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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Your friend is very fortunate to have you in his corner. Definitely be normal and natural (as you can) -- life goes on. Definitely keep the humor -- all of us here can attest to that. We need a laugh. Ask them what they need from you. Right now, probably any info you can glean from here, and your personal support of them are in order. Hang in there with them. Let us know what we can do for you. Don
  2. Hi, Diane, and welcome! My wife's case (see below) is similar to your dad's, and she is a one and a half year survivor so far. So take heart! Sounds like you are being a great help as a caregiver to your dad. Each patient needs that. Hang in there with us. Don
  3. Excellent pictures of your dad and your family, Berisa. I feel I know all of you a little better. Thanks for that beautiful sharing. Don
  4. I'm proud of you, David. Congratulations on 1 years, and wishing you many, many more. You are our inspiration. Don
  5. Don Wood

    Still Around

    Good to hear from you, Dean, and kno wyou are there. You said your MIL was flying out -- which broom is she taking? LOL. Don
  6. Don Wood


    TAnn, thanks for your update. Sorry the trial thing is over, but hoping Iressa will be the ticket for you. Hang in there. Don
  7. Welcome, Geoff! Glad you posted. So sorry about your mom. Hang in there, guy. Let us know how we can support you through this. Don
  8. Lynne, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Thanks for letting us know. Please stay with us and let us know how we can help you through the days to come. Don
  9. Debra, thanks for posting. Your mother is depressed, a natural reaction to the news of cancer. Be there for her and be patient. Tell her that my wife is Stage IV and was given 9 months. She is now in her 19th month and clear for now. We celebrate every birthday and special occasion, and so should she. My best wishes and blessings to you all. Don
  10. Don Wood

    New news today

    Taxotere is a stronger chemo. I pray that this will work for him. Don
  11. Prayers that the radiation will work for her.
  12. That's like the one about: What is worse than finding a worm in your apple? Finding half a worm!
  13. Welcome to Tammy's mom! We are all family here. Don
  14. AWESOME! You have been touched by the Spirit.
  15. Don Wood

    Hey RY!

    Don't you know that Ry always has a line! LOL
  16. Yes, stress can and does make one physically ill. It can lower your immune system and make you susceptible to disease. Every time Lucie has a scan or doctor's report to face, she gets diarrhea, headache, etc. Don
  17. Great to hear the good news. Here's hoping for an "empty head". Don
  18. Tess, sorry you and your husband have to go through all this. Both radiation and chemo can make the patient tired all the time and to be nauseous. Does your husband have medication for nausea? Also, radiation continues to work weeks after completion of the treatment, so he will feel the effects for a while. Mky wife has a port and it has been wonderful. She has hard to get at veins, too. Hang in there. Don
  19. Don Wood

    Our battle is over

    Debbie, I am truly sorry. My deepest sympathies. Don
  20. Denise, my prayers are with you, your mom and family. Don
  21. Peggy, my prayers are with you and your dad and family. Don
  22. Hi, Mary! Welcome to the boards! Keep us posted. Don
  23. BethAnn, my heartfelt sympathies. Don
  24. Welcome, Mary! Sounds like a very good beginning on the journey we are all traveling. Best to you. Keep in touch. Don
  25. Chuckle! Chuckle! Cackle! Snort!
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