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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    My Trip

    Ray, what a wonderful gift to give your son -- time with God and time with you. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for including us in your prayers -- much appreciated. Don
  2. Swelling occurred with Lucie all during her chemo and radiation treatments. We had to keep her on Lasix, a diuretic. Even after the treatments were over, occasionally she would start to swell again, we would take Lasix again and bring it down. Right now, she is doing fine. Don
  3. Stephanie, I am so so sorry to hear the downturn on Judy. My prayers are with you all. Don
  4. On the subject of the radiation pellets, if it is similar to the prostate cancer treatment, the pellets are radioactive bits of metal encased in plastic, which send out radiation and over time decay so that there is no radioactivity. They stay permanently in the organ. It is a way of putting a burst of radiation at the spot to be treated without a lot of side effects to other things in the area. Hope this helps. Don
  5. Don Wood


    I showed the Tribute to Lucie and we both had an eye-and-sinus cleansing. Great job! Don
  6. Don Wood


    Oh, Rick! It is a masterpiece! And my eyes still have a leak! Very well done, my friend. Lucie and I were just looking at her tote bag yesterday and reflecting on the collage of wonderful faces. This tribute just blew me away. THANKS! Don
  7. John, thanks for letting us know. My prayers are with you both. Don
  8. Gay, all I can say is I'm glad you are here and I'm glad you feel free enough to express all the hurts and frustrations listed. Hang in there with us. Don
  9. Super news! Prayers comin'. Don
  10. Cathy, sorry the treatment didn't work, but it sounds like you and your onc have a plan in hand that sounds good. I hope that will fill the bill. Don
  11. Don Wood

    Lucie's Trip

    Lucie flew by herself to Mississippi last Friday to visit with relatives for the weekend. She flew back today and did very well on the whole trip! She enjoyed the visit very much and was pleased with being able to take care of herself (I am pleased too). This coming weekend, she will be taking training to become a volunteer to help other lung cancer patients. What a woman! Don
  12. David, congratulations on your one year anniversary. Way to go, guy! Don
  13. Glad to hear you and hubby are doing better. Keep it that way! Don
  14. So glad you are making this trip, MO. A good break for you. Havea hot springs massage while you're there! Treat yourself! Don
  15. Josie, glad you are here. Prayers for your dad comin'. Don
  16. John, glad you are here. You can get much info and support here, so avail yourself freely. But, your mom or someone (yourself maybe) needs to be able to ask questions about treatment options, what to expect, etc. You don't have to ask for a prognosis because they really can't tell you -- everyone is different -- and they will quote from statistics, which are not helpful. My wife was given 9 months (we asked), but she is already 17 months out and doing fine right now. But, you really do need to be free to ask questions and if the doc doesn't provide answers, your mom needs to seek another doc. Good luck Don
  17. Lucie takes Celexa every day. Don
  18. So sorry you lost your dad so quickly. Thanks for letting us know. We will miss him. Don
  19. Prayers going out for Anna and Linda. Don
  20. Don Wood


    Debi, I had to chuckle when you said you were going from blacks and grays to colors in your wardrobe. Lucie has done the same thing. She used to wear just black, navy blue, occasional beige. Now she has a wardrobe the colors of the rainbow, and I love it. She marks things in the catalogs and I order them over the Internet. It is exciting getting the things in the mail, having her try them on, us "oohing and aaahing" together. She looks fabulous. And I bet you do, too. Don
  21. Angie, don't worry about giving support right now. Let us support you. Don
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