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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. I have a friend who is 10+ year survivior of metastatic prostate cancer. He has taken acupuncture treatments at M. D. Anderson, and they also taught his wife how to administer. It has kept his cancer at bay. He has external beam radiation initially, then surgery, then the acupuncture. Don
  2. Connie, I am so happy for you. Celebrate! It is so good to get some good news among the sad ones. Go! Don
  3. Don Wood

    Bad News

    Great news on your dad, Berisa. May it continue to be good. Don
  4. Don Wood

    General news

    I think a second opinion is always a good idea. Good luck. Don
  5. Tom, so sorry you lost your mom, and so quickly. As you say, you think things are going along well, and then it suddenly turns. My prayers are with you and your family. Don
  6. Denise, welcome to the board. I am so sorry to hear all you've been through. I am glad you have your boys to support you. Let your daughter also do what she can. You have a big extended famiy here, so keep us posted. Lots of support and info. God's grace. Don
  7. To Sam's grandson: Thank you for letting us here know about your grandfather -- we feel like part of his extended family. To Sam's family: My heart is very saddened at the news of Sam's passing. He was such a great guy here, with his constant humor and support of us all. He will be sorely missed. May God's grace, love and peace descend upon you all. Don Wood
  8. Don Wood

    Dear friends -

    Good to hear from you again, Terrie, and that the news is very good. Enjoy! Don
  9. Andrea, none of that information is wasted. So store it for future reference, if needed. Your behavior is "normal". When cancer hits, something we can't control, we do things that we can control to feel back in control -- such as what you did. You needed to do that for yourself, to feel you were helping in some way. So don't worry about it. Yes, it is good to look back and laugh. Laughter helps get us through a lot of this. My wife and I talked about whether we would remarry when one of us passes away. We decided "No" -- too much time and effort to cultivate a new relationship! Well, of course, we would not be held to that, but we can laugh at it. We joke a lot to keep us going. It is a good asset for you to have. Best to you and Mom. Don
  10. A second opinion is always a good idea. Since there are surviviors, there is always hope, and don't let anyone take that from you. Do all you can to fight the disease, while keeping your mother as free from pain as possible. My wife was diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer, with five bone mets (primcipal one on the upper spine). The doctor estimated 9 months and she is already a15 month survivor. Right now she is doing well. We never know how much time we have -- statistics are just averages from past cases. Keep in mind there are many surviviors, some of them right here on the board. Keep plugged in for support and info and questions. Don
  11. Don Wood

    Marlon's Mom

    My prayers go out to Marlon and Mom. Don
  12. Sounds like good news to me, Candee. And you have a plan. Best to you. Don
  13. Ginny & Earl, my prayers are with you today. Don
  14. Cathy, bummer! So sorry you are having to go through so much at once. I know you are a fighter, though, and with our support here, you can get through this. Hang in there, and fight! My prayers are with you. Don P. S. I believe God listens even when we think he doesn't.
  15. Don Wood

    Not good kews today

    Carmen, welcome. My prayers are with you. Don
  16. Happy birthday, Becky, and I wish you many, many more! Don
  17. Sounds good to me. Keep on keepin' on. Don
  18. Don Wood

    Devastated Son

    Hi, Kevin! I walk in your shoes as a caregiver. It is one of the hardest roles we can be asked to perform for a loved one, but an honor. I agree that you should check other opinons about your options. And I do recommend also looking into Zometa for the bone mets. Keep us posted, guy. Don
  19. Welcome, Heather. Keep us posted. Don
  20. Hi, Carol! Welcome to our "little family" here. Keep us posted. Don
  21. My suggestion is to call her physician and ask him/her to call your mother and request that someone drive her to and from chemo. I can't imagine that the onc or whomever talked with her in the interview didn't suggest this. My suspicion is that they did and you mom chose to ignore the advice. I would think it is dangerous. I or someone took my wife to every chemo appointment. It is stressful enough not to have to the added stress of driving. If she is taking chemo and radiation at the same time, I would suggest you watch her liquid intake. It is very easy to get dehydrated during treatment. Keep us posted. Don
  22. Retha, Denise has said it very well. Welcome, for support and info. Keep us posted on you and your family. Don
  23. Don Wood


    Faith is not being sure but believing anyway. I believe it because God promises it in his Word, and I have seen many signs to encourage my belief. It is natural for you, with your love for your dad, that you want your dad to still be in this world, and it will take time to get through grieving over him. I believe that things that don't seem fair in our short time in this world will be made clear in the eternal world. Your hurt will not disappear, but it will diminish. Your dad can continue to live in this world in your memory and how you live your own life. It is good that you can express your anger and disappointment and frustration. You need to do that to be able to move on. God can take our anger, our hurts, our disappointments -- he's a big Guy! He can take them and turn them into positives, but only if we are willing. Hang on to your faith. It will serve you well. God may not seem to be present now, but he is there, and he also grieves with you. I pray God's grace for you and your family. Don
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