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Everything posted by daggiesmom

  1. Just have to post the latest -besides being told that there are no mets to the brain, now as of today, everything sounded good to the dr.; i go for a CAT scan in July; i'm not worried; everything seems to be good. oh, this is great!!!!!!!!!!!! I want everyone here to feel so good. SO HAPPY FOR A CHANGE. Joanie
  2. Dear Wenna, I had sleeping problems during my treatment. I took Ambien and that seemed to help. Also tylenol pm worked. So much on your mind can result in sleep problems - i think that's pretty common. I have the same diagnosis as you - limited sclc- diagnosed in April 2002. To date i am free of disease. I had chemo and about 32 rounds of radiation. It seems to have worked. It will work for you too Keep us posted on your progress. Joanie
  3. Dear Annie, So glad Tim is doing so well. He's really on the mend.and he had a "good" hospital experience - which really is important. I know he'll improve every day. Happy Birthday to you Joanie
  4. Dear Sophia, We're praying for you and your dad. Be strong. Joanie
  5. Dear Linda, So glad to hear about your mom. She is a fighter through and through. Here she is, so sick, and she's thinking about US. God bless her.Tell her we all are praying for her to feel better soon Joanie
  6. Dear Tiny, Wonderful news! Enjoy the lake - enjoy life. Joanie
  7. Dear Sam, Just letting you know i'm thinkin' about you and wishing you the best. Prayers just for you. now. Joanie
  8. daggiesmom


    Well, got the results of brain mri done this a.m. - good news - they found nothing wrong! so i guess i'm a member of the "empty head" club thank you all so much for your support. it sure means alot. Joanie
  9. daggiesmom

    Great CT Scan

    Dear Dave, You're one tough cookie! So happy to hear your good report. Now get out there and PLAY,PLAY,PLAY and Joanie
  10. daggiesmom


    Dear Candy, As much as i tell myself not to worry at testing time, i always do. I think it is human nature to worry with this situation we're in. I can't image not worrying. I am scheduled for a brain MRI tomorrow a.m. - even though i have no symptoms, you can bet i'm worried. tell you what, i'll pray for you and you pray for me, ok? Joanie
  11. Dear Bartziggie, Just today i was wondering where you were. i'm very concerned reading your post - you and i have very similar background with sclc - you're having the exact same treatments i had. As far as pain goes, during my treatments my dr. had me on oxycontin which is a very strong pain reliever, time released in the system (it's a small pill) and it really helped me alot with pain. It does make you feel kinda "out of it" but it did control the pain in my back. I had that because nerves in my spine are being pressed on by the scar tissue left from the tumor. Eventually, i weaned myself off it, and now i take 5 mg. Percocet, like you. It is pretty good in controlling the pain. Maybe your dr. would try oxycontin? For the nausea i was on Anzimet at first, then Zofran during the time i was actually receiving chem. They controlled nausea well for me. This board is wonderful for support, which you need now. If you're able to get to the computer, we're here for you. Don't give up hope, BZ, soon these treatments will be over and you'll start to feel better. Joanie
  12. Hi Ray, Just a thought, are they giving you Zofran or Anzimet (spelling!) prior to the start of chemo, and then up to five days after? I really believe either of those could help tremendously with the nausea. As for being tired, that's very usual with chemo; maybe you could have your dr. write that you could work a somewhat shorter work day the week you have treatments so you could leave early, go home and rest. it will cost you some money pay-wise, but what you are going through is very difficult and your employer should understand and be willing to accommodate you as long as your work is getting done. I wish you all the best. Feel better soon Joanie
  13. Dear Tracy, Your posting reminds me of how much cancer is a family disease. Everyone in the family is affected when this happens.I looked back in your posts and see you have an appointment for June 17th(tuesday). So that's very soon, that's good, because at that appointment you'll get some answers and some ACTION which is what you really need now. Once active treatment begins for your Dad, the "dumps" may lessen since everyone will feel that SOMETHING IS BEING DONE TO STOP THIS THING. At that appointment be sure to take notes, or bring a tape recorder, because, as many of us have experienced, you're so beside yourself that you can "miss" what's being said. I hope you or one of your sisters will go with Mom and Dad to the appointment. Also, try and make a list of all your questions ahead of time -maybe you could have a little family meeting ahead of time, everyone can list their questions, and then you can feel prepared to go to battle. Do not accept any negativity from the doctor if that starts to happen - there are treatments available for all stages of this disease. There are survivors for every stage. Your dad can be one of them Please let us know how you're doing, we care. Joanie
  14. daggiesmom

