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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Go pistons

    OK, David. I don't usually get into these things, but there is too much CA influence here. I'm with you -- Pistons go! Two reasons: (1) I lived in Detroit for 4 years. (2) I don't like the Lakers. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Bone mets...

    Hi, Anais! My wife says the bone pain is excruciating and normal pain medications do not work for her. The only things that worked for her were radiation to the spot and morphine. She still takes low dose of morphine with occasional breakthrough med (Norco). Hope your mom gets the relief she needs. Don
  3. Andrea, cry all you want, cry all you need -- it is good to release. It is painful to care, but it is better than being a rock. Hang in there. Don
  4. Shelly, SOOO sorry you have to go through this with your dad. Please keep in mind that you have taken good care of him and know that to be true. His family is frustrated so they start the blame game. That is too bad. Just tune it out as best you can. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your dad. I ache for you. Hang in there. You have tremendous support right here. Don
  5. Kim, Lucie had good success with taxotere, so I hope it helps your mom as well. Defintely glad your mom is finally getting pain medication. Lucie is still on a low dose of MSContin and it helps a lot. Don
  6. In October of 2002, my wife of then 43 years was diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer with multiple metastatic tumors to the bones -- skull, ribs, hip, upper spine and lower leg bone (Stage IV). It was devastating for both of us and our family (two sons and a daughter -- one son married and with two children). Lucie had never smoked, never lived in a house with smokers. The strange thing about her disease is that the main tumor was not detected in the lungs, but on her upper spine, C7-T1 area. After the tumor was typed, the doctors surmised that the main tumor migrated from the upper left lung directly over to the spine. Lucie was immediately started on radiation to the spine as it was very painful there and threatened to further damage her spine. She had earlier started to lose function in her left hand, then pain in her arm and spinal area. An MRI of her spine showed the main tumor. She was also started on chemo -- carboplatin and taxotere. In December of 2002, after she was released from a hospital stay for dehydration and bacterial infection, she developed a staph infection in her chemo port and it went systemic. She was in ICU for two weeks, including Christmas. After two more weeks in a regular room, she was discharged and radiation and chemo were restarted. She had radiation not only to the spinal tumor, but tumors on the hip, lower leg and later sacrum. In January, 2002, when this site began in its present form, I joined. I had already been with the group since November 2002. I came for support as a primary caregiver and to give support. I also came for information. This website was perfect for that, and continues to be. Lucie finished her chemo and radiation in May 2003 and started on Iressa and Zometa (bone med) as maintenance. Everything looked clear. In August 2003, she developed pneumonia in both lungs and was back in ICU. She was taken off Iressa (suspected of causing the pneumonia) and given steroids, and she steadily improved. She was in the hospital for two weeks and in rehab hospital for two more. During her rehab, she decided she was finally a survivor. With this, she decided to stop feeling sorry for herself and to look forward to doing things again, and to make the best of the time she had, whatever that was. She was originally diagnosed as 9 months, but at this writing she is 20 months out and doing well. She has taken training to be a volunteer caregiver for cancer patients and is now working with same. She is also actively making quilts and table runners, and we recently made a week's trip to Scotland. She is a wonder to watch. Our love and our faith have grown even stronger, as we have had the support of this great group and the support systems we have in our area. I have been the primary poster here, but I share much of it with Lucie. I try to give info and support where I can, and enjoy being a part of this system. I am an 8-year survivor of prostate cancer (two bouts). We believe in taking a day at a time, living each one we are given to the fullest. Yet we believe in setting goals and working toward them. Whatever comes, we feel very, very blessed. Blessings to all who have the need to visit this place. Don
  7. Welcome, Twodogs! Does that mean you have two dogs? We have two small Beagles. They are our present children. Glad you have found us. Hope to hear more from you. Don
  8. Thanks, Curtis. The reason Katie is so bright is the two bright and loving parents. Don
  9. Lucie had full body scan of bones today. Routine. We will know the results in a few days and will post elsewhere. Don
  10. Karen and Dave, so glad you had a good trip. We all need those. Don
  11. Prayers for the surgeon, staff and Nancy.
  12. Don Wood


    Hi, Francine! It is good to see you posting. Sorry about the return of the tumour. Here's wishing for you a way to beat it back again. Don
  13. Fay, you are an inspiration, especially with Stage IV. Congratulations on your five-year survivorship. I wish you many, many more. Don
  14. Ellen, I think you're right about the haggis -- still doesn't do much for me!
  15. I hope it will turn out to be a good trip health-wise and business-wise. Don
  16. Welcome, Kreed. Sorry about your mom. Keep us posted. Faith goes a long way. Blessings. Don
  17. Yes, my wife was given 9 months, with treatment, and she is now 20 months out and clear. Don
  18. Don Wood

    CT Scan Results

    NED! NED! Rah! Rah! Rah!
  19. Great news, Christy! Have a great trip! Don
  20. Don Wood

    CT results :)

    Great news, Mary!
  21. Don Wood

    Biopsy Clean!!!

    Jamie, that is marvelous news!
  22. Well, guys and gals, we are baaaaaaaaaaack! Did we have a good time? Darn tootin'! Was it absolutely beautiful, scene-wise and weather-wise? Bet your bippy! Were the tour group and the local people friendly? Yep! It was a dream come true -- for Lucie, and for me. Sorry that I couldn't get the kilt picture arranged. Actually, very look socks are worn with the kilt, so all you see are the knees. I think it is a blessing in disguise that I couldn't get it arranged. Anyways, the weather was absolutely gorgeous -- 50-70 degrees, sunny most days. It only drizzled one day and then not a lot. The scenery was breathtaking -- the hills, the lochs, the countryside, the historic places. We told the tour guide up front that Lucie did not have the stamina to walk long distances, so frequently they had a wheel chair for her. She missed out on very little. We went from Glasgow up to Inverness and back down to Edinburgh. Although the Scots speak English and I love their accent, some individuals were very hard to understand, particularly in the airports! Did I try the Scotch? Yes, and I liked it! Did I try the Haggis? Yes, and I don't care for it. I think they like to see the facial reactions from the Americans on the Haggis, which I understand is pig intrals. It was great to have our daughter, Frances, along. She was good company, yet felt free to do her own thing on off times. She had a good time, too. On the suggestion of a good spiritual friend of mine, I took seven small smooth stones with me, one for each day in Scotland. Each day, at a particularl place, I would say a prayer for a family member and then leave the stone there in their honor. It worked out well, since I have seven close family members. We learned how to get around the airports and customs. If you order a wheel chair, the attendant takes you directly through and bypasses a lot of the lines and stations. So we whizzed through customs both ways. It would have been too much walking for Lucie, so we were wise to do the wheel chair bit. Lucie overdid, naturally, but she did most of what she wanted to do, and then crashed at night. She also slept on the bus! I did a little bus napping myself. Going over, our flight from Houston to Chicago was delayed, so we were going to miss our flight to Glasgow. They rerouted us to Dallas, then to London Gatwick, and then on to Glasgow. Coming back, it was uneventful, just like we like it. Lucie's favorite part was the countryside, as was mine. We did take some limited pictures, and I will have them developed soon and try to post some here. I have finally gotten the clothes wash done, the grocery shopping, the E-Mail, and now the boards here. We had a great time, but it is good to be back home and to have the wonderful memories. I highly recommend it. Good to be back with you guys and gals. Don
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