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Everything posted by Shar

  1. Congratulations guys!!!! That is great news. Sharon
  2. Shar

    Tattoo Who???

    Hey Debi, Well I have 7 tattoos and I love them all. My favourite is on my wrist, it's done like a bracelet. I guess you could say it resembles a vine of some sort, but I just love it. It's about 6 yrs old now and hasn't faded a bit. I have a bird on the arch of my foot, it is 16 yrs old and is faded a bit from wearing shoes I guess. I have 2 suns on my back, one is coloured the other is just black. I also have a rose in the middle of my back. I have a really nice design around my ankle, love that one. No colour but a great design!! The last one I have is a purple chinese symbol on my upper arm, which means 'woman'. I can honestly say I don't regret them at all. Some of them I got really drunk for but I still knew I was going to do it. I don't understand why people recommend getting one just so you can hide it. Why???? If you find a design you really love, get it wherever you feel comfortable. This is about you not anybody else!!! It's your body. Best of luck with it Debi, Sharon
  3. Sounds like good news to me!!! Congratulations to you both. Sharon
  4. Leslie, These are great photos!!! Glad you had such a great time. Rome looks beautiful. You look so healthy I gotta say!!!! Sharon
  5. Shar

    Really rough night

    Pat & Brian I am thinking of you both. Sorry you are going through all of this. Sharon
  6. Pat, I am hoping all goes well for great results. You guys are fighters!!!!! Thinking of you both, Sharon
  7. hey Cindi, I know how you feel with the weight thing. Same thing happened to me, I hated looking at myself!!! A little fatty boombah I was, LOL!!!! I chose your little furry friend today and got a little something for you as well. Hope it cheers you up, Sharon
  8. Pat, Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you both. I admire your strength and Brian's determination. Amazing. Sharon x
  9. That's great news Melinda, fantastic!!! I am so happy for you. Sharon
  10. Kasey congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. It's people like you that make people like me come to this site. Sharon
  11. Shar

    Good Results

    Mary, I am happy to hear of the shrinkage. That is wonderful news, keep up the good work!!!!! Sharon
  12. Pat I am sending all the positive thoughts I can possibly send to you guys. Enjoy your night together and keep strong. There are so many people on your side. Many hugs, Sharon
  13. Thanks so much guys for your kind words. I am trying to lift myself out of this and focus on the court hearing which is coming up. I am just so glad I have you guys. You are all so wonderful. Sharon x
  14. Welcome debra, this site is just brilliant and so are the people on here. Sorry you have to be on here. Sharon
  15. Hey all, You know just when I think life is cruising along something always happens. I have had great success with tarceva and it has brought me hope which I didnt think I would have. I have 2 kids, 11 & 14, and I didn't think I would see them finish school, get a job and get married. It broke my heart but I was resigned to it. Now I look forward to the future and I allow myself to think that I will see my kids grow up. Six years ago their father and I divorced. The court awarded him custody due to the fact he doesn't work (long story) and I worked full time. I see them almost every weekend and during the week also. The school holidays are split except for Christmas, he get them for 5 weeks and I get them for 2. Now that I am no longer working, my kids asked to go to court to get them for 3 weeks over Christmas and just a few small time changes for the other holidays. All straight forward I thought. Their father of course has denied me seeing them for any more time, he wants things to stay as they are. My daughter who is 11 is finding it increasingly harder to be away from me. The only reason I was willing to put myself in the stressful position of going back to court was for them. As payback for doing this he has now contacted child support and wants $3800 straight away. Apparently this is owed due to the fact my employer didn't make the right payments from my salary. I am prepared to pay this amount from my life insurance, but he wants the money now. He has told them I have a car and they want to go to court to get me to sell it and pay them. I need this car to get to my appointments and to pick my kids up. It is all I own. All morning I have been crying and wondering when this will all stop. I could go on forever about what he says and does. It is all hateful and we no longer speak since he told me I had got what I deserve when I was diagnosed. I decided then and there that all my energy would go into fighting this disease and not him. My lawyer has said for 3 years that he will do whatever he can to punish me for leaving him. I thought my illness might change him, I mean I was with him for 20 years (since I was 14). Guess not!! Anyway, it has helped me getting all of this out of my system. I have moments where I get so down and wonder if he has defeated me. I don't feel as though I can deal with his hate anymore. Thanks for listening to my rambling, sorry it it like a soap opera!!! Sharon
  16. That is brilliant news Leslie, fantastic!!!!! So glad to hear it. Warm hugs, Sharon
  17. Just wanted you guys to know I have been thinking of you and am sending every positive thought I can. Warm hugs, Sharon
  18. Shar


    I agree with the others that the rash and the fatigue are the worst side effects of Tarceva. My rash has settled for now, but for a while there I had ulcers everywhere. It's all worth it though for the great results it has given me. Life is so much better now!!!!! All the best to you, Sharon
  19. Great news Jamie. So glad to hear it!!!!!!!! Sharon
  20. Cindi, I really can't answer your question, but I would be having the MRI anyway. It will ease your mind then. Sending every positive thought I can your way. Sharon
  21. Fay, Oh for God's sake some people do need to get a life!!! I think you are insightful and truthful. I can't stand negative and morose people. This disease is hard enough to cope with, we don't need this as well. I say keep on posting the way you have been and the one's who don't like it can just bugger off!!! Sharon
  22. Hey all, I don't really know how things work in the U.S., but over here I am surviving (barely) on what is called the disability pension. It equates to about $550.00 per 2 weeks, no living it up for sure!!!! My oncologist told me to quit my job back in April of this year, so I did as I was told. Since then it has been a struggle financially, I mean health care isn't a problem because over here everybody is covered working or not. It hasn't been easy living on that sort of money, petrol (gas) has gone up to $1.20 per litre and living isn't cheap anymore. So the other day I am going through some of my superannuation paperwork that I have, knowing it was worth bugger all to be honest. I was just trying to work out how much I wasn't worth when I saw written in small print that I had insurance for being permanently disabled. I have 3 policies and I frantically checked each one of them. Sure enough, they all had this insurance on them. With my heart beating faster and faster I rang them one by one to confirm I was eligible. The cynic in me was sure there was a way they would worm their way out of it. However, it seems I am eligible for what will be a quite a bit of money (well for me anyway). Am still in a bit of shock about all of this, I mean I only found this out last week. I now want to go on a holiday, I went to L.A. and Canada earlier this year and thought that would be it for me. Now I can see more of the U.S. and maybe Europe. Any ideas????? Don't get me wrong I would rather be poor and not have cancer, but hey there has to be some compensation for all of this!!!! Just thought I would give you all a bit of a laugh, I mean how many people find out they have so much life insurance by accident??? I have been living on the bones of my arse for months now, all the while not knowing I have this money. I guess I have the excuse of being 39 yrs old and not really giving a toss about life insurance. LOL! Anyway I am sure I will have it all spent 20 times over by the time I get it. Thanks for listening to my rambling, Sharon
  23. That is fantastic news. Great to hear!!!!!!
  24. That is such great news Cindi!!!!! Excellent!!!! Glad to hear you are feeling so much better. Even though we don't celebrate it here happy Halloween to you anyway!!!!! Sharon
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