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Remembering Dave

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  1. Tami - I think you most certainly do fit the profile. Becky - I don't think any private employer has the flu shot. We don't. And I work for an public electric utility. they want to keep us healthy. also, none of the doctor's offices in this area have the flu shot either, except for the pediatricians. Tami - I'd be aggressive about it. I think if you tell the flu shot clinic people you have one lung they won't give you a hard time. This whole thing really sucks. It's all a matter of perspective. You have Dr. Joe saying we should all get one - and he's right of course - but the people who actually possess the shots are telling people like me tough luck. It's ridiculous. Why are we only getting shots from two makers, and one of them is out of the picture? That's really stupid. Think we need new leadership at the CDC? Karen
  2. Wow, she sounds like an older female version of my husband. That is his opinion - he asked the oncologist at the beginning how long any patient he's had has lived with SCLC and he said he's got a couple up to 20 years now, so Dave said, OK, I can do that. And yes, the steroids did all that to Dave, too. Some of his behavior was very comical but alot of it was downright scary. Thank goodness he doesn't need them now . . . but they are a necessary evil when you need them. Hopefully he'll get on here and add his $.02 worth, but he's feeling pretty bad right now, he had his "bad" chemo yesterday. God Bless, Karen C.
  3. Geez, Beth - the ER again? Did you go to HDH-Forest? Did you have Dr. Andrew - the tall thin guy with dark hair? Pathetic I am getting to know all the ER docs on our side of town. Who's the gastro doc? wondering if he's one my mom has seen. maybe this guy can fix whatever is eating up your throat, literally. Geez. Hang in there kiddo. Karen
  4. Karenl - yep, a shortage, 'cause Chiron, a maker of flu shots in England, had a tainted batch or something and that is where most of the U.S. gets their flu shots from. Oncdoc - LOVE the photo - nice family! Are you asian? Our daughter is Chinese. My primary care doc wrote me a script of necessity but I don't have time to go pick it up and make it to the flu shot clinic today and besides - now I feel really very guilty about it - if I do get the flu, I'll just move into our travel trailer in the back yard all by myself . . . . Dave's parents can take care of Dave and Faith, my Dad can take care of my Mom, and I'll just live like a leper out in the trailer. Becky - I think it doesn't matter about having cancer, what matters is that your immune system is compromised by having chemo treatments - which I'm not having - nor, thank GOD, did I have to have, just surgery. I think I'll pick up the script and then play it by ear for the next clinic. Thanks for the reinforcement, Dr. Joe. You know, I try not to be stressed over every simple little thing but it's not easy. Cancer really ruins every aspect of a family's life. People just don't know. My coworkers and bosses have no clue. Well, one boss has a clue (since she lost her young husband to a heart attack) but until you've lived this hell, no one can really understand how your life is so different in every little way. Karen
  5. this is the same chemo regimen my husband is on now for his recurrence. He doesn't have much problem with stomach stuff, but the cisplatin is killer for that. did the oncologist office tell you about the magic immodium? Take two when the Big D starts, and two more in two hours. Take one after that for each recurrence. Don't go by the package directions, for chemo patients you can take a whole lot more. Keep on with the Krispy Kremes, this is no time to be worrying about health food - that's for later, when he's in remission! Hang in there and God Bless! Karen
  6. Oh, absolutely, Elaine, that is one reason why I have agonized so much over this, I definitely do not want to take the shot of someone who actually has cancer. I wish I'd gone to the pharmacy where we get all our prescriptions filled, last week, before the panic hit - with Dave. The pharmacists there all know us by name, face and voice. then I would have gotten it and I would have gotten it before the situation got bad so I wouldn't have a guilty conscience over it We had two dates at work for flu shots and found out this morning they are both canceled which is no surprise, but I was holding off because of it. darn it all. I just hope I don't get the flu, but working in a cube city type office and having a three year old in daycare, my chances don't look so good. Better make sure we don't winterize that trailer so I can use it when I need to!! Karen
  7. Hang in there, Kate. You're doing good. Don't worry about not posting much, I don't either, but I'm really glad to hear from you. And I'm glad you guys switched treatment centers. Don't know what else to say. Keep biting and dodging those bullets, OK? Karen
