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Everything posted by LynneH

  1. Cindi, I'm convinced you are really a robot that is able to live without one ounce of sleep! So, guess I'll join you. Could you pour me a glass of Berengers white zinfandel? I tip well. Your friend Lynne
  2. Oh Eppie, I am so sorry to read about your father. My warmest thoughts are with you and your family during this most difficult time. Lynne
  3. Long Beach California. Moved to Dallas, Texas, at the ripe old age of 9 months and usually forget that I was not actually born a Texan. Don't have the foggiest idea where Long Beach is. Guess I ought to dig out a map, now that you've made me think about it Ann.
  4. Ry let me have the 'big long nap' hall pass a while back so I could regroup a little. I think I am 'regrouped' now and I really missed all of you! I'm a little rusty on everyone's comings and goings, but will try to get caught up. My Dad passed away on March 3rd. He was a very good and honorable man. I miss him. Jim will be gone a year on March 31st. I'm visiting a monastery that week-end for some quiet reflection. Always searching for that personal peace, you know. Jim would be having a good chuckle with this. Again, I've missed you. I offer my warmest thanks to those that have reached out to make sure I was okay. You are truly a part of my family and that warms my big, fatty heart. Love, Lynne
  5. LynneH


    Bunny (my favorite nickname), you are always so caring, supportive, honest, and funny. Thanks for all of the wonderful words of wisdom. Lynne
  6. LynneH

    3 Years

    Carleen, 3 years is a wonderful thing to celebrate! I'll be wishing for some strong glue to keep those little embryos holding on tight! Congratulations to you and Keith, Lynne
  7. Cindy, what a difference a caring group of doctors can make for you and your Dad! I am so excited to hear the hope in your voice. Lynne
  8. LynneH


    Beautiful. Thank you for posting this.
  9. Peggy, I cannot believe it has been 6 months. I know some days it feels like 6 years, and some days it feels like 6 hours. Weird, isn't it? Ginny plucked the bullseye right out of the heart as she spoke of all of those 'ordinary' moments that all added up to a whole bunch of special. I know we cannot make any more of those moments, but it's nice to know that we have a place in our hearts reserved for all of those nice, enjoyable, memories. I know Don is so proud of you. Take care of yourself and so nice to hear your 'voice' again, Lynne
  10. Peggy! 3000?! Wow. You must be tired! I better get one of those warm fluffy towels sent your way so you can relax in a hot tub and sip a sparkling glass of wine. Thanks you for all you have given here (and to me personally). Congratulations! Lynne
  11. LynneH

    ALYCE IS GONE >>>>

    Larry, I'm so sad to hear about Alyce. It was always so clear how much you adored and loved your wife. I know she must have felt that love every day of those 44 years together. I wish you strength and peace to carry you through such a difficult time. Lynne
  12. I don't know if you could have ordered a more perfect week-end! Congrats to the lovely Suki and you and Rich kick up those heels! Lynne
  13. Brenda, I am so sorry and will keep you and your family in my thoughts. I am so glad he is now free from pain. Lynne
  14. Hi, I'm a little late here but wanted to add a positive note. My Dad has Parkinson's Disease and has swallowing problems. His weight had dropped drastically. He decided to go with the feeding tube (into the stomach) and he has gained alot of weight! He lives in a nursing facility so they manage the care of it but he has had it for a year and has had no problems. The staff recently mentioned that they should be replaced every year, but I do not know what they were basing that on and that isn't where you are at yet. Good luck and hope you get lots of info tomorrow! Lynne
  15. Estee Lauder Loreal MAC Bobbie Brown Clinique (I think Estee owns this one, but I couldn't think of another) Name 5 theme parks.
  16. Ok, Charlie. You won me over today and are making me have to drag my butt to the bar and apologize for taking some time off when so many people could use some holding up. Kasey has been trying to kick my rear into any ol' gear but I have been stuck in neutral. So, I'm grabbing Kasey's hand and skipping to the bar with her where we will sit on the other side of Pat so I can hold her hand too. Wish I had more hands, but I can offer a foot if anyone else is in need..... Thanks for the reminder. Lynne
  17. Remember when we were kids and we actually used to play at this place called 'outside'? Played tetherball and croquet with those little wiry wickets.... I'm waiting for you to post that picture Kase! Lynne
  18. My Pat, I'm so honored to have the chance to say 'THANK YOU' to such a special lady for all that you have meant to me personally and to others here at LCSC. I know your heart is broken into a 1,000 pieces and yet you still trudge up the hill to send good wishes and words of comfort. I want to be like you if I ever grow up. Love, and Thank You! Lynne
  19. LynneH

    Cold showers

    Oh Beth, crum-bum on the water heater! Ginny is right about our club....now, if we could just figure out how to publish the 'how to do the things they did for us' book...... I have had the tape measure stuck in a groove against the garage wall, which meant I was okay if I just wanted to keep measuring the same spot over and over.......then, my sister visited, pulled it right out. I had tugged on it for days. I hope you have some other 'handy men' in your life that you can call for advice. If not, heck, try us. Perhaps we've been there. I hope the water is hot now???? Thinking of you Beth, Lynne
  20. Hi Heather..........I am so glad you found this group. They are amazing and will lift you up, especially when you need it and don't even know it! I'm so sorry to hear about your husband but you will read about many successes here............. Welcome. Lynne
  21. Charlie and Tina, I am thinking of you both. Hopefully Charlie will feel like talking to the doctor soon and finding some relief. Lynne
  22. Beth, I am so so sorry to read about your Dad. Lynne
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