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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. So sorry for your loss, Dee. Glad you could all be together in the end. Don
  2. My prayers are with you and your dad, Berisa. Don
  3. My prayers are with you and your mom, Hope. Thanks for letting us know.
  4. Don Wood


    It is a shock that she went so fast. Thanks for letting us know, and my heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. Don
  5. Hi, Karen, and welcome! Take your time. Don
  6. As I see it, we have a choice -- we can choose to worry about every little thing and ruin whatever time we have or we can choose to enjoy what time we have, no matter what comes up. Also, Lucie and I play the mountain/molehill game. When something comes up, we decide if it is a mountain or a molehill (of course, down the line, with more info, one can change one's mind). If it is a normal every day life occurrence, we call it a molehill and treat it as such. If it is life threatening, then it is a mountain and we take steps to make it a molehill. Easy? No. But it gets easlier with practice. Don
  7. Leslie, so sorry to hear your mom has passed. My sincerest sympathies. Don
  8. What strikes me, Beth, is: What does your husband want to do? He's the patient. Don
  9. I saw the movie today -- W O W !!! Powrful. I did not have dry eyes when coming out of the theater. I was overwhelmed with the very grateful feeling of how much the Lord endured -- for me! Taking holy communion and celebrating Easter are two events that I will now experience at a deeper level from now on. Thanks for the recommendation. Don
  10. Candee, thanks for the wink, the kiss and the good news. Good to hear. Don
  11. Carolyn, I'm hoping the Iressa works again for Jim. Thanks for the update. Don
  12. Bet, so sorry you had a bout in the hospital, but glad you got that behind you and your reports are so great! Take care. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Another Good Scan

    Sounds great, Dave. You are quite a trooper. Don
  14. Thanks for the update, Becky. I agree that you have a great pulmonologist. So does Lucie. We are very fortunate that we have a great onc as well as a great pulm. Best to you. Don
  15. Welcome, Billie. Glad you are here and participating. My daughter spent a year in Minneapolis (1992-93) as an intern at the U. of Minn. vet school. We made a trip up there during that Thanksgiving. She is now practicing veterinary in the Houston area. The internship has been invaluable to her. Please let us here know how we may help and support you. Don
  16. Amazing! Congratulations! Celebrate!
  17. I did Meals on Wheels for about 10 years and retired from it about a year and a half ago. My former partner called me and asked if I would take his partner's place on Wednesday as he was not available. I went and had a great time bringing meals to shut-in folks. Lucie and I went out to eat that night. Good day. Yes, we all wore green! Don
  18. Andrea, comments like that have a deeper meaning, like she and her husband are obviously having problems. I know we are all sensitive to cancer, but I also think we should do exactly what you did and share our knowledge. As far as I am concerned, you were right on target with that lady. Too many people whisk through life and don't do the things they really want to do -- always thinking there will be time. We know better -- and I think part of our responsibility is to make people aware. Don
  19. Paddy, so sorry to hear the downturn. Lucie had six rounds of taxotere with carboplatin, and it seemed to work for her. Taxotere is a meany == lots of side effects usually -- but if it works, it is worth it in our book. Don
  20. Kel, your dad has been through a lot in a short time. Obviously, he is a fighter. My prayers are with you all. Don
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