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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Lucie is doing very well right now. The puppies in the picture are not ours, but were dogsled puppies of Alaska. We have two grown Beagles, which are not in the picture. Thanks for asking. We are doing well. Don
  2. Cindi, yes, be pushy! Be your mom's advocate. Your mom is too sick to fight the system herself and needs someone to push for info and treatment for her. Soulnds like you are doing the right things. I think your mom is going to cintinue to cough hard as long as the tumor is filling her lung. You might want to get other medical opinons, too. Don
  3. Don Wood

    pet scan results

    David, my prayers are with you that the new treatment will work well. Don
  4. Great picture, Karma. What a neat family.
  5. Sally, happy that your brother got to be with his other sister in Australia, and glad you will be seeing him again soon. Keep us posted. Don
  6. Cecilia, glad to hear your mom is doing better. Don
  7. Lynne, you two have a good weekend, too. So glad Dean is home. Don
  8. Don Wood


    I can address 2). Lucie had bone mets and we were told the same thing -- that the bone takes a while to repair itself and the cavity left by the tumor is hard to distinguish from the original tumor. Also, as the bone grows back, it highlights in scans like the tumor. So it is difficult to tell how much progress is made on a bone met until the bone completely heals. But you can certainly tell that there has been no growth. Hope this helps. Don
  9. Lynne, glad to hear the good news. Don
  10. Cecilia, welcome to the board. Sorry about your mom. My wife had bone mets also, the main one on her upper spine. It was very painful and she has been on morphine ever since, with Norco as a breakthrough medication if she needs it. The radiation actually eased the pain dramatically. We are working to wean her off the morphine and having success with that. Good luck with your mom. Don
  11. One thing the book encourages us to do is to be aware of God in our lives each day. This morning I ran into the drug store to get a card for my niece's upcoming birthday. Right next to the card aisle was a stuffed dog, sitting on some boxes. I realized the dog was Scooby Doo. Now when I used to watch cartoons on Saturday morning with my kids, one was Scooby Doo. That was the only cartoon Lucie really liked -- she has always talked about Scooby Doo. Well, I could not leave the store without Scooby Doo! And this one talks! If you squueze his ear, he says things like, "I need a hug!" and "That was the best hug ever!" I brought Scooby home while Lucie was out and put him draped over her lounge chair. When she came in this afternoon, she spotted Scooby and headed straight for him. She has been cuddling and hugging him ever since. Now, how to you think Scooby just happened to be at the card aisle? Don
  12. Don Wood

    prayers please

    Denise, prayers your way. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Foggy Eyes!

    Yes, Lucie's eyes teared a lot when she was on chemo. The onc said it was due to blockage in the lachrymal ducts that drain the tears in the eyes. He gave us the name of an opthalmologist who could unplug the ducts, but by the time we were to go to him, she was off chemo and it cleared up. Don
  14. Susan, so sorry about your mom's passing. God's grace and strength be with you and your family. Please stay connected here so we can give you support and caring Don
  15. Sounds like good news for Connie. Prayers for continued healing. Don
  16. welcome back, Gina. I am so glad your home was spared, and you, too. Don
  17. Sounds like some things are good and some things have a plan. Hang in there. Don
  18. Cindy, sorry you are under so much distress. But I'm glad you vented here. It is almost impossible to be the patient AND the cheerleader. I recommend you drop the cheerleader role and let someone else take that on. I am for letting your family especially, and specific others know what is going on with you, even if not good. You need their support. Yep, the nurse role is getting in the way. Give her a leave of absence. You need to receive now more than give. Lucie and I have learned this lesson in spades. Give others a chance to give. Blessings. Don
  19. Prayers coming for Lynne and Dean. Don
  20. Don Wood

    Bad Scan Results

    Dave, what a bummer! I'm so sorry. Hang in there tough, you guys, and get the treatment you need. Don
  21. Hang in there tough, Debbie. Looks like you are doing the things you need to do for your mom. You have to overlook what Mom says, because of her pain, her medications, the cancer, etc. Just continue to be there for her when you can, not neglecting your own family too mcuh. Blessings. Don
  22. Cathy, so sorry about your dad. Yes, I believe that stopping the radiation treatments will help him regain some of his strength, since radiation tends to make one tired. Best to you and your family. Don
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