    Brain MRI

    Dear Cheryl, When i was in the process of being diagnosed, i had a full body bone scan, chest CAT SCAN, bone marrow test and a brain MRI. Half way thru the MRI, they do inject a dye for contrast (i'm pretty sure this is always done.) All of the CAT scans i've had also involve an injection of dye for contrast - so all in all i wouldn't be alarmed. I guess we have to be thankful that they have these wonderful tests. where would we be without them? wishing you good results. Joanie
  15. Dear Carleen, As hard as it might be to do, try not to worry yourself sick for the next 6 days, because all that worrying will just wear you out, and it has no impact on the scan results. Try and take a deep breath, tell yourself you'll give this worry thing 10 more minutes - at the end of that 10 minutes NO MORE WORRYING ALLOWED! You must concentrate on something else - anything, just not cancer. Please try this, sometimes it works well for me. I'm praying for you both. Joanie
  16. Thanks for your update. I was thinking about you. Maybe this other doctor will have the answer for you. Be strong. Joanie
  17. Dave C, Wonderful Reading your post made my day. Now go CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joanie
  18. Peace be with you and your family. Rest his soul. Joanie
  19. Norme said it just right. You are a very strong man - and you have done so much for everyone here on the boards. We are all rootin' for you to feel better soon because we NEED your great spirit back AS SOON AS POSSIBLE You and your wife are in my prayers. Joanie
  20. Dear Ronna, Good for you! Keep up the good work! Joanie
  21. Sam, prayers and good vibes coming your way. Joanie
  22. Sandy, That is just the greatest news!!!!!!!!!!! Terrific Joanie
  23. Hi Bess, I was reading your post in response to Jonathan (the wizard ) and i noticed that your post said you won't tolerate negative attitudes from your doctors. i agreee 100 percent about that. I have a question about negativity - do you find yourself being intolleratant to other people as well since your diagnosis? I very much do. I seem to not be able to deal with bull..... quite as well as i used to. I get very short tempered with people and all i want is the truth from them- i'm very impatient. do you have that problem?
  24. Hi Jonathan, First off, let me say right off the bat that you are greatly appreciated on this board. Your contributions have helped us tremendously. Your spirit of concern and caring shine right thru. Dr. Paul Bunn who you mentioned was on channel 4 news in NY last night. he was heading the conference they held in Chicago recently. Very impressive, thank goodness. He is a leader in this research, that's for sure. Someday, some way, they WILL find an answer. You will be part of it. My dr. is the director of cancer care at a major NYC hospital and i was referred to him by my brother-in-law's friend who is his friend (got that?) Everyday, I thank God for him. he has saved my life - through his knowledge and expertise, but ALSO, AND THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT FOR ME, by his compassion and good manner. The man is just the best at dealing with bad news, looking for the good when it can be found, and making you feel that you can beat the odds. He refuses to give in, he has faith in medicine and in me, i believe. I am 50 years old and in that 50 years, i have had TOO MANY experiences with doctors. Some were down right pitiful in their treatments, some were just ok, some very cold and obviously unconcerned about the patient. Given the choice, i would rather have a compassionate, caring doctor than a "scientific genius" who treats you like a cadaver. As an example, when I had my first bronchoscopy when this whole nightmare began, the dr. who did it, I never even saw, my husband never saw him and after almost 2 days in the recovery room (still intubated, mind you) another dr. calls my husband on the phone and says,"your wife has cancer, it's inoperable. sorry." and hangs up! My poor husband was ready to die there. No one wanted to tell me what I had. That, to me was the ULTIMATE IN POOR MEDICAL PRACTICE, BUT EVEN WORSE, THE WORSE BEHAVIOR OF ANY HUMAN BEING I HAVE EVER MET. Anyway, enough ranting on my part. To answer your question, compassion and caring go a LONG WAY in my book of what constitutes a good doctor. I know you will be one of them. Joanie
  25. daggiesmom

    fund raiser

    BZ and Family, Thank you so much for what you're doing for us! Life is good! Joanie
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