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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Natalie, so sorry about your mom. Good that you vented here your frustration. Don't hesitate. My prayers are with you. Don
  2. Don Wood

    Lucie's Scans

    Lucie goes for Total Bone Scan and X-ray of the chest Friday morning. This is her check-up time. Things are going well. Prayers solicited. Thanks a bunch! Don
  3. Sorry you got the run-around. Sounds like things are on track now. Best to you. Don
  4. Marcia, my wife had a rash and the numbness in her extremities due to the chemo. The onc gave her a prescription for a rash lotion. We had to live with the numbness until the chemo was over. Don
  5. Don Wood

    Good Results

    Bud, I'm happy to hear all went well in the testing. As far as the rolodex, we have a list of the doctors on computer, with their phone numbers, and a printout in a ring binder on the table. Don
  6. Hi, Veronica! Yes, I remember you. Sorry you are in a struggle with the disease right now. I agree that you should have the headaches looked into. Get beyond the afraid -- afraid doesn't help and could hurt. Good luck. Don
  7. Well, it's okay to have a pity party as long as it comes to an end. Sounds like yours is over for now. Good for you! Sorry Buddy has to put up with yet another cancer but it sounds like they can take care of it. Best to both of you. Don
  8. Hi, Betty! Welcome to our "lttle" group here. Much info and support. You might consider asking the doctor for something like Nexium for your acid stomach. Prilosec is over the counter now. No use suffering anything you don't have to. Best regards. Don
  9. Don Wood

    The best news!!

    Greatest news, Wenna! Celebrate! Don
  10. I am not sure where you saw twice a day radiation. The norm is once a day for so many days. Don
  11. Don Wood

    My wife Ada

    Jim, thanks for posting. We all loved Ada -- she was so supportive of everyone. I went to school back in the 50's with a Jay Waddell, but it would be a long shot that you were related. Please do keep in touch. God's blessings. Don
  12. Good to hear you're in a good place, Becky. Way to go! Don
  13. Aransep or Procrit, some med like those, help with RBC. Don
  14. Plan sounds good to me, Ginny. Onward! Don
  15. Kathi, sorry about your dad. On the WBC, Lucie took Neulasta to keep her WBC up during chemo. You might inquire about that. Can you dad eat chocolate cake if you whip it up in a blenderwith some liquid? Wishing the best. Don
  16. Kristi, so sorry to hear all the problems your mom is having. You are both in my prayers. Don
  17. Cheryl, I am saddened by the news of Dick's passing. My heart goes out to you. Please do stay connected here. Don
  18. Jennifer, so sorry you are hit with all these things at once. Yes, my wife had radiation and chemo at the same time because time was of the essence. She was able to pull through, with a lot of liquid meals. Her prognosis last year was 9 months. She is past the first year and going strong. So don't get into the statistics. And the advice to take care of yourself and the baby is right on. Good luck. Don
  19. Haing in there, Dave! I think you got good support here. Don
  20. Does your mom normally have any hobbies or interests? My wife sews and when she could get back to the sewing, limited though it has been, it helped lift her spirits. We go out to eat occasionally just to get her out and about. Try to get your mom focused on something she likes besides herself, as hard as that may be. Don
  21. Don Wood


    The main effect we have experienced with radiation is fatigue. It seems to get worse with each dosage, and then hangs on for a time after the radiation is done. But the tiredness does go away with time. Don
  22. Don Wood

    Good luck Jay !

    Jay, glad to hear you are home and recovering. Best to you. Don
  23. It could well be bone mets that are causing the pain. I would not wait until the first of the year for a scan of the area. Lucie's onc does scans of the area whenever she had severe pain somewhere, just to be sure. Don
  24. Don Wood

    Connie's HOME

    Thanks, Donna, for keeping us up-to-date on Connie. So happy to hear Connie is home now. Best to her. Don
  25. Don Wood


    Becky, sorry you are having so much trouble with coughing. Do you use a nebulizer? I know that helped Lucie as well as the meds. Best to you. Don
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