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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. you ARE an inspiration, Donna!
  2. It is very hard to face the prospect of losing both parents in a year's time. Both of my parents died within 11 months of each other (Dad from heart attack and then Mom with peritonitis after gall bladder surgery). Even so, we CAN go on. And I think your parents would want you to go on. Hang in there. Don
  3. Don Wood


    Rosemary, prayers comin'.
  4. Glad you are taking a fun trip. Enjoy! Don
  5. I made a typo in copying the song. I'm sure by now you realize the third line of the second stanza should read, "I'm the beat in your heart". Sorry about that. Thanks for the background, Becky. Don
  6. Even though the two small spots showed "hot", the only way to determine definitely whether it is cancer is to do the biopsy and that is what your dad's doctor is doing. If they are small, even if cancerous, I think he will have a good prognosis. Don
  7. Lucie, my wife, was given 9 months statistically. She is now 1 1/2 yr. survivor, and doing well. Hope is always a good thing to have. Many cancer patients and families, including our own, now don't look down the road to the end of the journey, but live each day of the journey as full as we can. We see that as more important than how ong the journey lasts. Good luck. Don
  8. I was in my car today and heard the song, "I'm Already There", on the radio. It is about a guy who is away from his family. But as I listened to the chorus, I thought it was appropriate for us as we have lost many loved ones on here lately. I could hear those souls singing this chorus. "I'm already there Take a look around I'm the sunshine in your hair, I'm the shadow on the ground I'm the whisper in the wind I'm your imaginary friend And I know I'm on your prayers Oh, I'm already there. I'm already there Don't make a sound I'm the best in your heart I'm the moonlight shining down I'm the whisper in the wind And I'll be there until the end Can you feel the love that we share? Oh, I'm already there. We may be a thousand miles apart But I'll be with you wherever you are. I'm already there Take a look around I'm the sunshine in your hair I'm the shadow on the ground I'm the whisper in the wind And I'll be there until the end Can you feel the love that we share? Oh, I'm already there Oh, I'm already there."
  9. Sorry about your mom. I would get a second opinion and look for other treatment options. Don
  10. Don Wood


    Berisa, so sorry your dad is in such a dire state. My thoughts are with you. Don
  11. Yep, both red cells and white cells can decrease during chemo. My wife took Neulasta for the white blood cells. Don
  12. Welcome, "Sandy"! My wife never smoked. She also went through carboplatin/taxotere, but was able to make 6 sessions. Wish you both well. Don
  13. My wife had a bone met in her left hip, which caused a stress fracture and much pain. She had 14 radiation treatments on the spot and has not had problems with it since. The fracture seems to have healed. Don
  14. For my wife, we tried many liquids -- Ensure, Breeze, smoothies, pureed things, lemonade, juices, etc. She did not really start eating normal food until she was off the chemo. Don
  15. Don Wood

    new voice

    Great news, Mini George! Clark Gable, eh? Does that mean you will be going around saying, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a d-mn!"? Don
  16. Don Wood

    Hi everyone

    NED, and it is almost a year! Great, Marilyn! Here's hoping the other stuff gets better. Don
  17. Lucie's fingernails and toenails turned black during Taxotere treatments. Nails grow fast. like hair, so the chemo tends to attack them. She was given something to coat them with during the treatments. Don
  18. I just checked David A.'s bio and see he started Iressa in February. Although it may be a slim chance, this med can cause pneumonia and David A. and the doc should be aware of this. Don
  19. Thanks, Ry. Prayers for David A. Don
  20. Carolyn, congratulations to you and your hubby on 44 years of marriage. Glad you took a get-away and enjoyed. Lucie and I will be celebrating our 45th in June. Best to you. Don
  21. Hi, Tim, and welcome. Please ask questions and let us know how we can support you. Don
  22. Hi, Michele and welcome to the board. Sorry to hear about your hubby. My wife sits and sleeps in her recliner because of damage to the spine by the cancer. She is okay right now, but is still on some morphine. She is beginning to do things, but does not have the stamina she had prior to cancer. We live one day at a time. Good luck to you both. Don
  23. My wife is now 18 months from diagnosis and 11 months from finish of main treatment. She still takes Ambien now and then. We figure she needs the sleep and don't worry about addiction. Don
  24. That just quacks me up!
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