  8. I called the pharmacy that is giving the shots tomorrow. I haven't gotten anything from my doc's office yet and they are really slow. the pharmacy lady told me that I didn't fit their definition of high risk and they would not give me a shot. I said I can't get the flu around my husband and my mother. She said as long as they got the flu shot they can't get the flu from me. Oh yeah, what about last year, I said? The shot missed some of the strains. And, I asked her, have you ever had an immediate family member THAT YOU LIVED WITH have cancer? Obviously not! OK, so if I get the flu, I have no place to go since my mom is having chemo right now too. Guess I'll have to check into a hotel all by myself for a week. Good thing Dave's parents are here to take care of Faith. I guess I could always live in our travel trailer in the back yard. no cable out there, though. I'm trying to make light of the situation . . . sorry for the sick humor. I'm just really sick of this whole thing. Karen
  9. OK, so cancer patients especially undergoing chemo are high risk and should get the flu shot, right? Although no where do I see that specifically mentioned or defined as part of high risk. But what about immediate family members? Dave's oncologist told us I should get a flu shot - before the scare. Dave asked the nurse while he's there at chemo today if they could write me a prescription of necessity so I won't get booted out of one of the long lines and she said no, I didn't meet the requirement of high risk. But she can be a real WITCH when she wants to be difficult about something (usually for no reason except she's playing queen for a day or something). Not sure how hard to press it. Faith's pediatrician wanted to cancel her shot but when I told them her dad is a cancer patient undergoing chemo they put her back on the necessity list. My mom is a chemo patient too, - colon cancer. If I get sick I'll have no place to go! Karen
  10. Hello all, I went and got my Flu and Pneumonia Shots yesterday. I am sure you have all heard about the shortage of vaccination doses due to the closure of the British Company that makes it and that only High Risk people should get the shots right away. We w3ho are taking chemo are considered High Risk. I had stopped by my Pharmacy the day before and the Pharmacist said that at another store people had started lining up at 11:00 a.m. for shots that started at 1:00. I figured I would get there about 11:00 also to be safe and make sure I got my shot. Well, I decided yesterday morning to go on in earlier and got there at 10:30. They only had 70 doses which they were going to start giving at 1:00. Now, remember I was there at 10:30 and I was number 60 in line!!!! By 11:00 there were over 70 people trying to get in line!!!! I was definitely the youngest peson there. I got a lot of mean looks but they must have really been confused when the Pharmacist came and got me out of line to get my shots so I could get to my Radiation Appt. (only 3 more of those to go, yippee!!) People remember, we are High Risk. Of course consult your Onc. before you get the shots. My Onc said to get it and get it fast. On a lighter side, We are taking our camping trailer up to Nothern Virginia and staying in Bull Run Regional Park Fiday and Saturday night. One of my sisters lives very close to the park there and she is getting ready to show her pottery on Sunday at an Ats and Cafts show in Clifton VA (Suburb of Wash. DC). We will help watch her kids while she gets ready for her show. We will not go to the show on Sunday. We went there last year and it is a lot of walking. We may go back to Richmond in a round about way and skirt the Appalachian mountains going south to see the leaves changing as this is supposed to be close to peak week. It would probably add several hours to out trip but sure would be pretty. I start my 4th of 6 rounds of chemo on Monday. It will be a bad chemo week as I will be getting the Cisplatin. I get on and read the posts every day but rarely have the energy (mental) needed to reply to you all. Please know that each and everyone of you are in my prayers. As I said before I only have 3 more rounds of Radiation to the tumor site du jour in my right upper sinus. The area is getting pretty burned. It is so burned that it is turning brown. Hopefully the skin will stay intact and not get any worse. I have been slathering it with Pure Aloe cream every day. I have my next CT scan in 3 weeks. God Bless us and watch over us all. David C.
  11. Welcome aboard. There are many types of pesonalities here and you will fit right in and I am sue be a good inspiation to many. I, myself have been known to wear pantyhose here, you will have to ask some of the old timers about that one. God Bless. David C.
