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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Cheryl's comin' ho-ome! Cheryl's comin' ho-ome! Thanks, Jack. Don
  2. I am saddened at the loss of your mom. May you find peace. Don
  3. The day after Lucie and I decided I would undergo radiation treatment for my prostate cancer (1995), I was traveling down a road just a mile from my suburban home, when I clearly saw a doe and her fawn at the edge of the woods. It was as if God said, "As this doe cares for her fawn, I will care for you." After that, I did not worry. This morning, when we were driving to church, we passed the park. Lucie said, "You know, we never see rabbits along here anymore like we used to." Just then, "She shoulted == look, there's a rabbit!" sure enough, out where we could clearly see him, and he did not scamper into the woods until we passed by. It was as if God said, "I care for this creature, and I will take care of you/" A miracle message as we go into another round of chemo. Don
  4. TBone, my prayers are with you, especially to get the pain under control. Don
  5. Bumer! You have a right to feel violated. And the aggrevation besides.
  6. So good to hear from you and see your smiling face again, Francine. Keep us posted on your progress, and I expect it to be progress. Don
  7. Don Wood


    Thanks for the "up" news, Peggy. We needed that going into more chemo this week. Blessings. Don
  8. Joni, so saddened by the news. Robert, Alex and yourself are in my prayers. Don
  9. I definitely believe in miracles. Lucie is one of them. She was given 9 months on diagnosis and she is now 21 months out. During that time, she contracted a staph infection that went systemic and almost died; also got bilateral pneumonia and almost died. So that is my prime example of a miracle. Another example: My daughter was on her way to church when in the parking lot, she found a $10 bill. She thought she would put it in the offering plate, but then decided to use it to buy food for the homeless. She went to the store after church to pick up the items and found a $5 bill in one of the aisles. The bill for the food for the homeless: $15!
  10. Kelly, prayers for you and your mom. Don
  11. Welcome, Denise, sorry about your mom. Let us know how things are going and what questions you have. Don
  12. Don Wood

    Fluid? Nurse>

    I am wondering if it is fluid retention, in which case a diuretic like Lasix would do the trick. Don
  13. Glacier Park is sooo beautiful! Enjoy! Don
  14. Don Wood

    Leg Bone Mets

    Ask the onc about exercising the leg. I would think some exercise is good, to keep the muscles toned, the joints lubed and the blood circulation at its best, but the onc should be the expert. Don
  15. Great news. So far, so good. May it continue. Don
  16. Prayers for Charlie and Tina comin'.
  17. Don Wood

    3rd and 38

    Bud, congratulations on both counts! Celebrate! Don
  18. I'm glad it was helpful to you all. It was a good exercise for Lucie and Me to do together. Don
  19. Don Wood

    Leg Bone Mets

    Lucie has a large bone met on her right fibula, but it was never painful. She has had radiation on bone areas where it was painful and the radiation helped a lot. Hopefully, that will be the case for you. How about pain medication? Best to you. Don
  20. Thanks, Jack, for taking the time to update us on Cheryl. Sounds like things are getting much better. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers. Don
  21. Welcome, and thank you for your kind words. Keep us posted. Don
  22. Natalie, as Carol Burnett used to sing, "I'm so glad we had this time together". Blessings. Don
  23. Beth, my heartfelt sympathies to you and your family at the loss of your husband. May you find peace. Don
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