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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Jennifer, my prayers are with you and your family. Don
  2. If you can remember these responses, does that make you anal retentive? Okay, so I go the the "rear" of the class.
  3. Like father, like daughter, eh? It can be scary sometimes seeing oneself in one's kids. Go, Marsha! Don
  4. Don Wood

    GREAT NEWS but....

    Ray, glad they found no tumors, but awfully glad they found the blood clots in time. My daughter broke her ankle the fall of 2002 and did not get the best of followup care. As a result, she went into the hospital twice with blood clots on the lungs. She, too, had a guardian angel. I imagine your angel gets a chuckle or two watching over you. All the best. Don
  5. Hang in there, MO! Prayers coming your way. Don
  6. Don Wood

    The Latest Info

    As a guy who has had prostate cancer twice and heart surgery to boot in the past 8 years, I say you can get through this fine. I know you can. Don
  7. Welcome, ViVi, to you and all the TBone family!
  8. Welcome! It is a good place for info and support. Keep us posted. Don
  9. Yes, Cheryl, Lucie is experiencing the same thing. She has been wearing her own hair for several months now and it has not grown fast. She also prefers her own hair to the hot wigs, turbines, etc. It has grown out with a mind of its own -- cowlicks and all. She is going tomorrow to have it trimmed up a bit. It is like baby hair, it is so fine and soft. She only wore her wig to church, so that may be why it is an easy transition for her. Good luck, and hang in there while it grows! Don
  10. Oh, that is so funny! Makes me feel pretty good about my own computer skills.
  11. I'm all for naps! Lucie is more "napful" since her diagnosis and treatments. However, I am not the cancer patient and I like to nap, too. I know being the caregiver has worn me out, so that partly explains it, but it is probably also my age. Heck, I don't care why, I just enjoy taking a nap! And, we have a Beagle who loves to curl up with us! Here's to naptime! I suddently feel my eyelids drooping! ZZZZZZ! Don
  12. Great to hear the good news, Bruce. Keep on keepin' on, and keep us posted. Don
  13. Good to "see" you again, Judy, and to hear from you. Sounds like things are going as they should despite the side effects. Hope you continue to do well. Happy 2004! Don
  14. Movin' on! Has a nice ring. Go, Bob!
  15. Welcome to Texas, Candy! Lots of nice, friendly folk here. Don
  16. Funny! My favorite is the egotist -- "me-deep"!
  17. I guess I should have asked earlier, and you probably have told us, but is your name pronounced Norm, or Normay, or Normee, or what? Thanks. I agree == you add a lot to the lives here. Don
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