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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood


    I did laugh out loud!
  2. Kathy, my heart is heavy at your loss. You have made Tim so real for us, we feel the loss, too. Please keep connected so we may support you in your grief and beyond. Don
  3. Sophia, my prayers are with you, your dad and stepmom. Don
  4. Don Wood

    Prayers for my father

    My prayers are with you and your dad. Don
  5. On October 8th, Lucie completed her first year since diagnosis! She is now working on her second year! Things are going well right now, folks. Thanks for your continued love and support. Don
  6. Don Wood

    Dallas Bound

    I'm back!!! It was a great trip. It takes about 4 hours to drive from here. It was nice and sunny Sunday when I drove up to Dallas, and nice and sunny today when I drove back. My son, Randy, did fine. The gall bladder was removed Monday morning, and I took him home that afternoon. He has had little discomfort or pain. We had a good visit, too. He has redecorated his den, and Lucie wanted to know all about it, so, at the suggestion of my son, I bought a throw-away camera and took pictures. I knew I could never describe it all to her satisfaction! Sunday night, Randy and I had dinner out and he insisted on paying! That was very nice, and touched my heart. Dad usually pays. Tuesday I had lunch with our own Jack & Cheryl from the board here! They are a neat, terrific couple. I was so glad to meet and be with them. And Randy felt up to going with us, so we made it a foursome. We had a great time sharing lunch and stories and getting to know each other better. Jack and Cheryl look just like their picture! I am home now. Lucie faired very well (had a lot of people looking in on her), but she is glad to have me back and I'm glad to be back. Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and support. You all are awesome! Don
  7. Well, Lucie has a port and there was never any mention of blood thinners. There must be two schools of thought on that. She has very small elusive veins and the port has meant relief from pain of sticking so much to find a vein. The downside is that one can get infected if they are not careful with it. Lucie got a staph in her first one. She had to have that one removed and a second prot installed later on the other side. She likes hers. The other thing that can happen is plugging. After each use, the port must be injected with heparin and saline, to prevent a blocking. We always pay attention to what the nurse does at that point to be sure it is the right procedure. Lucie's got blocked once but they were able to unplug it. Good luck. Don
  8. Don Wood

    Missed you

    Always good to hear from you, Jay. And I am glad you've been around. Look forward to your postings. Don
  9. Terie, so sorry so many things are overwhelming you right now. Please know that you can vent here anytime. We are all in this together. I was shocked that an organization to help others would have dues! Sometimes those organizations have funds to help people who can't pay. You might want to check into that. I think helping others is a great idea for you. Don
  10. Tracy, that is so right on! Glad you all went to Vegas and celebrated. Don
  11. Carleen, I am so sorry that your birthday is a downer. Maybe you can celebrate it later when things are a little better. I agree that Iressa should be looked into, at least. And I would not accept this doctor's passiveness and seek help elsewhere. Don
  12. Andrea, welcome to the Primary Caregivers Club! You ARE normal. We frequently get overwhelmed at the enormity of our responsibility. That is why we need help -- from our friends, this board, our faith community and anyone who will listen! We also have to take breaks and do something for ourselves, or we WILL burn out. Take good care of yourself as well as your mom. You are doing a great job with her. Don
  13. J.C., so sorry to hear of Mike's passing. My prayers are with you. Do keep in touch with the board, so we may support you. Don
  14. Cheryl, hang in there. Lucie had pneumonia in August and it was touch and go, but she turned around, too. I pray Dick will come out of this soon. Don
  15. Don Wood

    paint it black

    It WILL pass, but you will always miss her and have moments of sadness. But it does get better. I lost both my parents when I was in my early twenties, and was able to move on. I understand about there not being another mother. I loved my mother-in-law dearly and was very saddened at her passing ten years ago. She was a good "mom", but she did not replace my mother. It was just a different but great relationship. Take your time. Don
  16. Don Wood

    Dallas Bound

    Just wanted to let the board family know that I will be gone to Dallas Sunday through Wednesday of this coming week to be with my younger son. He is having his gall bladder removed on Monday morning. Lucie will be here in Houston in very good hands. She has had some leg swelling, but CT of pelvis/abdomin area shows clear, and her left pelvis where one of the mets had fractured the bone is heeled. Lasix has helped with the swelling. So we are doing well right now. I will check in when I get back, folks. Blesssings. Don
  17. Eddie, my inclination is to level with the wife and be honest. She is in this with you, and you need to treat her as a partner all the way. Don
  18. Kris, take the time you need to get through the grief. I am sorry for your loss. "Normal" is elusive after cancer, so don't worry about it. Other people may be able to move on, but you need to take the pace that is right for you. Real friends will understand and the others you don't need right now. You need those who will support you where you are. Stay connected here and let us know how we can support you. Don
  19. I am so sorry to hear you lost your husband to this terrible disease. I am glad you came here and let your thoughts and emotions flow. You need to do that and get the support you will get here. At the point where we are (one year from diagnosis), I would gladly take 6 years, but I know the loss is heavy no matter when it comes. You can get through this (I have lost both parents, sister, brother and mother-in-law) by leaning on your good friends, both there and here. That is what we are here for, to support each other through our journey trials. Please stick with us and let us know how we can support you, and vent all you want. We do understand. Grace. Don
  20. Andrea, sounds great! I believe one does have to have a cadre of doctors and not just one. We have a medical oncologist (main man), radiation oncologist, pulmonologist, neurologist, cardiologist and general practioner on our team. Don
  21. Ginny, sounds good to me! Blessings. Don
  22. Even though some cancers have blood markers, the tests are not infallible. The only way to determine cancer for sure is a biopsy of the tissue. Don
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