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  1. Like
    Karen_L reacted to Kelvin4426 in First scan after finishing treatment   
    Good news doctor called and said that it shrunk! I don't know the full details yet but it shrunk!! They did find a blood clot near her ovary but doctor said nothing to worry about. My question now Is what's next after a tumor shrunk is it a wait and see thing? My mom has a meeting with her radiation specialist next Friday to see about her cough that's still there
  2. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Izzy in Catscan results   
    Woohoo!!!! Time for a little celebration!
  3. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Horrible day   
    According to along-ago mentor, there's nothin' wrong with curling up in a little ball and sobbing, @LilyMir. You just need to set a timer for a specific, limited amount of time. She advised 10 minutes, which I thought was stingy, but I tried it and it did help at that time. I also think it diminished the tendency I had to wallow back then.
    Hang in; this will pass. 
  4. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in "How Metastatic Brain Tumors Affect Your Lung Cancer Care" Webinar 11/10/22   
    I know a number of folks here are working with brain mets, me included, so I thought I'd share a webinar I attended yesterday. I learned some new stuff about radiation and thought it was well done. 
    Video is below (scroll beneath video to see the video contents.). Download the accompanying Resource Handout here: https://bit.ly/LungBrainMets 
    00:00 Introduction
    00:36 About LUNGevity
    07:52 Introduction to Brain Metastasis in Lung Cancer
    14:53 Medical Oncology Perspective & Systemic Therapies
    25:53 Radiotherapy
    36:33 Neurosurgical Approaches
    49:22 Tumor Board Case 1
    1:03:48 Tumor Board Case 2
    1:17:09 Q&A
  5. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in What’s This? CT chest ~ Image   
    Are these *your* lungs?
    There's no way to answer your question without treading into diagnostic waters, which we really don't do. If you are super curious and willing to risk your sanity, you could do a Google image search and see what comes up. I'd advise against it. As you probably know, getting an idea in your head before talking with your doctor or reading the report can mess with your mind. Mine is already enough of a mess that I'm not willing to risk it. 
    Here's hoping you get a good report. Hang in,
  6. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    @walfredo2001 I'm doing well also, thanks Dan. Recent brain MRI showed no changes, new CT scan coming right after Thanksgiving-- the last one showed stable lungs. My scanxiety tends to loom about two weeks before a test and I'm right on schedule. I'll wrestle with it for a few days, then I'm typically OK. (Wrestling usually means that I review treatment options should they find progression, which gives me at least the illusion of control. LOL.) I hope the pattern holds this time around-- there's too much Thanksgiving cooking to be done for me to be distracted by fear.  
    Please report back about Dr. Merry's response.
    I'm fascinated with the mix of specialists and institutions you've got. Legacy, OHSU, and Providence? I had no idea the Medical Powers That Be allowed that these days. It would be interesting to hear how you pulled that together. 
  7. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    @walfredo2001 I'm doing well also, thanks Dan. Recent brain MRI showed no changes, new CT scan coming right after Thanksgiving-- the last one showed stable lungs. My scanxiety tends to loom about two weeks before a test and I'm right on schedule. I'll wrestle with it for a few days, then I'm typically OK. (Wrestling usually means that I review treatment options should they find progression, which gives me at least the illusion of control. LOL.) I hope the pattern holds this time around-- there's too much Thanksgiving cooking to be done for me to be distracted by fear.  
    Please report back about Dr. Merry's response.
    I'm fascinated with the mix of specialists and institutions you've got. Legacy, OHSU, and Providence? I had no idea the Medical Powers That Be allowed that these days. It would be interesting to hear how you pulled that together. 
  8. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in What’s This? CT chest ~ Image   
    Are these *your* lungs?
    There's no way to answer your question without treading into diagnostic waters, which we really don't do. If you are super curious and willing to risk your sanity, you could do a Google image search and see what comes up. I'd advise against it. As you probably know, getting an idea in your head before talking with your doctor or reading the report can mess with your mind. Mine is already enough of a mess that I'm not willing to risk it. 
    Here's hoping you get a good report. Hang in,
  9. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in "How Metastatic Brain Tumors Affect Your Lung Cancer Care" Webinar 11/10/22   
    I know a number of folks here are working with brain mets, me included, so I thought I'd share a webinar I attended yesterday. I learned some new stuff about radiation and thought it was well done. 
    Video is below (scroll beneath video to see the video contents.). Download the accompanying Resource Handout here: https://bit.ly/LungBrainMets 
    00:00 Introduction
    00:36 About LUNGevity
    07:52 Introduction to Brain Metastasis in Lung Cancer
    14:53 Medical Oncology Perspective & Systemic Therapies
    25:53 Radiotherapy
    36:33 Neurosurgical Approaches
    49:22 Tumor Board Case 1
    1:03:48 Tumor Board Case 2
    1:17:09 Q&A
  10. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Catscan results   
    Woohoo!!!! Time for a little celebration!
  11. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Horrible day   
    According to along-ago mentor, there's nothin' wrong with curling up in a little ball and sobbing, @LilyMir. You just need to set a timer for a specific, limited amount of time. She advised 10 minutes, which I thought was stingy, but I tried it and it did help at that time. I also think it diminished the tendency I had to wallow back then.
