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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Sorry your mom has to go through this. And you as well. I fall on the side of supporting the patient's wishes, no matter how hard that might be. I think the patient is the one who knows best about their bodies and what they want to go through or not go through. We, as caregivers, can offer all the information and advice we can muster, but the patient has the final say. What is really best for the patient? Don
  2. Yes, Lucie got mouth thrush while taking Taxotere. She was given a blend of medicines as a mouthwash, which helped. Don
  3. Dude, I think the holidays have a depressing effect on most of us. There is so much ado and to-do, and your feeling tired just aggravates the situation, I'm sure. Go easy on yourself, guy. I pray that you are able to enjoy Christmas like it is meant to be. Blessings. Don
  4. What a super Christmas present! I am so happy for you both! Have a great holiday! Don
  5. Gail, well said. Have a great Christmas. Don
  6. Laurie, glad your prayers are answered and I hope you can enjoy the holidays dispite the distance. You are a comfort to so many on this board. Blessings. Don
  7. Great news, Sophia! We are having a special Christmas this year too. Have a great holiday! Blessings. Don
  8. Yes, Medicare pays for PET scans. Don
  9. "Stable" and "no new" and "no growth" are good phrases with lung cancer. Have happy holidays. Don
  10. I like the "cancer vacation" as well. We don't need to live cancer every moment -- we need the breaks. Carmen, take Dean's advice and have a good birthday and a good Christmas. Blessings. Don
  11. Thanks to all of you who offered prayers for Lucie's PET scan. It was done Tuesday and the onc called tonight to say there was nothing new! It did confirm the small spot on her rib seen in the total bone scan, but the onc said it was nothing to be concerned about right now, and they would keep tabs on it. That was a most welcome Christmas gift. We will have our whole family here on Thursday to celebrate the holiday together. We are truly blessed. And we are blessed having all you wonderful friends out there who have given us constant support and caring. We are overwhelmed with love. As we say here in Texas: Feliz Navidad! Don
  12. Hang in there, Bob! Have a great Christmas, you and your family. Don
  13. Cathy, good to hear from you again. My prayers are with you. Don
  14. Hi, Charmaine! Welcome to a fellow Louisianan (I now live in Texas). My wife is Stage IV NSCLC, with bone mets and, with chemo and radiation, is presently 14 months from diagnosis and doing fine. Have faith, and hang in there. Don
  15. Christine, so sorry you lost your step-dad. My thoughts are with you. Please do come back when the time is right. Don
  16. Good to see your smiling face again. I wish you a great holiday. Don
  17. Don Wood


    Let's hope and pray that the surgeon did get it all, and that you heal soon. Don
  18. Don Wood

    Prayers Please

    MO, prayers your way. Don
  19. I agree with Norme that both the oncs sound like bad news. The first is far too pessimistic and should be fired. The second is far too optimistic and should be watched carefully. Good luck. Don
  20. Don Wood


    How a-rhyth-metic! Loved it! And I'm not line. Don
  21. Don Wood

    PET for Lucie

    Thanks everyone. Appreciate the love and support. She had the PET this morning and then went to physical therapy for her neck and shoulders this afternoon, so now she is resting well. I will post when we know something. Don
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