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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. TBone, glad you were able to enjoy some of the 4th holiday with your family. Also glad you are seeing a pain management specialist. Keep us posted. Don
  2. Lucie's onc is good about calling, good or bad news. He usually calls within two or three days from the test, if we call and confirm that the tests was done (most tests are done at a hospital different from the onc). Sometimes, we have had to call in and remind his nurse that we care waiting for results. We had not have to wait more than 4 days, as I recall. I think Lucie is fortunate to have this guy. Don
  3. Yeah, when it happens to bad people, we say, "They deserved it" or "They sure got their comeuppance". Good point, Curtis.
  4. The hardest part in being a caregiver is to allow the patient to make their own choices. It is a fine line we walk. We want to be encouraging and get them to do what will help, but we also want to support them in their decisions. It is hard, but it is worth it. Best to you and Mom, Denise. Don
  5. Jamie, glad to hear your dad is feeling better and getting out and about. I would watch the swelling place just to be sure there is no infection. Great picture of Chicago -- I took my daughter there in the fall of 1995 to see Wrigley Field and watch a few games. We had a great time. Don
  6. Andrea, thanks for your post. I went to the website and see a lot of rage there. It is a good lesson that we make assumptions when we really don't know who this person is and where they are coming from. We need to tread lightly. Don
  7. Don Wood


    It will also probably keep him from turning over (LOL)!
  8. Happy birthday, Robert! Joni, Lucie had a great birthday in March and a great wedding anniversary iwth me in June -- very special because she did not think she would be here to celebrate them. It makes each event very special. Don
  9. Those moments are called "revelations" -- scary, but hopeful. Don
  10. Sandy, you do give us hope. Congratulations on your results. Don
  11. Don Wood

    Our Anniversary

    Congratulations on the adoption! I know you are proud and happy. Don
  12. Cat, I agree with Fay -- there have got to be other options available to you. Don't give up! Don
  13. David and Karen, so sorry at this news. I am praying for a plan to take care of it. Hang in there, guys. Don
  14. It's a great feeling, isn't it? Congratulations. Don
  15. Wonderful news, Jim! Enjoy your trip. Don
  16. Way to go, TAnn!!!
  17. Anger has been my primary emotion (I know some shrinks think it is secondary) through life when a crisis or large disappointment arose It was my way of venting, because it is hard for me to cry. Luckily, when we hit this LC crisis, Lucie knew the anger was not directed at her but at the circumstances, and she allowed me to vent. Then we would talk about it and I would assure her I was not angry with her. And I can truly say, I have not been angry with her over this. My anger is "How dare she be given this disease when she doesn't deserve it." Actually, Lucie has told me that I have handled this road a lot better than she thought I could. I am not proud of the anger, and I do ask forgiveness, but it is a way for me to let loose and move on. I agree it should never be directed to an ill person, and that should be made clear. Don
  18. Yep, as soon as I saw General II, I said to myself, "Rick is getting ready to archive again". Gives me the opportunity to thank Rick again for all the great work he does for this site. Thanks, Rick!
  19. Don Wood

    Busy Morning

    Donna, you have too much time on your hands (LOL). Hey, I like people and I like to share -- what can I say? Have a great day! Don
  20. You're a beacon for us all, Fay.
  21. My heart breaks for both of you, Ginny. My prayers are with you. Don
  22. I'm with Fay -- you need to stay here for support and we want you here. All cancers are not alike, so it would be good if you also find a breast cancer site and learn about that and ask your info questions there. You tend to treat the breast cancer with your lung cancer experience and they are not the same. Good luck. I will be looking for you to continue posting and let us know how you and your sister are doing. Don
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