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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    This Is Greg G.

    Glad you are back among us, Greg. Best to you. Don
  2. Lucie's onc has told us that pain control is first priority -- then comes cancer treatment. We believe this. So I think the priority is right. Hang in there. Don
  3. Adam, so sorry your dad is having a rough time right now. Prayers for both of you. Don
  4. Don Wood

    Many thanks

    Judy, I think our kids feel an obligation to point out our faults, but they love us anyway. Ha! Ha! Have a great Thanksgiving. Don
  5. Don Wood

    This Is Greg G.

    Greg, glad you could plug in to us, man. Sorry you've had so much trouble but sounds like you are on the mend. Enjoy the day. My prayers are with you. Don
  6. Out of the mouths of babes! Thanks!
  7. Anne, I hope, too, that the clinical trial will work for your mom. Don
  8. I don't know any liquid antidresppants off hand, but could you grind up a pill and blend it into a liquid?
  9. Rich, glad to hear your good news. Have a great Thanksgiving. Don
  10. Don Wood

    family far away

    Inviola, glad to hear your mom is doing so well right now. I agree that you should not put ashoulnything off -- do it as soon as you can. Your husband should talk to his siblings and say, "We are not guaranteed tomorrow". Maybe you can share some of the stories here as backup. My wife is doing well now, too, but I would not put anything off that is really important. Seize the day! Good luck. Don
  11. Francine, I'm sorry to hear that you have mets to deal with, especially brain. I know you have a plan of action and I pray that will be the answer. Don
  12. Cathy, I wish you well and pray the same. Have a good holiday. Don
  13. I am not the lung cancer patient here nor have I had chemo, just radiation. So I don't know if this info will really help. But I choose to share it. Because of my age, I have battled impotence off and on, but all I have been through with prostate cancer and heart surgery took its toll. Recently, I asked my urologist if there was any chance of counteracting the impotence. He recommended the new drug, Levitra, and gave my some samples to try. Well, it works for me! I can't believe it. I don't know if this is an option for any of the men who are going through lung cancer treatment, but it might be well to inquire. Cheers. Don
  14. Chris, so sorry your step dad is having more troubles and that your mother isn't much help at this time. It is good that you are available. On the spine, Lucie had radiation and then was put on Zometa, which helps strengthen bones and hopefully keep other mets from taking residence. You might ask about that. My prayers are with you. Don
  15. Tammy, sorry about your mom. I can't answer your question but know that there are many people here who have gone through that. Welcome and good luck. Don
  16. Glad you're out of the hospital, George. Hang in there. Don
  17. Joe, my wife also is a non-smoker, never lived in a house with smoking. But she contracted NSCLC, diagnosed a year ago. Also, I am sort of a health fanatic myself -- I work out two or three times a week at the gym and try to watch what I eat. Like you, all my friends were shocked when I had prostate cancer in 1995 and then a heart attack and heart surgery in 1997. But I attribute my present health to the fact that I was doing the right things toward my health. That should help you in your battle as well. One of the favorite places Lucie and I visited in Michigan was Mackinac Island. Maybe we can get back there some day. God's grace. Don
  18. Don Wood

    Iressa IS Working!!!

    Pier, great news! Enjoy! Don
  19. Hi, Angela! Sorry about your mom. I agree with Rich -- get a second opinion, and don't give up. Don
  20. Hello, Joe and Gina! You make a handsome couple -- great picture. Is that the Mackinac Bridge in the background? Welcome to the site. Sorry you have to battle this disease so early in you life. Let us know where we can support you and give you info. I went to graduate school at Wayne State in Detroit in the early '60's -- was in Michigan 4 years. We traveled around the state one summer and saw the pretty sites. Take care. My wife and I also are devout Christians, so we also have that in common. I believe your faith will carry you far. God's blessings. Don
  21. Eileen, congratuations on the new granddaughter! What a gift! Don
  22. Alriiiiiiight, Cindy! Have a great holiday. Don
  23. Great picture, Christy! Glad you posted it. Don
  24. Marlon, so sorry about all your mom's troubles. You are both in my prayers. Don
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