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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    need some help

    Sounds like a good plan for your mom. The decadron is to minimize nausea from the chemo. Zometa is used to help prevent bone mets. Watch for signs of dehydration (dizziness, weakness, throwing up a lot) and be sure she gets a lot of liquids. Hang in there. You've got lots of support here. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Our Anniversary

    That Katie has to be a saint! (LOL) Happy anniversary, you guys, and many, many more. Don
  3. Sounds like an allergic reaction to something. Lucie only experienced rash when she was on Iressa. Don
  4. Don Wood

    my dad

    Beautiful how you worked that out for yourself, Curtis. You are on the right track. Peace. Don
  5. Don Wood

    Need Advice

    We men solve problems and fix things. That's what we do. Cancer is a whole other ballgame, and we don't deal with it too well. We do tend to hide in our work. There is another aspect to this -- the tension between fighting the beast and taking care of ourselves, and doing activities we can control so we feel like we are accomplishing something and it helps our sanity. I agree I would not push for his giving up work completely right now, and settle for cutting back. I see Lucie wear herself out running errands, sewing up a storm, etc. and we both know it will tire her out and she will have a feel bad time. But we realize she has to do some things she can control and feel good about as well. Therein lies the tension. I have decided to not nag her as much about her tiring herself and to support her in what she wants to do. It is her life and her decision. And, yes, it is very hard on the caregiver to allow that, but I think it is the most loving thing to do. Good luck. Don
  6. She's hiding under an alias. She has a computer problem and is posting generically. Don
  7. Thanks, Connie. Prayers continue.
  8. I thank God for another day each morning when I awake and each evening as I go to bed. I play the radio when I am alone in the car, and many times a particular song will trigger the tears and I get cleansed. I use my friends and this board to express myself and release tension. I look at Lucie struggling with each day, and her love sustains me. i like the John Wayne quote that bravery is being scared to death and saddling up anyway. That is kind of my philosophy. Don
  9. Phyllis, I am so sorry you are having so many trials right now. You are in my prayers. Keep venting here. We care. Don
  10. Pam, so sorry about your dad. I know it is hard to see that. Medications can contribute to hallucinations sometime. I'm glad he is off most of those medications. My prayers are with you. Don
  11. Don Wood


    It gets better. If you are on a once every three week plan, then the third week usually is pretty good. Best to you. Don
  12. We found that eating a small amount every 2 hours worked better than the usual 3 meals a day. It also helped the nausea by keeping something in the stomach. Try smoothies that you can do in your blender. You can get the base at the grocery store and add the fruits you like. Liquids seem to do better than solids. And definitely keep away from greasy foods. Don
  13. Don Wood

    July 5 2004

    Ray, congratulations on your two years of survivorship! Inspiring. Don
  14. Don Wood

    my dad

    Curtis, your dad needs to be forgiven, and you need to forgive him, even if it is just in your heart. Forgiveness is more about the forgiver than the forgiven. As long as we don't forgive, that person controls our lives. We need to let it go and move on. And anger takes its physical toll as well. Forgiveness is a decision, even if we don't feel it. We decide to forgive and then live into it, with time. I am sure Becky's memories will keep you straight, because you remember her advice even now. Continue to do that -- for her, and for your child, and for yourself. We are forgiven only as we forgive. Too many of us forget that. I hope you find the peace you seek. You have a lot of support here. Don
  15. Ginny, my prayers are with you two. Don
  16. Hi, CindyRN! Good to hear from you. Hope all well on the physical and computer front soon. Don
  17. Don Wood

    lung infection

    Lucie did not have lung infection per se, but she developed bilateral pneumonia last August and both lungs were full of fluid. She was in the hospital for two weeks and in rehab hospital for another two weeks. She recovered very nicely. Don
  18. Hi, Fellow Texan! Y'all come and set a spell. Good to have you here. Look forward to your posts. Don
  19. Renee, prayers for you and hubby. Sorry this has taken such a turn. Don
  20. Glad hubby is coming home. Hope the chicken and fireworks go well.
  21. Thanks again, Connie, for the update and your support of our pair. Prayers continue for them. Don
  22. Cathy, you made my day! It was so good to see your smiling face again. Glad you got to spend some quality time with your daughter, and that you are planning a trip to Europe this fall. Lucie and I, and our daughter, just took a trip to Scotland in May, and we all had a great time. It was so good for Lucie to know she could do that. Congratulationsd on your three years of survivorship! That imspires us all. Keep in touch. Don
  23. Don Wood

    July 4th

    Sucking less is good.
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