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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    CT Results

    Sounds like very good news to me, Cheryl. Now, relax and enjoy! Don
  2. Don Wood


    Makes sense to me.
  3. Take care of yourself, Bruce. Glad to here the tests have shown good. Don
  4. So glad to hear the brain is clear! Don
  5. Crystal, I am so sorry you lost your mom, and so quickly. God be with you and your family. Don
  6. Here's praying that Iressa is the ticket. Blessings. Don
  7. Don Wood

    Good Onc., visit!

    Great news, Paddy! Enjoy! Don
  8. Don Wood

    mom is gone

    Debbie, so sad to hear your mom has passed, but glad she's out of pain now. My prayers are with you and your dad. Don
  9. Dave, it sounds like pretty good news, all in all. On the heart, Lucie developed an arhythmia a year ago from all the illness and treatment. She has done fine since. The arhythmia comes and goes, but is mild. She takes a medication for it ( the cardiologist wanted to give her three, but I convinced him that one was enough). Like the dog picture, but then, we are dog people here. Best to you. Dopn
  10. Don Wood


    Well said, Dean. I'm glad you said it. As you sayk no one is ever prepared for cancer or any life-threatening situation. We learn by living through it. We start clueless and get clued in as we go. And the support and sharing we get from each other helps us all through it. Don
  11. Peg, so sorry Bill has to endure more mets. You might ask about Zometa. It is a once-a-month IV that helps strengthen bones and ward off bone mets. Lucie has been on it for 6 months now. We were also told that radiation is not done on bone mets unless there is acute pain or the bone integrity is threatened. I am surprised they would stop chemo since Lucie had chemo and radiation at the same time. My prayers are with you both. Don
  12. Don Wood

    My Selfish Prayer

    It is not selfish if it is a prayer for another's welfare. Anyway, our Lord encourages us to pray for ourselves as well as for others. God hears all prayers -- his answers are not always what we envision, but it is the best answer for us. He also takes his own time to answer and is always timely. Best to you, Laurie, and to your mother. Don
  13. Lucie never had Taxol. She had Taxotere, conbined with Carboplatin,and it was every 3 weeks for six treatments. She is doing pretty well on the computer. I am not pushing her to post here -- that has to be her idea. Thanks for checking in with us. Don
  14. Sorry, Bob, that the saga continues. But, I agree, hang in there, buddy. Don
  15. Happy New Year, Stephanie! Like the new picture. Don
  16. Go, Mike! Beat that thing!
  17. My wife can be an inspiration for you. She was diagnosed with NSCLC with bone mets in Oct. 2002. She had chemo (Taxotere/Carboplatin) and radiation. Has not had a treatment since June of 2003, except the once a month Zometa for strengthening bones and warding off bone mets. At this point, she has only one small spot on a rib, which the onc is watching. As he put it, "there is no fire in the house". She has survived systemic septic shock from staph and bilateral pneumonia in this time period. The main met on her upper spine has caused her some loss in her left hand motor skills, yet she still sews, a favorite hobby of hers. She is planning to take training in March to be a one-on-one support for cancer patients here locally, and we are planning a week's trip to Scotland in May. Best to you, Terri. Don
  18. Cheryl, I once told you not to borrow trouble -- there is plenty of reql trouble to deal with. I say it again. Of course, you are in my prayers. I wish you the best. Don
  19. Don Wood

    I'M BACK!!!

    Welcome back, Ray! Love the new picture! Don
  20. Welcome, Kelly! That is my granddaughter's name! She is 13, going on 25! Glad you decided to join us. Let us know where we can help you on the journey. Blessings. Don
  21. Good to hear from you again, Candee. Sorry the tumor showed up, but I have a feeling that can be taken care of. Happy 2004! Don
  22. Don Wood


    We were so pleased with our picture here that we had copies made and giave them to our family members as Christmas presents! Lucie also had made quilts for all. Don
  23. Don Wood


    Allison, I am so sorry to hear of your dad's passing. Hospice is a great group. We used them for Lucie's mother in 1993, and mky sister-in-law used them for my brother in 1998. Please know that we are still here for you through the grief process and beyond. Don
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