    Hang in; this will pass. 
  12. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Horrible day   
    According to along-ago mentor, there's nothin' wrong with curling up in a little ball and sobbing, @LilyMir. You just need to set a timer for a specific, limited amount of time. She advised 10 minutes, which I thought was stingy, but I tried it and it did help at that time. I also think it diminished the tendency I had to wallow back then.
    Hang in; this will pass. 
  13. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Izzy in Mri scan   
    I'm relieved to hear this latest report, Justin. Now to just keep calm until the procedure.... You've got this!
  14. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    Congratulations! It's so nice that you are starting to feel like yourself again. 
    Just out of curiosity, do you know why didn't use contrast with the scan? 
  15. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from BridgetO in Mom (Non-Smoker) diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma   
    Hi Annie,
    So sorry to hear of your mom’s diagnosis. Lung cancer so often involves waiting, and the waiting can be agonizing. 
    Are they doing blood or tissue testing for biomarkers? Perhaps both?
    If she hasn’t started treatment yet, and her current condition doesn’t demand immediate action, I’d encourage you to wait for those results. The lung cancer researchers I’ve listened to this year stress the importance of biomarkers in crafting the best course of treatment. For example, some newer treatment options for certain biomarkers appear to provoke quicker responses than more traditional treatments. 
    Also, has her case been discussed at a tumor board? That’s a panel of docs across the spectrum of specialties related to lung cancer. They are a way to ensure an individual case is viewed through many perspectives and that a consensus for treatment has occurred.
    Hang in, and keep us posted. 

  16. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Mri scan   
    I'm relieved to hear this latest report, Justin. Now to just keep calm until the procedure.... You've got this!
  17. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Gamma knife procedure   
    Yay, it's over! I am so glad I had medication before my procedure; I'm not sure I would have managed it as well as you did. Now it's all fingers crossed for that followup MRI!
  18. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Persistent tumor   
    I think this is also my secret of life with lung cancer. Sometimes things I never gave a passing thought to, give me a sense of joy or peace.
    You've been through the mill; of course you're scared. To the best of your ability, refuse to imagine dire situations in the future. One of my rules for myself is, if I hear myself start down the path of "What if...." I need to take myself by the scruff of the neck, give myself a good shake, and go do something that puts my head right.in. the.present.moment. Typically that's something like cleaning the bathroom, which reinforces the negativity of such thinking.  
    I'd like to jump on board the Second Opinion bus. 
    I hope you meeting with your oncologist went well. Please keep us posted.
  19. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Gamma knife procedure   
    Yay, it's over! I am so glad I had medication before my procedure; I'm not sure I would have managed it as well as you did. Now it's all fingers crossed for that followup MRI!
  20. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LilyMir in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    Congratulations! It's so nice that you are starting to feel like yourself again. 
    Just out of curiosity, do you know why didn't use contrast with the scan? 
  21. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Persistent tumor   
    I think this is also my secret of life with lung cancer. Sometimes things I never gave a passing thought to, give me a sense of joy or peace.
    You've been through the mill; of course you're scared. To the best of your ability, refuse to imagine dire situations in the future. One of my rules for myself is, if I hear myself start down the path of "What if...." I need to take myself by the scruff of the neck, give myself a good shake, and go do something that puts my head right.in. the.present.moment. Typically that's something like cleaning the bathroom, which reinforces the negativity of such thinking.  
    I'd like to jump on board the Second Opinion bus. 
    I hope you meeting with your oncologist went well. Please keep us posted.
  22. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Starting chemo today for sclc in left lung and nodes   
    Best of luck as you start treatment. No matter what, you can do it. Keep us posted.
  23. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from AngelL in Persistent tumor   
    I think this is also my secret of life with lung cancer. Sometimes things I never gave a passing thought to, give me a sense of joy or peace.
    You've been through the mill; of course you're scared. To the best of your ability, refuse to imagine dire situations in the future. One of my rules for myself is, if I hear myself start down the path of "What if...." I need to take myself by the scruff of the neck, give myself a good shake, and go do something that puts my head right.in. the.present.moment. Typically that's something like cleaning the bathroom, which reinforces the negativity of such thinking.  
    I'd like to jump on board the Second Opinion bus. 
    I hope you meeting with your oncologist went well. Please keep us posted.
  24. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Selpercatinib and Eliquis (blood thinner)   
    The effects of Radon typically manifest over a long period of time. I can go back mentally to the places I've lived and see radon possibilities in all of them, even in the last house we lived in prior to this-- and we built that house. Even that ended up having radon. 
  25. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Persistent tumor   
    I think this is also my secret of life with lung cancer. Sometimes things I never gave a passing thought to, give me a sense of joy or peace.
    You've been through the mill; of course you're scared. To the best of your ability, refuse to imagine dire situations in the future. One of my rules for myself is, if I hear myself start down the path of "What if...." I need to take myself by the scruff of the neck, give myself a good shake, and go do something that puts my head right.in. the.present.moment. Typically that's something like cleaning the bathroom, which reinforces the negativity of such thinking.  
    I'd like to jump on board the Second Opinion bus. 
    I hope you meeting with your oncologist went well. Please keep us posted.
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