  12. Don, wondeful post. I love your way of thinking. God bless us all. David C
  13. Oh Dave!! A big huge Congrats to you!!!!! You have been a big support to me and to many and your efforts in raising the awareness of our situation has been far above and beyond anything most of us could ever dream of accomplishing. Heres to you and three cheers fo you-Hip, Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!! I hope and pray you have many more Three year anniversaries. David C
  14. Sharlene - my husband had SCLC limited. He had his six rounds of carboplatin and VP-16, 35 treatments of radiation to the chest, and 15 treatments of PCI. He was in remission. Six months later it came back to his sinus cavity/skull. At that moment, for days, even weeks, I thought, ok, this is it, he's gone now, I need to start thinking about what I'm going to do without him. I did. I was devastated. Now, he's still in treatment for this recurrence, only half way through chemo, almost done with radiation - and the tumor is obviously shrinking, the one CT scan of his chest he had after the first round of chemo shows that his lungs are still "clear" (there's still scar tissue in there, we hope that's all, but it is slowly getting smaller so it must be just scar tissue) - and now all I can think about, very impatiently, is how much fun we are going to have as a family once he gets done with this pesky chemo. I am no longer prematurely starting the mourning process, just impatient to get on with our lives. Keep the fight strong, and know you can beat this. Because you can. It is only natural to expect the worst when you get bad news, but bad news can always be overcome. Give yourself some time, you'll see. Take care and God Bless, Karen
  15. It depends on the state's laws about who gets what. Not every state has that 50% to the children, 50% to the spouse law. It doesn't work that wayin Virginia. Lawyer Lawyer Lawyer. You and your sister can split the cost and trust me, it would be worth it, especially for the sentimental things. I can't believe that a person as caring, thoughtful, considerate, talented and plain ole' NICE as your Mom would be married to someone like this. But again, weddings and funerals can bring out the worst in some folks. Fay - you are the most resourceful person I have ever met! Karen
  16. Remembering Dave

    Dean Carl~

    He PM'd me his number one time, in case I needed help. I was thinking the other day I should call him . . . so I will. The thing is, whenever I think about it, and it's a good time for him (he has limited energy just in the middle of the day I remember) I am somewhere like in the car and don't have his number with me. So I am going to write it down and call him tomorrow. Thanks, Rochelle, for the reminder. Karen
  17. You go, Fay. I had a couple of helpful comments but none like Fay. Keep us posted. I can't believe people can be so awful. He has your things? Like from childhood? what does he care about that? It's just to hard to figure people out. Deaths and weddings can bring out the worst in some folks. Karen
  18. Bill, I am sorry to hear you have been getting misinformation (?) from your wifes Onc. I was told I had 2 brain tumors when I actually had the met to my sinus which I am currently fighting. That is the only misinformation/diagnosis I have gotten from my Onc. although if I was not getting clear, easily understandable and correct information on multiple instances I would definitely be looking for another Onc. . I believe having a good relationship with your Onc. and being able to trust him/her is vital for your ability to fight. David C
  19. http://www.fabulousfoods.com/recipes/de ... rcake.html this is a link to a page about Curtis's kitter litter cake, complete with a nice gross photo. I now spend more time on the travel trailer forum than this one (when people flame each other there it's more laughable) and under "Camp Cooks" someone posted this link. Karen
  20. I can attest to Beth being the center of attention in a fairly large and busy infusion room. My mom was there at the exact same time getting her very first chemo for her colon cancer. I was there with my mom and dad (and Beth and her mom, ha - I like to do lots of hand holding) until Mom got started and then I went to work. Mom called me as soon as she got home to report in, said "I'm fine, but there sure was alot of activity around Beth after you left!" To make my life even weirder, Dave was getting his chemo at the very same time, too, except his was in a smaller infusion room across town. Same oncology practice, he just opts to go to the smaller office. Hang in there, Beth! The chemo IS working. If there are any cancer cells still lurking in your body, they have got to be zapped to nothingness by now! Karen
  21. Ok, I can attest to Beth's sunburn. Who did I run into at the oncologist office today? Beth!!! OK, I KNEW she'd be there. It was my mom's first chemo treatment for her colon cancer. We walk into the chemo waiting area and there sits Beth, red as a beet. Bad girl, I said, bad bad girl! (I am imitating Faith here). I hope she's doing OK, I called her house and she wasn't home yet, her husband said she had a reaction at chemo (again, poor thing) and then my Mom called when she got home and said there was about three people at a time "working" on Beth, so something was up. They both had to wait over two hours to get their chemo going. Ridiculous. Dave was over at their "satellite" office getting his chemo, walked in, sat down and was done about the time these two were getting hooked up. Prayers and good vibes for Beth, I know she's miserable right now. Karen
  22. Sometimes we all need to step back for a short while. I'm trying to, but just like dieting, I'm not having much success. Karen
  23. We really need a humor section in this cookbook 'cause I bet we get more recipes like Curtis has. I think Dave's sister (not BeckyCW, the one with kids) knows quite a few like that. I'll have to dig out my favs and mail them in. My problem is I don't usually cook by a recipe. It's all just stuff I just "do." Karen
  24. You are truly a survivor, because you are LIVING! And you make my glass full just by knowing you. God Bless, Karen C. (p.s. you're one of those people who, I think, truly live the phrase "What Would Jesus Do?")
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