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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Dean, welcome here! I, too, am hoping the tumor is benign and you don't need to be here. But, if it is not, then we are here for you with care, support and info. Good luck. Don
  2. Kim, sorry about your mom. Yes, you do need to do normal things and fun things to keep your sanity, but you also have to balance that with what your mom needs. My wife is much more aware of what her children and grandchildren do or don't do for her, because she feels the time crunch. I had to take my older son aside and tell him that these are not normal times, and it is not business as usual. That he needed to call and visit more often than he is used to, even though he has his own business and a family. He got the message. I think you can learn from what happened to you -- perhaps go to the party, but not stay so late that you would miss an opportunity to do something with your mother. Good luck. Don
  3. I agree that the woman needs time to assimilate her situation and to work with the family. That does not mean you shouldn't contact her unobtrusely through U. S. mail or E-mail, so she doesn't have to respond. I would look through the posts here, copy ones you think would give her a lift, and mail or E-mail them to her. This way, she knows you care and she can see others struggling with the disease as well. In time, you might then call to check in, if she doesn't respond to your mail/E-mail. As many have said, you sould like a caring friend, and we all need that through these times. Good luck and God's blessings. Don
  4. Anne, welcome to the boards. I assume you mean 12-14-02 as Dx date, which means about 10 months ago. I think it is good to do "normal" activities such as furnace cleaning. We need to recapture some normalcy in our cancer lives. Keep posting. Regards. Don
  5. I've often wondered why "pants" is plural and "shirt" is singular.
  6. Prayers for Apache. My daughter actually put her cat on the church prayer list when he was ill. I thought that was super support of her by the congregation. Don
  7. Chuck, take your time through the grief process, but do look for opportunities to reach out -- for support and to help others. Rambling and venting are very much encouraged and supported here, so don't worry about that. We are here for you and Shelly. Don
  8. JudyB, so good to see your post! And all the good news! I was just thinking this week that I had not seem a post from you in a while, and it was good to see your picture pop up again! Blessings. Don
  9. Hi, Chuck, and welcome to our little family here. So sorry that you lost your dear wife to lung cancer and I pray God give you and Shelly the grace, love and strength to get through the grieving process. We much appreciate Shelly staying with us, and hope you will be a regular as well. You have a great daughter there, as I am sure you know. Blessings. Don
  10. Annie, wonderful news! Yes, it is fun to post here. Give Tim our regards, and you two celebrate. Don
  11. Don Wood


    Candy, my heart is so saddened at your loss of your dear Hugh. We appreciate you taking the time to let us know where you are in all this. And I am pleased to hear you will stay connected. That will help you and us. You have made Hugh so real to us. Thank you for that. And you are right, do move on for Hugh in the time you need. Blessings. Don
  12. Susan, a lot depends on his PSA, Gleason score (aggressiveness), stage. I am an 8-year survivor of prostate cancer, having beat it twice. So try not to think the worst until you know the facts, as hard as that is. Best to you and your family. Don
  13. Kim, sorry about your mom. This is a good place for info and support. Welcome abaord and keep us posted. Don
  14. Gina, great news! I'm doing a little jig around the chair in your honor. Go, girl! Don
  15. Denise, prayers for you and your mom. Don
  16. Don Wood

    Tumor is GONE!

    Tumor gone -- wonderful news!
  17. Don Wood


    Happy trails to you!
  18. Awesome, David P.! What an accomplishment! And, I agree with the others, your loss of hair does not detract from you at all. Makes me proud, guys, to be a baldy, too. Don
  19. Cindy, my prayrs are with you on the surgery. Don
  20. Don Wood

    Scan results

    Cary, super news! Don
  21. Aha! Thanks for the clarification.
  22. I think Becky is correct, in general terms. Lucie had radiation on 4 bone met sites -- upper spine, right fibula, left hip and right sacrum. Each time she had 10-14 treatments. So far, alleviating pain where there was pain, and shrinking the cancer have been successful. 5 sessions seems like a low number to me, but it may depend on the location and size of the tumor. Three of Lucie's tumors were causing her severe pain and one was large enough to threaten bone integrity (fibula). The one on her upper spine threatened the integrity of the spine and motor skills in her left hand and arm. This one is the one that signaled there was something wrong and the cancer was found. Hope this helps info wise. Don
  23. Don Wood


    Funny thing, Ray -- that is exactly what Lucie says from time to time. I think it is the cancer survivor's motto during treatments. Best to you. Don
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