three squares a day. This will also tend to minimize the nausea. As for the meds, your dad needs to understand that this is helping him and he needs to take them. For instance, pain meds are not addictive as long as they are covering the pain. It is when you take more than you need for the pain that they can become addictive. Your dad is of an age where he would tend not to ask questions. Also, he is male, and we don't ask a lot of questions. It is important that someone go with him to doctor visits and they ask the questions. Hang in there. Don
  4. Welcome, Becky! You are already more than a year past your diagnosis, so congratulations. My wife is from Mississippi and we have been to Gulfport many times. I am from New Orleans. Sounds like you are doing very well, and I hope that the news remains good forever. Don
  5. Well, rats! Praying these things too will improve. Don
  6. Thanks for the update on your mom, Missy. Sounds good so far. Wishes for that to continue. Lucie had her upper spine radiated and it definitely irritated her esophagus for a while. Don
  7. Don Wood

    Mom passed away

    Elonda, my heartfelt sympathies at the loss of your mom. I also lost my mom when she was 60. Please know we are all here for you in the grief process. Don
  8. Don Wood


    Peggy, I am saddened by this turn of events for you and Don. My prayers are with you both. Don
  9. Boy, can I relate! Whenever Lucie is coming out of feeling bad and is feeling better, the list of things for me to do and the orders increase! I just take it as a good sign that she is better. Don
  10. Hi, and welcome. Thanks for the update on Nancy. Please do keep us informed. Take heart. My wife, Lucie, is Stage IV NSCLC and is 2 years 8 months from diagnosis, having beat back the beast several times. There are many treatments available to Nancy, so keep hope. Don
  11. Hey, Karen. I am glad you are getting the support you need. We are here, too. Don
  12. Great! May the good news continue. Don
  13. Becky, my heartfelt sympathies. I know the loss of a sibling. Both my sister and my brother are gone. I wish you eventual peace. Don
  14. Don Wood

    5 years

    Celebrate the five years. That is a milestone to be lifted up. Don
  15. Karen, we continue to care for you. Let us know how we may do that. Don
  16. Well, darn! Sounds like there's a good approach for this next bout. Don
  17. This is a sad day. So so sorry for all the Chapmans. David is at peace, and I hope with time all of them can have peace. David and Karen have been such a part of this family here, that this is truly like losing a part of our own family. My prayers are with the family. Don
  18. First off, to be angry at the situation is normal, and it is even normal to be angry at your mom for not quiting smoking is normal. There are many of us here dealing with LC who have never smoked. So actually, not smoking doesn't guarantee a clean slate. Second, you need to forgive your mom and let go of the anger. You must decide to do this, and work on it. You may need to talk one-on-one with someone you trust to get the anger out and done with. Once you start to forgive, as others have said, you can spend the time more constructively and more creatively for your mom and yourself. Good luck. Don
  19. Congratulations, Debi! Two years is a great landmark with LC. Celebrate! Don
  20. Bill is a NED! Bill is a NED! Yahoooo!
  21. Sandy, so good to see your lovely smile! Prayers you got. Don
  22. Thanks for your update, Mark. Things sounds like they are going pretty well. Wish for you that it continues to be good. Don
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