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Andrea B.

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Everything posted by Andrea B.

  1. So truly wonderful to hear you got some much deserved good news! I am so happy for you!!!!!!
  2. Sounds like an absolutely beautiful and peaceful trip! And what a special blessing for two wonderful people. I am so happy to hear Lucie is doing well and that you are moving forward with your plans to go to Scotland. Blessings to you both! I love the new picture!!
  3. Absolutely beautiful!!!! Thanks so much for sharing. It brought a smile to my face.
  4. My mom had carbo/taxol in conjunction with radiation as her first line treatment. Alot of her side effects came with the radiation, but as far as the carbo/taxol her she mostly suffered from fatigue, hair loss and nausea/occasional vomiting. My mom received the chemo weekly with daily radiation. Overall she handled her treatments very well...still able to do all her daily activities.
  5. Yeah!!! That is great news. Enjoy scootin' around in the warm weather, you deserve it and more after all your hard work trying to get the scooter!!!
  6. Shelly, I am so sorry to hear about your father. May your memories bring you peace and comfort over time. Blessings to you. Andrea
  7. Dear Norme, I am so very saddened by the news of Buddy's passing. I wish I had the words to help lessen your grief. Please know you are in my prayers.
  8. Great pictures! I just love the baby pics. Thanks for sharing.
  9. I am adding my love and prayers. Norme, you and Buddy are always in my prayers. Blessings to you during this difficult time.
  10. Andrea B.

    Leaving For A Few

    Have a great time with your daughter!!! Safe travels.
  11. Prayers and good vibes for you, Dean, that you will be out and scooting around really soon!!! I want you to know that your determination, strength and enlighting posts are a source of inspiration to me. Blessings to you, Andrea
  12. When I read your post, it broke my heart. I too find that one of the struggles dealing with a loved one having cancer is walking that fine line between hope and despair. My mom almost passed away at the end of December and I found myself almost being swallowed by the despair (who will be there for me, she won't see her grandaughter grow...). Then it was weird, but I started realizing that I could face my fears and didn't have to feel like it was wrong to be sad or scared and force myself to be positive. I started journaling about all my fears and talking to my counselor. Slowly I started to see some of the joys that life still has to offer, even though I am in a dark place right now. I have a loving husband, beautiful daughter, and great friends...all of whom make me appreciate life. My mom is back home, but one of the things that I have told myself is that I am going to stop and take time for myself, to do something outside of cancer. Don't feel like it is wrong to be scared, fearful and sad...face it and you will find out what is right for you to find the joys in life again someday. Blessings to you, Andrea
  13. Shirley, What an honor it would be to have you join the group. I always enjoyed Sam's post and was so appreciative to him for taking the time to give me such valuable information. I am so sorry for your loss and I wish I had words to help ease your pain. Hugs to you. Blessings, Andrea
  14. My mom received 33 daily radiation treatments and she always said it took her longer to get her clothes off than it did to receive the radiation. She was probably in there for no more than 5 to 10 minutes. And she also did receive chemo in conjunction with the radiation. She handled it extremely well. It wasn't until the end of radiation that she experienced painful burns on her back and in her esophogas. This took about 3 weeks to subside. Blessings to you and your mom, Andrea
  15. Hi Linda, My mom was recently in the hospital and had a lot of fluid around both her lungs...she needed an oxygen mask to even breath. She received Lasix over a period of about 3 days and it slowly went away, although there is a little fluid still around the right lung where the cancer is present. There wasn't cancer in the fluid and from what I was reading about Pleural Effusion there are other causes besides cancer to make fluid build up around the lungs. I don't know the answer on receiving radiation or not. Also, my mom is on Iressa and I too am wondering if it can be successful without any rash. Her oncologist told us that a rash is a good thing, so of course I am a bit worried since she hasn't developed one. She goes in next week for a CT scan to find out if it is working. I will be praying for you and your dad. I will let you know if I find out anything more about Iressa. Blessings, Andrea
  16. Prayers for your mom and good results on her test. And prayers for you and your family for the strength during this difficult time.
  17. Your dad is in my prayers. I think it is so difficult to not worry about every ache and pain. But remember to take time for yourself. Blessings.
  18. I would like to ask you to keep my mom and dad in your prayers. My mom goes in for a CT scan on February 17 to check and see if Iressa is working for her. She proved the doctors wrong (that she had a week to live at the end of December) and I pray she continues to prove them wrong. And prayers please for my dad who goes in for a CT scan Monday to make sure he is still "cancer free" after surgery for liver cancer. Thank you and God bless each of you.
  19. Dear Carleen, Sounds like you had a beautiful trip, but I am sorry you and Keith are worried by these new symptoms. How can we not worry constantly about our loved ones. My mom was just complaining of feeling "out of it", like her brain isn't clicking. So what is my first thought...oh please not brain mets! My mom did have numbness in her hands and it turned out to be carpal tunnel. She had no prior symptoms and all of a sudden her hands were going numb (she also has arthritis), she had surgery and it helped to relieve the numbness. In addition, she has had the hot/cold flashes...but not sure what to attribute these to. I am praying that none of Keith's symptoms are related to cancer. You both are always in my thoughts. I am sending you a hug. Blessings to you. Andrea
  20. Dear Angie, So sorry you have to experience the awfulness of this disease. I struggle with it everyday, but remember oh so clearly when we first got the news about my mom and feeling so lost - she too is my best friend. First things first, go for a second opinion! This is vital. Sure the second doctor may tell you the same thing, but your mind will be better rested. Second, never ever give up hope. My mom was in the hospital at the end of December, doctor walked in and told her she would be dying within the week...but she proved them wrong and is home and rebuilding some strength. Don't let any doctor decide your dad's fate...this is up to your dad and his wishes. Third, check into why they won't do radiation on the spine mets. My mom's oncologist told her the same thing...that she would only get chemo for the lung and lymph node tumors. But she met with her radiation oncologist and he disagreed, he said nothing but good could come from getting radiation. Fourth, anytime you are feeling anxiety or stressed out come here for support. It has saved me immensely. Blessings to you.
  21. What wonderful news!!!! Blessings to you, David and little Faith. I am praying that 2004 continues to bring you good news.
  22. Andrea B.

    Some More Good News

    What wonderful news!!!!! I am so happy for you. Enjoy your trip.
  23. I think that is such wonderful news. It makes me so happy to read this. Here is continued good news. Please give my best to Lucie. So happy!!!
  24. Dear Angie, I am so sorry you have to be here, but know that you have a great support system here...especially during the awful waiting periods. I know I hate the waiting. When my mom was diagnosed her pulmonologist gave her the dreaded news, but nothing more. He then referred her to her oncologist. Not because it meant anything bad, it was out of his realm of expertise. My mom sees her oncologist and pulmonologist (and also saw her radiation oncologist). The battle is a team effort and it is good to bring in the ones with the expertise when needed. I know the waiting is difficult and stressful. I did a lot of journaling during these times, it helped me get my thoughts out (at least to try and slow them from consuming all my waking moments). Blessings to you. I will be praying for your father. Andrea B.
  25. Linda, please know you and your dear father are always in my prayers.
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