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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Rollin', rollin', rollin'. Keep that Dean agoin'!
  2. Dan, great news on the PET scan. Euphoria is in order. Wishing you well on the radiation. Don
  3. Great picture, Becky. Thanks for sharing it with us. Don
  4. TAnn, great news! May it continue on and on. Don
  5. Hi, Joyce! Welcome to the board. My wife, Lucie, was also told "9 months", with Stage IV NSCLC and bone mets. She has survived 16 months up to now and is doing well at this point. She also had radiation to take severe pain away from the bone mets, as well as chemo for the whole thing. Her treatment ended last May and she is on Zometa as well. It seems to be working for her. Live this day to the fullest and prepare to be here tomorrow! Keep us posted. Don
  6. MO, praying for you. Lucie is now on a 2-month schedule and we love it. Don
  7. Don Wood


    It is a very beautiful song, and Lee Ann does a smashing job of it. Makes me shiver! Don
  8. Don Wood

    Good News!!

    Marilyn, that is so cool! Congratulations! You must celebrate! Don
  9. Don Wood

    History Lesson

    That joke has an odor!
  10. Don Wood

    Marta's Mother

    Laura, so sorry to hear of your mom's passing. Lucie's mother also lingered for 9 days after the "hours" prediction, but she did not have the agony and seizures. I am sorry you had to go through that. I wish you peace with time. I wish you many good memories of your mom. Don
  11. Great hair-raising story! Celebrate! Don
  12. Surgeons are generally "engineers" and not "social workers". We go to them for their skill in surgery. I personally would not use one for my primary oncologist. You need a medical oncologist or general oncologist who knows about more than surgery, to oversee your care. I think the second guy you went to is a jerk. You should continue to look for someone you can relate to, get info from, who is aggressive, etc. Do you know anyone else who has had lung cancer or a member of their family had lung cancer where you can get a reading on an onc? Good luck. Don
  13. Everything you have described I am certain we all here are going through. Luckily, Lucie and I talk openly and frankly, so we air a lot of those concerns. We also have "buddies" we can each talk with on a regular basis to air more. I believe in doing what we can to fight the disease, but at the same time do those things to prepare for the end (like getting our wills and paper work done and funeral arrangments for both of us in place). We are going to live as best we can with what time we have, and live as though today is the last but believing there will be more. Glad you expressed yourself here. Please do continue to feel free to do so. Blessings. Don
  14. Scoot on the scooter. You got it. Don
  15. Hang in there, Angie. And vent here all you want or need. I believe life's "little" normal problems become larger when we are dealing with lung cancer. Lucie and I have to remind each other frequently that "this is normal in life", "this is not a mountain, but a molehill", and try not to get overwhelmed with the normal living. Best to you and your family. Don
  16. Lucie used to stick with basic black, navy blue, tan. Now she goes all out with splashes of color! That is one positive thing that has come out of all this. I love to see her in her bright outfits -- such a fasion plate! Don
  17. Your dad is a 10-month survivor -- that is positive. I lost my dad when I was your age, so I can understand the panic. He died suddenly of heart failure. Your parents really should get their paper work in order. Lucie and I just this past week updated our wills, power of attorney, etc. Unfortunately, people wait under a crisis to do this when all of us should do it while we are healthy. Seven months in a lung cancer survivor's life is an eternity. Have you considered moving the wedding to an earlier date? Try to stay positive, even if your parents aren't. They need to be surrounded with positive right now. We cope with the uncertainty by taking one day at a time. We do not play "what if" with the future, but we do move forward with plans, so Lucie has something to look forward to. It has also helped that she focus on things she is interested in, such as reading, sewing, seeing the family, etc. My heart goes out to you. I wish you well. Keep us posted. Don
  18. Don Wood

    Good News!!!!

    I love the sound of NED! Congrats! Don
  19. Shirley, it would be an honor to have you as a regular member of this group. Welcome aboard. Don
  20. I'm glad you're here, too.
  21. TBone, glad your vist was a good one. Hope you enjoyed our fair city. Don
  22. Don Wood

    Scan is clean!!

    Cheryl, great news! C0ngrats!
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