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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Donna G

    Escaped again!

    Negative-----Unchanged-----Negative. THis could make wonderful music. Great news. Donna G
  2. Donna G

    Thanks All

    Welcome home David. Donna G
  3. Wind chill is 30 below here. I m with you. Hiberanate sounds good, wish I didn't have to work PMs today. I Pray your bx goes well. Donna G
  4. Donna G


    Hello Annghall! Welcome Donna G
  5. Donna G


    Natalie I am so sorry. I am glad you were able to be with her. You are in my prayers. Donna G
  6. Hi Kelly and welcome. Sorry you need to be here but most of us are pretty experienced with lung cancer. You have made some very valid points. I am positive without doing a web search that we ( the USA) have spent a lot more money on outer space than on our lung space. The diagnosis of cancer really brings up lots of emotions and lots of stress. It is good your family is rallying around , we need all the support we can get especially those first months with diagnosing , testing, deciding, etc Keep us posted on how things are going. Donna G
  7. I do believe the ultimate decision is the lung cancer victim but first I hope that they are well informed. Many people especially older people remember horror stories from years ago when people took chemo. Most people really do tolerate chemo and like Karen said you can always decide to stop also. Donna G
  8. Shirley the sad thing about lung cancer is that usually there are no early symptoms, if there were, people would be diagnosed early , treated early and most would be cured. Some day I pray that it will be diagnosed early! Most people today really do not have major problems caused by the chemo. With new meds available for nausea, meds to boost blood counts etc even the elderly tolerate chemo pretty well. The decision to take treatment has to be your dad's . This decision needs to be well informed though I believe. Keep us posted. Donna G
  9. Donna G

    Clean scan!

    Thanks so much for sharing that great news. Music to the ears! We love it. Keep it coming! Donna G
  10. Welcome Shirley. I hope we meet your needs. Those first months are so difficult, all the tests, learning so many new things, grieving over the "loss" of our health and normal routines. Hope you get your Dad loged on , I think it helps to "talk" to those who have walked your journey. Donna G
  11. I had the same treatment last Spring. They saw a calcium spot on a breast and the local clinic sent me to the central clinic for follow up mammogram. I could not believe they had a whole area so large just for mammograms, with baskets of ribbons ( " take one for a friend") baskets of treats, candies, cookies etc. The changing area was a lot different from radiology and the " gowns" were much more stylish than those cotton things most get in xray They were thermal weight and closed with velcro. Waiting areas had fish tanks, etc. They are spending some of that breast money on other things than research. But perhaps that is part of the research , treating people that way. Donna G
  12. Donna G

    Mom is gone

    I am so sorry Jennifer. May you and your family find peace. Donna G
  13. Welcome Mayos. You are officially part of our "family" now. Thanks for joining and bringing great news. Another with a clean scan Yehhhhhhhhhh! Now you must keep us posted Donna G
  14. Looks good to me. I like the colors too. Donna G
  15. Sounds like she has great doctor. Levenox is the drug of choice Sounds like she is using it if she is injecting herself. Donna G
  16. If you have lung cancer you are at high risk for blood clots. I have read that you should be treated with heparin . Many times with clots the doctors switch you over to coumadin which usually is fine but not with clots in people with tumors , you need heparin or levenox ( low molecular wieght heparin given subcutaneiously) for several months. There is something from the tumors that causes clotting to go wacky.
  17. Becky you need your Brocoli! and all those good vegi s that fight Cancer! Try to think of food as medicine , not a good thing to loose weight now. Donna G PS get some Boost or some supplement shake and drink down your nutrition if you must. Please take care
  18. Donna G

    i got shrinkage!!!

    Yessssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!! Shrinkage is GOOD. Sounds like music to the ears. Keep that great news coming! Donna G
  19. Yes , narcotics can cause constipation. Colace or an over the counter "stool" softener will help . and if your not getting enough fiber you can buy that also over the counter to keep you regular. Donna G
  20. Well todays the day- ON WARD TO VICTORY !!!!!!!!!!!!. Tell us how it went. We are all happy the plan has been set . Donna G
  21. This is the name of the Doctor at the University of Minnesota who does VAT surgery to remove lung surgery. He is a professor there and he is also doing research on micrometastasis, in an effort to more accurately Stage lung cancer at the time of surgery. On the web site for the Cancer Center they listed his phone # 612-624-9461 Donna G
  22. I am so sorry. I pray you and your family find peace. She put up a wonder fight and I am sure appreiciated your support so much. Donna G
  23. Donna G


    Hope the appointment goes well. Also enjoy the trip south. We are getting really cold here in Minnesota, can't imagine our next door neighbors in Wisc. are that much warmer. New Orleans has got to be better. If you go by Slidell or Abita Springs wave to our friends there ( we lived in those towns) Let us know all about the trip and what the drs. have to say . We'll be waiting to hear. Donna G
  24. Welcome. Boy it would be great for you if you have a surgeon that can remove that tumor by VATS ( video assisted thorocotomy surgury) It is like comparing the old gall bladder surgery with taking it out with a scope. Not all surgeons have training to do it this was, but much less pain, heal and back to normal much sooner. You sound like you would be a candidate for VATS. If you go the old way be sure to get an Epidural for pain control that is the way to fly and keep it for several days. Keep us posted . Donna G
  25. Grrrrrrreat news . Thanks so much for sharing with us. I just love a reason to celebrate and that sure is a biggy! Keep us posted. Donna G
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