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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Candy, so saddened about Hugh. Hope you are okay. Don
  2. Here's to you and your fungus, Sam! Oh, there's a fungus amongus! Don
  3. Hi, Cathy, and welcome to the boads. Your dad is certainly a cancer survivor and an inspiration to us all. Looks like a good program for treating the lung cancer. Keep us posted. Let us know how we can support you. Don
  4. Great news, Earl and Ginny! Celebrate! Don
  5. Fay, glad to hear the good news, air and all. Don
  6. Sharing sunsets together and taking video pictures are two great ideas. What a great family you have! Don
  7. Norme, my prayers are with you both. Don
  8. James, I am saddened at your loss of your mom. My sincerest condolences to you and your family. Don
  9. Don Wood


    Andrea, your story reads like good news to me. My wife is Stage IV NSCLC, with bone mets, and is coming rapidly on a year since diagnosis. At present, she is doing well. Don
  10. It depends. My wife, Lucie, has had six different bone mets and two of them never exhibited any pain. Four of them exhibited pain of varying degrees and persistent. Two of the areas still give her some pain intermittently, so she is still on morphine. Don
  11. I think that none of them is completely reliable alone, and that is probably why all three are frequently used.
  12. LAURIE! Missed you, too! Thanks for saying Hi. Blessings. Don
  13. Don Wood


    BB, Lucie's main bone met is on her upper spine. So far, it is under control, along with the other bone mets. Good luck. Don
  14. Great news, Cheryl. I wish for continuing good news. Don
  15. Please tell your mom that we miss her, but take her time. She will know when she feels like posting. We are just happy she's peeking in! Don
  16. CARLEEN! So good to hear from you again! I have missed you, and I know many of us have. Glad to have the update on Keith -- it sounds like good news. A belated Happy Birthday to Keith! And a belated Happy Anniversary to you both! We are here whenever you need us, so don't be shy (ha!). I am so sorry about your job -- is there any possiblity of finding another one that is not so stressful? I guess these days are jobs are pretty stressful. God's blessings! Don
  17. Thanks, Ray, for sharing that. No one knows like a cancer survivor knows how precious time is. Let's not squander a moment, unless it is having fun, and that's not squandering. Don
  18. So pleased your mom was able to attend the wedding and reception, and enjoy herself. And happy that you got to enjoy yourself, too. Cheers. Don
  19. Don Wood

    Life is good....

    Terrie, so glad to hear the good news. On the question, I guess I come down on the side of not offering the info unless asked. I would not lie on a direct question, or on a form, but I don't think I would volunteer the info up front. Just my view. Don
  20. Joe, I am so sad at the turn of events for your dad. As hard as it is on the loved ones, the patient has the right to decide how he or she wants to proceed. Support your dad in eveyr way you can and make the most of the time you have. Let him reminisce with you. And, you never know, he still may make a good turn. Blessings. Don
  21. Hi, Paula, and welcome to the boards. Don't know anything about the insulin, but there is plenty of info and support here. Keep us posted on your dad. Don
  22. Great news, Heather! Thanks for sharing that with us. May the good news continue to roll in. Don
  23. Cheryl and Jack, I am dancing a little jig in celebration of your great news! Take care. Don
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