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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    Prayers please

    Marlon, prayers coming. Don
  2. Pee3, glad to hear your good news. Hang in there. Don
  3. Don Wood

    My wife Ada

    Thanks for that beautiful bio on Ada, Jim. There are many stars in her crown! Blessings. Don
  4. Dave, yes you can ask for a prayer, and I have prayed for you and Iressa. Don
  5. Don Wood

    my fear of reoccurance

    So happy to hear it is clear!
  6. Oh, that is funny! I didn't see that one coming.
  7. Cheryl, I love your title! I can't answer your questions, but I would say, as I say to Lucie, "Don't borrow trouble -- there's enough real stuff out there". Try not to imagine the worst and hope for the best. God's grace. Don
  8. I was not aware of those choices, but when I come on board, the ones I haven't read are highlighted with a little tab in front, so I haven't needed that. Don
  9. Don Wood


    Sounds good to me, Dave. I know you are in good hands. Don
  10. Annie, so sorry you two have to go through this again. I am hoping, too, that the Iressa will be the ticket. Keep in touch and let us support you. Don
  11. Barisa, you are doing well with your dad. He is lucky to have your constant support. Keep it up. And try not to get too discouraged. Cancer is a rough road, but there is always hope. Don
  12. Andrea, you are not alone -- you have us. And we're glad you can come and share your feelings openly. I am so sorry about your mom. As Doug Flutie (QB in NFL) can tell you, sometimes the Hail Mary works. So don't give up yet. My prayers are with you. And it's really okay to be mad at God and the world. Life is not fair. The main thing is what we do about it. Blessings. Don
  13. Hi, Sam! I enjoyed reading your promising news. I feel a connection because Lucie is also regaining her strength and health like you. Hang in there! Don
  14. Shirley, I am so sorry you have to go through so much pain. I think you did the right thing to get someone else to be with your daughter and to leave. Otherwise, the situation probably would have gotten worse. And you needed at that moment to take care of yourself. I have prayed for Priscilla and you, as you requested. I hope things will get easier for you soon. God bless. Don
  15. I don't know about blood clots, but Iressa does cause skin rash, diarrhea and, in a small number of cases, pneumonia. My wife had to go off the Iressa because of the pneumonia. You might ask the onc about this. The FDA website has info on Iressa. I think it is www.fda.gov. Don
  16. Hang in there, Dean! Yes, we have learned that we have to take charge of our own health and do the directing. Also, each patient needs an advocate to run interference for the patient when the patient is down and can't fight for themselves. Sounds like you have a good handle on it now, and I wish you all the best. Don
  17. GO, David! Celebrate! Yahoooooo! Don
  18. Don Wood

    Lucie's Scans

    Chest x-ray was clear. Hope to hear about bone scan on Monday. Don
  19. Don Wood

    The Bus Stop

    Thanks, Debi! Miracles (the hand of God) do happen today. The Kid was there for you, and you were there for The Kid. And that is the way it is supposed to be, if we just take time and follow our hearts. This board pretty much works that way, too. What an upper! Don
  20. We have both onc and pulm, and use them as we need. The onc runs the show for us, though. We have not had the problem of one ordering scans and the other not on the same page. Good luck. Don
  21. Connie, it's so good to see your smiling face again, and hear your warm comments. Glad you are well on the mend. Don
  22. This IS a frustrating disease, and it takes us through quite a maze. We have to adapt and learn to ride it out, always moving with hope. A second opinion is a good thing. Go for it. And this is a good place to vent -- we all understand and don't mind, because we will have our turns. Don
  23. Your dad is under a lot of stress. You have to forgive him for his anger. He is trying to cope the best way he knows. As a man, he wants to fix it, and he can't. There is nothing more frustrating. Please be patient with him, and keep the communications open, for your mom's sake. Don
  24. Debbie, so sorry about your mom. Vent here whenever you need. My prayers are with you. Don
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