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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Nancy, I am so saddened to learn of David's passing. My prayers are with you and your family. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Lumpectomy today

    Great news, Carmen! Celebrate! Don
  3. Shelly, incredible! I am so sorry you have to go through this again, and so soon. You know you have much support here. Lean on us. Don
  4. Denise, my prayers are with you and family. Don
  5. Connie, wonderful news! What a way to start a new year! Don
  6. Great news, MO! Lucie also went to her rad. onc. yesterday, and he said to come back in 6 months. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Have a ball! Don
  7. Dean, so glad to hear the good news. Now scoot! Don
  8. Don Wood

    hello all

    Hi, Israel, and welcome to the board. Don't be shy. Don
  9. Welcome, Becky! Like the pic. Thanks for sharing about yourself and David. Helps us draw closer to you and family. Cheers. Don
  10. Don Wood


    C E L E B R A T E !
  11. SHOPPING A woman has a vague idea what she is shopping for, will look at everything in the store, and then go back and select the first or second thing she looked at. Time: 2 hours. A man knows exactly what he is shopping for, will grab the first thing he sees that comes close, buy it and leave. Time: 10 minutes.
  12. My wife has hard-to-get-at veins and had a port installed before her chemo began. Unfortunately, the first one (under the breast skin just under the right collar bone) got infected (one of the risks) and had to be removed. Then a second was installed on the left side and that one has served her well. The port must be cleaned with saline and heparin solutions after each use. My wife finished with chemo last May, but still has the port, just in case. She is not even aware of it most times. Good luck. Don
  13. TBone, can't help about the brain tumor, but wanted to comment on what a great and good looking family you have there (photo)! Sorry I didn't comment on it earlier, but at my age, sometimes it takes a while for the brain to get in gear. Best to you all. Don
  14. Don Wood


    Francine -- scary! You sure had a guardian angel watching over you. So glad you had a "near miss" and not a "miss"/ Lucie has had two of those -- once in Dec. 2002 with systemic septic shock, and once last Aug. with bilateral pneumonia. I told her, instead of dodging these bullets, how about getting out of the line of fire? So glad things are better and you are back with us. Wonderful to see your smiling face again. Don
  15. Terri, yes, you are at the right place, and welcome. Sorry you and your spouse are having to go through this. I, like you, don't know how I could live without my spouse, but may have to. My prayers are with you. Keep posting and sharing, and we will be here to support you. Don
  16. Not an issue as she is not on oxygen. Sorry I couldn't be of help on that. Don
  17. No one, including doctors, can saywith certainty when an individual is going to die. So there is always hope. I support you in keeping your mother positive because I believe that the positive people last longer than those who are not, whatever the length of time. While she is going through treatment, get your mother interested in something to look forward to. When she can, encourage her to get out and do things she enjoys. My wife was diagnosed with 4th Stage NSCLC in Oct. 2002 and given 9 months. Presently, she is a 15-month survivor and doing well at this point. We realize things could change anytime, but we are living as normal lives as we can. We are planning a trip to Scotland in May for a week. Best to you. Glad you are here. Don
  18. Sounds good to me, Don. Glad to hear you are doing well, and that you are posting again. Cheers. Don
  19. Faith is well named. So good to hear the good news. Don
  20. Don Wood

    All clear for once.

    Great news, J. C.! Have a party! Don
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