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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Donna G


    Again thanks for your hard work. I came down earlier this am and the site just was weird typing. I guess your post explains that. Most people are so nice, just don't understand why some are so off track that they would "hack" this site , certainly not "for the money" Again thanks Rick for your efforts for us. Donna G
  2. Reading those warm and loving words , it is evident that you were raised by a warm and loving man. May he live on in you and may you and your family find peace. Donna G
  3. How wonderful that Bobs family will have you with them for the wait I pray all goes well and his recovery is swift. Donna G
  4. Hi Leo. Sounds like you are heading to the 2 yr survivor anniversary. How is this second round of chemo doing? Having any problems. Has the effusion begun to clear up? Welcome , now you understand now that we know some about you , we need you to keep us posted on how you are doing. Again welcome and I hope you find the friends and support we know you need during this difficult time. Donna G
  5. Just now, 2 pm CST the temperature here in Minnesota just went above 60 degrees! We have not had 60 degrees since Ocotober 24, 2003. The sun is shining! Ugh , I wish I could play hookie from work but alas, there's tomorrow, which could be another day above 60! Yeh. One happy camper , Donna G
  6. How about a referal to a thoracic surgeon? Get it out and let pathology decide what it is. You never said that on CTs , MRI s etc they found any thing any where else. Donna G
  7. just stumbled over this article , someone decided to study those of us who survived because we are a growing number! http://www.cancer.mednet.ucla.edu/newsm ... 71702.html I sent this message to the email address on the article. Just found and read an article written in July, 02. I am glad someone is thinking of long term survivors of lung cancer. I was diagnosed in Dec. 97 and know many even longer survivors than myself. One , David, was diagnosed with lung cancer in his teens, one lung removed, now the father of teenagers, school teacher, and marathon bike rider. I agree that the impact of lung cancer is far more emotional than physical. The physical rehabilitation however is really not addressed either. As so many more now are being diagnosed at much youner ages and many young women who never smoked the rehab also needs to be addressed. I am an RN. At the hospital I work it is part of our thorocotomy pathway that right after surgery passive ROM to the affected shoulder should start but then what? I hope your center has continued this research to improve the quality of life for those of us survivors of lung cancer. Thanks Donna RN
  8. Wow! Glad her Dr is humble and listened to what she was saying. Keep us posted. Donna G
  9. Welcome Elisabeth. From what you have written, I like your Dad already! He sounds spunky! All the people I know that live until there 100 are that way. Please keep us posted on what treatment they decide and how he is doing. Again welcome. Donna G
  10. Donna G


    Great job Rick! This really puts faces to the "disease." We are real people, daughters, sons, mothers , fathers, friends . We are not statistics. I wish something like this could run on national TV for lung cancer awareness. We loose so many wonderful people. I 've watched several times in a row, just like our lives the pictures go by so quickly. Donna G
  11. Hi Josie. Prayera going up for your Dad. Let us know how things are going. Donna G
  12. John welcome. It is good your Mom has someone looking for info for her. In the beginning it is very hard being told you have lung cancer, many of us feel we have been given a death sentence. It takes a while to come out of the fog. "Fog" can be good for a while to help with coping. Keep us posted. Donna G
  13. Yippee! Great news. Pray all continues to go this well. Donna G
  14. Please except my sincere sympathy. I am so sorry . He was much to young to leave us. This was his anniversary month since surgery. May you and your family find comfort and peace. Donna G
  15. Donna G


    Thank you for letting us know. We are so sorry. Peace be with you and your family. Donna G
  16. Donna G

    What a day!

    Mary Ann , how interesting that the school has a smoking cessation program. I'll tell you they never had that when I was in High School ! Our local group here in Minnesota has had an awareness programs in November a couple of times and I went to the local High School and spoke to the school nurse. I felt like she was brushing me off. She said " I don't think the kids would be interested in going unless it was during the week and they got the day off!" I kept pushing and said well at least take the brochure and give it to the teachers so they can come and learn about lung cancer. I really don't think she pushed it or was interested. I had a program at my hospital , tables with posters and pamphlets and once in a while I still here about it. Just yesterday a new employee was talking about how she just lost a parent quickly recently to lung cancer. The HUC ( health unit coordinator) looked at me and said how the hospital had an awareness event and " werent you in one of the pictures of lung cancer survivors?" " That was so interesting a display" etc. So if we keep trying maybe , little by little the word gets out . Donna G
  17. Donna G

    Wall of memory

    I hope this gets smoothed out soon. At work today I just met a new employee who just lost her patent to lung cancer , very quickly. I told her we had a group of caregivers greiving and about the wall. Now if she tries it tonight , it won't be there. Hope all gets smoothed out. You worked so hard for that feature. Donna G
  18. Rick that is great. Will it then lead to the Wall of Memory that we now know? Donna G
  19. Sounds like great news to me. Shrinkage Yes that does sound real good! Donna G
  20. Donna G

    Another Good Scan

    Great news Dave. Stable boy that sounds like a nice guy to have around also. Looks like you had some nice weather and enjoyed your favorite sport. Again , great news. Donna G
  21. Welcome Billie You are really close to several of us. Physically close. I live just south in the Burnsville . Connie lives just northeast. We all meet at Regions twice a month. We were there Tuesday. I was 50 at diagnosis. Boy do I agree there is a huge emotional ajustment to make when you first find out. What support group do you go to? I hear there is one at North Memorial also. Keep us posted
  22. Donna G

    4 year check up

    Jodi that is great news! Hope you are happy and busy, have not seen you at group in so long. Regions is having another survivor luncheon this spring. Again great news Jodi. Donna G
  23. I have no personal experience But I pick door #3. Get it out sounds good to me, followed by radiation. I have taken care of people who have had brain surgery, and it seems to me not as big a deal as chest surgery as long as you have a good surgeon. Never had anyone complain of "pain" afterwards. We just watched to make sure they didn't "leak" or show any signs of increased intracranial presure , usually were transfered out to the floor in a day. We have several in our local support group that have had total brain radiation because they had SCLC , they are a couple of years out, joke about it but generally are no the worse for the wear. Let us know what you decide. Donna G
  24. Donna G

    Pain Pump?

    Thanks JC, I did not mention that the pumps are set to limit how much you can get in an hour to prevent overdosing Donna G
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