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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. I did not realize Robert Blake was an original Our Gang member. Wow!
  2. Don Wood

    Memorial Day

    Well, today is relatively quiet for us. We did have lunch with a good friend. The activity was actually Wednesday through Friday of last week. Our younger son, Randy, drove in from Dallas on Wednesday and went to the church with us for a meal and a church history class. Then Thursday morning, he and I went to look at cars. Yes, I decided to trade my 1998 Mazda Protege in for a 2005 Mazda 3, bright blue-purple color. I signed a contract, then we went to lunch with Lucie, and Randy and I went off to see "Star Wars III" -- we are both space buffs. Enjoyed that. In the evening, we met our daughter, Frances, for dinner -- the four of us. So it has been a good week. Best to all of you on this Memorial Day weekend -- good to remember all who have sacrificed to keep us free. Don
  3. Kitkathi, that is so neat! Glad you all got that great time together. Don
  4. Welcome, Jeanbell. Glad you found us. Keep us posted on your progress. I am also a septuagenarian, so there are some of us around. Best to you. Don
  5. Good timing! Glad this came for your mom and all of you, so you could re-celebrate life. Don
  6. Glad you found us, Bill, and glad you are here. It may or may not be lung cancer. If it is, there IS life after diagnosis of LC. Just look around you here at the stories and posts. Keep us posted. Don
  7. Yes, a person can bounce back at various stages. My wife has done this many times along the way. Don
  8. Don Wood

    Hello Don..

    Lucie went to both the rad onc and the med onc last week. Neither had any real explanation for why Lucie continues to have leg pain, except to say our thought that it is from cancer and radiation damage is possible. We will get chest and abdomen C/T;s next week as well as a leg x-ray and see the med onc again the following week. Other that that, we are doing okay. Thanks for your message. Don
  9. Welcome, Mark, and congratulations on your good results. Way to go, dude! Don
  10. Just as your "handle" here, we are all for one and one for all. Hang in there. Don
  11. The drunker I stand here, the longer I get!
  12. Don Wood

    Mom's scan

    Stable is definitely good news. Enjoy the camping! Don
  13. Hello, and welcome! You came to the right place. My wife is also Stage IV and never smoked. Hang in there, and let us know how we may support you through this. Don
  14. Well, gosh darn, Katie. Happy birthday to you. Don
  15. Wendy, I am saddened by your news. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
  16. Welcome! Sorry about your wife. I hope she will let others help soon, so all the burden doesn't fall on you. If you ask for a prognosis, you will be told a year or less. That is standard. There are many on this board that have defied that, so take hope. My wife is now 2 1/2 years from diagnosis and clicking along. Keep us posted on how you two are doing. Don
  17. So sorry your sister is going through so much. Prayers for you both. Don
  18. We are family! All my brothers, sisters and me!
  19. Happy birthday, Beth! My younger son is the same age as you. May you have many, many more birthdays. Don
  20. Don Wood

    Mom has Died

    Kelsey, my heartfelt sympathies. I am so sorry. Thanks for letting us get to know your mom through you. Don
  21. Hi, Karen. My wife started chemo shortly after the radiation to her spine, so it confuses the issue for her on nausea. She did take nausea meds and they helped. Don
  22. Hi, Kim, and welcome. My wife has the same diagnosis and also started with the same chemo protocol. She is 2 1/2 years out from diagnosis (given 9 months), so take heart. There are many things to treat non-small cell LC. Don
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