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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. And your point is --------?
  2. Don Wood


    i got 23 1/2. I couldn't remember Freddie the Freeloader. Don
  3. "Normal" is soooo good. Good news! Enjoy! Don
  4. Don Wood

    CT Results

    Super news, Joe! You are blessed! Enjoy Florida. Don
  5. I personally don't think you are taking strong enough meds for the leg pain. If you got the pain under control, you might be able to walk a little more and that would strengthen the legs and possibly reduce the pain as well. Think about it. Don
  6. David, are you on a diuretic, like Lasix? Lucie had to use a diuretic during treatment, and even now, occasionally she starts swelling in the legs and we put her back on temporarily. Don
  7. Enjoy your break, Carlton! And may it be a long, long one. Don
  8. I am so saddened by your news. My deepest sympathies. Don
  9. Don Wood

    iq test

    I got 8. And Daveis answer is 1.
  10. Andrea, neat! My wife and I enjoy little things more now. She enjoys making quilts and runners for various people and is on a tear to make many. I enjoy her enjoying that. I wish you many more little moments. Don
  11. Boring can be beautiful! Glad it turned out better. Don
  12. Don Wood

    Prayers Needed

    Denise, prayers comin'. Don
  13. Here's to finishing radiation! Celebrate! Don
  14. Iressa induced bilateral pneumonia in my wife, much like many cases in Japan. Luckily, she has healthy lungs, so she survived. This only happens in less than 1% of the cases, but if you are in that group, as she was, it doesn't matter how many didn't get it. I am happy for those who are taking it and it is working. All drugs have risks. We just need to educate ourselves contstantly on what those risks are and make decisions based on the knowledge. Don
  15. Don Wood

    Need to vent

    Some people are clods. Do they not know you are battling cancer? If they do, they are double clods. We are called to forgive them, for they know not what they do. Vent anytime, Heather. Don
  16. Here's hoping you get a better nurse this time.
  17. TAnn, glad you're back home and getting better. Lots of people here sick and tired of being sick and tired, so you have plenty of company with people who understand. Hang in there. Keep us posted. Don
  18. Hi, Allison. I am so sorry this has come upon you all at your young age, but you can get through this. It is a roller coaster ride,but you can hang on and hang in. We are here with caring, support and info, so let us know how we can help you. And ramble, let off steam, anytime -- we do, too. Don
  19. Actually, I did skinny dip when younger. Chunky dunking I haven't done.
  20. Carleen, you write beautifully. What creative expression! And I am so glad Keith got focused on something he is excited about. Music and friends are precious gifts. Blessings to you both. Don
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