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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Shirley, that is so neat! Of course, you may use our picture. We would be honored. Don & Lucie
  2. I call those people who come into our lives and surprise us with gifts "earth angels" -- they are indeed God's messengers. Don
  3. Welcome, Bev! Sorry your sister has to go through this. Her positive attitude will serve her well. There is always hope. My wife was given 9 months and she is almost 19 months out, with clear scans right now. We live each day and give thanks for each day. Give your sister all the positive support you can. Don
  4. Hi, Deb, and welcome. The pain will subside if it is caused by the cancer and the chemo is working. Should ask the onc for pain medication. Also, sometimes radiation is used in the area of pain to lessen pain. Sorry your husband and you have to go through this. We all know the road here. Don
  5. Don Wood

    Good news

    Alright, Bruce! Prayers are answered. So glad to hear you have no pain today -- may it continue on. Blessings. Don
  6. Welcome to the boards, Bruce! Thanks for sharing your story and giving us all more hope. Let us know how we can support you as well. Keep posting. Don
  7. MO, that is a great story. Glad you are receiving such. As many have said here, you are reaping what you have sown. We, too, have many stories like this from the past year and a half of support from unexpected places. Enjoy! Don
  8. Rick, I did not see it, but I'm glad I was spared. I support you in removing objectional, poor taste material. Thanks. Don
  9. Jane, that is great that you will go with your dad. You will be a big help to him. It is great that he wants you there. Try not to worry about the specifics -- just go with the flow and be present. Don
  10. Glad you expressed your love for Al, TAnn. And yours for Cookieman, Snowflake. I believe the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life is to be primary caregiver to Lucie. I did not know I could do that -- only by the grace of God. Lucie says I am defnintely "a keeper", and that is reward enough, besides seeing her do well. Blessings all around. Don
  11. I think your dad needs to lose that "girlfriend". She has sure shown her true colors. Don
  12. Connie, you are definitely an inspiration for us all. And you continue to touch lives amd make a difference. Thank you! Celebrate life! Don
  13. Carla, so glad to hear things have turned for the better for your dad. Don
  14. Don Wood


    Bith Zometa and Aredia are bone strengtheners for warding off bone mets. They sre not alternate chemos.
  15. Don Wood


    Lucie has just been switched the other way from Zometa to Aredia, but hasn't started Aredia yet. We have read up on these two and Zometa seems to have more side effects. However, Lucie did well on Zometa with minimal side effects. Zometa is stronger, so lower dose and quicker time for IV. Good luck. Don
  16. Prayers for you and your dad. Boy, you sure have a lot to deal with, Peggy. I'm told it builds character, and I know I'm quite a character! How about you? My heartfelt support in your many efforts. Don
  17. Don Wood

    Happy Day

    Go, Gail! Congratulations on your three years and clear. You are an inspiration to us all. Celebrate big time! Don
  18. Oh, Carleen, it is so good to see you posting again. I was thrilled when I saw you posting in response to others' posts today. Thanks for the nice update on you two. I am so happy you are taking K&C Sundays for yourselves -- wise move. Painful urination can be due to infection or obstruction of the bladder (enlarged prostate, scar tissue, etc.). He should have that looked into. Blessings upon you two! Don
  19. The onc really didn't explain fully why he was changing, but his nurse told us that Medicare prefers Aredia. It obviously must be less expensive! Anyway, I'm glad to read that it seems to be effective also. They are both biphosphonates so would act in the same way on bone strength. Thanks. Don
  20. Welcome back, Dave S. And congratulations on 2 years of survivorship. That gives us all hope. Don
  21. Always good to hear from you, Cindy. Keep in touch. Don
  22. Anyone know how Aredia compares to Zometa on bone met prevention? Lucie's onc just switched her monthly IV from Zometa to Aredia. Thanks. Don
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