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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. My wife has a port and she really likes it -- much less trauma with the chemo and other IV things. They can get infected, so it is important to be sure the port stays clean. After each use, the line should be flushed (by the attendant) with saline and heparin. My wife had her last chemo last May and still has the port in for future use. It does not bother her at all. Don
  2. I believe that anyone on chemo should not be living alone. Too many side effects can come into play. And, as you raised, it is not a safe situation. I also worry about the dogs. Can she really take care of them right now? She needs to be free to fight the disease and not have responsibilities. My two cents. Don
  3. I am a primary caregiver and have had this role for 15 months. As a male, this does not come naturally, so I have to work at it. First, a caregiver must take care of themselves first, so they will burn out and not be able to help much. This means watching your own health, doing fun and interesting things outside of being caregiver for your mental and emotional health. Someone once told me it is like the heart, which pumps blood to itself first before it supplies the rest of the body -- so it can do its job. Also, you need to have someone you can talk with openly on a regular basis to relieve your emotions, frustrations, etc., for they are many on this journey. You can certainly vent here and get support, but it does not take the place of a one-on-one person you can talk with. I had to carve out a portion of my life that was "cancer free", where I did things just for relaxation and enjoyment -- kind of, mini vacations from the cancer scene. Secondly, each cancer patient needs an advocate -- someone who will keep up with the scheduling, medications, appointments, etc. and battle the system to get the patient what they need. That often falls on the primary caregiver. The patient is often too tired, too sick to fight these battles by themselves. If you have any specific questions of me, I'd be happy to answer. I never thought in my wildest dreams I could pull off being a primary caregiver on an ongoing basis, but with my faith I have been able to rise to the occasion. And maybe that is what these trials in our lives are about -- showing us we can rise to the occasion. Good luck. Don
  4. KC, first of all, your dad needs to get his pain managed. Bone pain is very severe. Is he taking any pain medication? If not, he needs to get on some; if so, he needs to get a stronger dose. Second, my wife has had bone mets, and she is on Zometa once a month to strengthen bones and ward off mets. Yes, even with treatment, bone mets can grow. Mky wife just finished her chemo when one showed up on her tailbone. Many times, radiation is used to target a bone met, especially when it causes a lot of pain, or threatens the bone integrity. Radiation has been successful on my wife for bone mets. Hope this helps. Don
  5. Can't help you with your request, but do want to welcome you to the board as another Houstonian. Sounds like you are on a great track of treatment. Keep us posted on your progress. Don
  6. Don Wood

    Escaped again!

    Wonderful news, Tiny!
  7. Don Wood

    Thanks All

    Good you are back home, David, and among us here. Don
  8. Don Wood


    Elaine, you need all the support you can get right now. I would tell the daughter, the estranged husband and other family. Don't go down this road alone. And, of course, you have found us, and we will be as supportive as we can be. Good luck. Don
  9. Don Wood


    Welcome to the board, TBone's wife! Look forward to your postings. Don
  10. Humor definitely can be healing, if we let it. Thanks for the reminder. I grew up where they held "wakes" --- some places call it "viewing" -- here they call it "visitation" -- I rather like the latter. Anyway, it is a time for the families and friends to get together, visit, share stories, support each other and -- laugh, as well as cry. So I would not see humor as disrespectful at all. Don
  11. Don Wood


    Natalie, my heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. May you find peace with time. Don
  12. Don Wood


    Faith is a journey without a map. We have to trust that God has the map, and move on with Him.
  13. Hi, Kelly, and welcome aboard. You have the same name as my granddaughter. Keep us posted. Don
  14. Welcome to the board and this little family here, sir. Sounds like you have a good start on searching things out. Don
  15. Normal --- has a beautiful ring to it! Congrats, Nancy! Don
  16. Good to hear from you again, SAlly,and get the update on your brother. His birthday is the same day as my younger son's! That will remind me to say an extra special prayer for him on that day. Keep in touch. Don
  17. Don Wood

    Port Day

    I think it will go smoothly. Keep us posted. Don
  18. Oh, that is a good one, yeah! I didn't see it comin'!
  19. Great news, Jen. Don
  20. Don Wood


    Francine, my prayers are with you. Don
  21. Welcome, Shirley. Keep us posted on you and your dad. Don
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