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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Deb, I was going to say, too, that you express yourself just fine. Lucie and I were just talking this week that wouldn't it be great if we could all meet together! Keep talkin' to us, Deb. Don
  2. I'm glad things are moving along, Jen. Best to you. Don
  3. Good news on your mom. I'm disappointed when people don't post bad news and only good. It robs us of a chance to support each other and to be honest and open. Then we become like everyone else out there in the world who put on a nice face but we never know them, and they run for the hills if you have any bad news. I hope this site remains open and honest and supportive and people feel free to share whatever news they have -- ups, downs, middlin' Don
  4. Congratulations, Cindy, on one year of survivorship! Wishing for you many, many more. Don
  5. The radiation on his hip should reduce the pain and ensure the integrity of the bone so it does not fracture. Ask his onc about Zometa or Aredia for the bone mets. It is a once-a-month IV. Best to you all. Don
  6. Yep, it IS an incredible place! Not another like it. Don
  7. Cheryl, when I was first reading your post, I thought the cantankerous stallion was Jack (LOL)! But, seriously, I'm glad to hear you are enjoying your work and your pastimes. Keep that monster locked in the basement! Don
  8. Hi, and welcome to our extended family here. Glad you decided to join us. Let us know what is going on and how we may help. Don
  9. Don Wood

    New Photo

    Great photo! Love it.
  10. Happy birthday, MaryAnn!
  11. Don Wood


    Every patient needs an advocate who is assertive on the system. You are doing a great job of that with your loved one. By venting your anger here or in appropriate places, you are renewed with strength to fight the fight without going bonkers and being ineffective. I have learned a lot being primary caregiver and advocate for my wife. Keep up the good work. Don
  12. Don Wood

    Found a new job

    Great, Berisa! Good luck!
  13. Don Wood


    I'm glad you came here to vent. It is good for you to release that anger in a good way. Please feel free to do it again and again when you need to. Hopefully now you can stir up some positive energy to move forward. Don
  14. Don Wood


    Donna, my heart goes out to you. Don
  15. Welcome, Joyce. You husband is a true survivor! Keep us posted on you two, and let us know how we may help. Don
  16. Always enjoy seeing your posts, Laurie. Glad your mom is doing well. Sorry about your friend. Don
  17. Tami, you rascal! Congratulations to you and yours on your marriage. Many happy years together wished here. Don
  18. Considering the cancer, the treatments and the medications, fatigue is normal. Lucie still gets tired easily and has to pace herself. Don
  19. My wife is Stage IV NSCLC, with mets to the bones. She is now a 21 month survivor and going well. Don't give up hope. Don
  20. Sandy, prayers your way. Don
  21. Sounds like an upturn to me. Glad to hear it. Don
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