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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Go, Cheryl! You and Jack deserve some good times now. Don
  2. Lauri, sorry about your mom. My tendency is not to keep secrets from the patient nor the close family. But you know your mother best and can decide that for yourself. You are not obligated to be "tied down" by the physician on this. My intuition tells me you need a second opinion and soon. I don't like the secretness and the slowness of this guy. Just my two cents. Don
  3. Went to the onc today and he is very pleased with Lucie's status, and so are we. Scans will be done next month to check. We went out this evening and celebrated with margaritas and sopapillas! Here's to everyone's good health and progress. Don
  4. Great news, Marlon (let's beat them Yankees)! Don
  5. I agree that your mom is more savvy than she is showing. She has decided to be positive with the time she has and for that I commend her. I encourage you to support her in that. We can't control the time we have, but we sure can control how we live it. I'm for keeping the time as positive as it can be, knowing it is a dire situation. That takes courage and a lot of love, and you can do that. Don
  6. Bruce, like the fall colors in your picture. Great news, too. Don
  7. Jeanne, sorry about your dad. Glad you found another onc and things are moving along. You dad is in my prayers. My wife is Stage 3 NSCLC, with various bone mets. She had chemo and radiation and just passed her first year with no evidence of disease. We are working on the second year. Good luck. Don
  8. Welcome, Frank. Thanks for posting. Please keep us up to date on what is going on with you. Wish you all the best. Don
  9. Actually I only missed one and it was a trick question (ha! Ha!). Don
  10. My younger son is an aerospace engineer by training, and now retread to a software engineer. I do understand the jokes! Thanks. Don
  11. Prayers for Bill and Peg. Don
  12. Go, Howard! Great news! Don
  13. Thanks, Stephanie. Great story of hope. Don
  14. Don Wood


    Glad the ribs are clear. Hope the other area shows clear, too. Don
  15. Don Wood

    Dick Critical

    Cheryl, my prayrs are with you and Dick. Don
  16. Ginny, sorry Earl took a tumble, but you have nothing to feel guilty about. It was his decision to go out alone. Even when we have cancer, we do dumb things! I am so glad you all went ahead with the gathering -- as you could see, it was good for you both. Always opt on the side of going ahead with fun plans when you can. I have said a prayer for Earl. Don
  17. Greg, my prayers are with you this monring. Don
  18. Don Wood

    My Dad is Gone

    Joe, so very sorry that you lost your dad. I am glad you are proud of him, as I am sure he was proud of you. Please keep in touch so we here can help you through the grief and beyond. Your gift to your dad is what you become -- the best Joe you can be. God's grace. Don
  19. Deb, don't beat up on yourself for crying in front of your dad. First, you are human, not a robot, and, second, it demonstrates to him how much you care. I agree wholeheartedly with the others that you should make the time to be one-on-one with your dad, regardless of your mother's barbs. I think it is a good idea to take him somewhere for a few hours, where just the two of you can enjoy each other. You will regret it if you don't. All we have is today, and we need to make the most of it. Go! Don
  20. Good to hear from you, Sam. Glad you got to do the wedding thing and that it went well. Blessings. Don
  21. Hey, Dean! Welcome to the little family here. Keep us posted. Don
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