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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. My wife had radiation along with chemo. She had many bone mets. Those that were giving her pain and/or threatening bone integrity were irradiated. It substantially reduced the bone pain, and helped the bones to heal. In her case, it was absolutely necessary to have radiation. The major side effect she had besides fatigue was her throat was irritated from the upper spine radiation, causing her difficulty in eating and she even lost her voice. It has all returned to normal since. Good luck. Don
  2. Hi, Addie! My wife was diagnosed with NSCLC and the only evidence of it in her lungs was a shadow on top of the left lung. The main tumor had migrated across to the spine. She had about 5 metastatic tumors in bones all around her body. She is now 19 months from diagnosis and doing well. I would not wait around until June. I would try to see another onc. Perhaps your orignal doctor could recommend someone else. The sooner the treatment, the better, in my book. Good luck. Keep us posted. Don
  3. Hi, Larry! I, too, am a primary caregiver for my wife with lung cancer. I hope that the new scans show no metastatic cancer. Hang in there. Lots of support and info here. Please keep us posted on you guys. Don
  4. Hi, Kelly! Nice to meet you. Kelly is my granddaughter's name. Don
  5. I also did it with pen and paper.
  6. We are family! All my brothers, sisters and me!
  7. Cat, neither I nor my wife have had that kind of experience. However, I agree with Betty that you must project "I'm kind and a good listener" in your face and personality. You draw them like a magnet. Maybe you should practice scowling and grumpiness -- LOL. I guess you are blessed (or cursed) with the gift. Don
  8. Aimee, be as normal as you can be. Humor and laughter are probably even more necessary. Share memories of good times. Help him focus on some short term goals where he feels accomplishment, something to live and fight for. He needs a bit more attention from the family now than before, so keep in touch. And don't put off things you want to do with him, for him -- do them. Good luck. Don
  9. Hi, Karen! My wife also was diag. NSCLC. Glad you finally got the right diag. Your husband certainly is a survivor! Keep us posted. Don
  10. Happy Mother's Day, all you mothers out there! We decided to celebrate last night and avoid today's crush at the restaurants. We had two of our three kids, our daughter-in-law and her father, and our two grandkids. Lucie had a ball. Tired but happy. Today she is resting well. Don
  11. Jane, so sorry at this turn of events for you and your family. God be with you. Don
  12. Hi, Diane. My wife is on MSContin, which is like Oxycontin. She also takes Norco in between when she needs more. She also takes Celebrex which keeps her calm. Hope your dad finds something that will work better for him. Don
  13. I'm glad I didn't promise! LOL
  14. Good to hear from you again, Debbie. Take it at your own pace. My prayers are with you. Vaya con Dios! Don
  15. Thanks. I like that.
  16. Sharon, prayers your way. Don
  17. Joni, each cancer patient needs an advocate in the system and you are his (as I am for my wife). So often the patient is too tired, too sick, too medicated to fight for his/her own rights and that is why a clear-headed advocate is needed. As the others have said, push for what you want, what you need, until you are satisfied you've gotten the right attention, the right information for you. Keep us posted. Don
  18. Hi, Ven, and welcome to the boards. My wife is Stage IV with bone mets, and she has had relief of pain by radiation to upper spine, left hip and sacrum. It usually took about five or so treatments before she got significiant relief,but it did relieve pain in each case. I would take the pain medication -- that is what it is for. Don
  19. Good to hear from you, Steph. Hope things are smoothing out some for you. Keep in touch. Don
  20. Jane, prayers comin'.
  21. Jamie, as you know, dying is part of life here on earth. Unfortunately, you and your family are getting bombarded with it right now, and that is pretty heavy. You can keep the memories of these people who have gone alive for yourself and your children by sharing good times in the past. And be thankful for the time you did have with these people. I never knew any of my grandparents and both my parents died when I was in my early 20's. Yet I know a lot about them through shared memories. Best to you all. Don
  22. Welcome, Ms. Nurse! Yep, we are a family here, with much info and support. We are survivors as well as caregivers. Glad you found us. You being a nurse, perhaps you can help with info, too. Let us know how we can help you. Don
  23. Pam, what a nightmare! Glad you all hung in there and didn't buckle under. Glad you joined us here. Let us know how we may help you through this. Don
  24. I believe he can, but it would be best to call Social Security and ask. Don
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