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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Sounds like it is time for a ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!! When I was a kid we lived in Aubun AL. and we had a hurricane come up our way, This would have been in the early 70's. We lived out of town a little and were surrounded by trees. My sister Becky CW, had a broken leg or ankle or something, I can't remember exactly but she was on crutches and she hopped around the house from window to window watching the trees being blown over. Y'all hang in there, I suely hope that you do not get hit hard. Come on up to VA if you need a get away although it may cause us some greif here also. David C
  2. Remembering Dave


    Ray, thanks for the update. keep us infomed as to how you are doing. David C
  3. Betty I also have to say call your Onc AND your Radiologist. Those do not sound like the normal side effects associated with the radiation. My prayers are with you. I hope you get feeling better soon. David C
  4. Remembering Dave


    I usually don't post needing help but I am now. I started my 3rd round of chemo yesterday. I am receiving Cisplatin and CPT-11 (camptosar). Last week my Onc said he was going to increase my CPT-11 dosage by 15% since I was doing so well. Well........I don't know if it just the cumulative effects of the chemo rounds or the increased dosage of CPT-11 but I feel like total doggie d** d**. Please keep me in your prayers for the next few days while this poison gets washed out of my system. David C
  5. Yes call everyday for cancellations. I hope they can get her in quick. Small Cell does espond very well to teatment. David C
  6. Dean we miss your words of wisdom!!! Thanks for the update TeeTaa. David C
  7. Ha, Ha. We are all human no matter how hard we try. Don't worry, you are not a Donkeys B*tt. David C
  8. Wow Melinda. Too much info for so early in the morning. I scanned it over and saw some very interesting things. I will definitely go to the site and study it better after I have woken up a bit more, ha,ha. Thank you for posting this!! David C
  9. Geoff and Melinda special prayers coming your way. David C
  10. Bruce, my vote is to go see the Doc.. You may have some kind of blood deficiency (sp?) which can be causing this. My wife had a thyoid condition which caused similar things that you explained. She is now on medication for it. David C
  11. Oh, Laurie, you are going through a lot. I really hope the docs can figure out how to help you and SOON. My and prayers are with you. David C
  12. I am sorry Rich is doing so well. Dehydration can cause a lot of problems. It is so inmportant to make him drink fluids. You and Rich are in my prayers. David C
  13. Geat news!!! Congrats!! You need to go out and celebrate. You are right Faith is a wondeful thing, all things ae possible. David C
  14. There's no place like home, truly. So glad you got him there. Tell him we're all pulling for him. God Bless, Karen C.
  15. Thanks, TeeTaa. He had given me his phone number not long ago and I think I'll give him a call, too. I could use a lift from DeanCarl! And yes, he is definiting wining the fight, because he is living and in true DeanCarl fashion I'm sure he is winning well! Karen
  16. Kate, first of all, yes, I'd look around for another oncologist. He definitely should have had access to his oncologist through all of this. I suggest you talk directly to the oncologist and tell him all of this. In fact, print out this post and take it to him. He may not realize what's going on in his office and that patients are not being given access to him. Second, Dave is taking cisplatin and he gets a prescription drug called Emend to take for nausea while getting the cisplatin. It's a pill, you take it the morning of chemo and one the next day and the third day. It's VERY expensive, like $100/pill but his prescription drug coverage gets it down to $40 for the prescription. It really works wonders it seems. Stay on top of things like you are. You are doing a great job being his advocate. And yes, I would NEVER settle for waiting for any test like a MRI or MRI saying someone wasn't available is BS. I would go to the ER if the regular doctor's office couldn't get it scheduled ASAP. I really feel for J, he is going through alot of physical stress. Hang in there and please keep us posted on how he's doing and what else they find out about him. Karen
  17. My hopes and prayers are that they will be able to get him to the point were he can take his treatments. Low counts are fairly common, I had to get a blood transfusion last year. Hang in there, we are all here for you. David C
  18. My thoughts would be the smoke making her cough. I hate to hear insurance horror stoies and yours ranks right up there. I really hope your attorney can get it straight, and fast. You and your mom will be in my prayers. David C
  19. Hello, a belated welcome here too. Congratulations on the great news from the last scan. David C
  20. Ry, just glad you're OK now. Yes, you learned your own lesson, didn't you? I'm a real stickler for not letting anyone go anywhere near a hospital or oncologist clinic without an advocate, and an advocate who's hearing is still good (which is a big reason why I try to go with my Dad to all of my mom's colon cancer appts., treatments, surgeries, hospital stays, tests). Take care, Karen.
  21. Angie - the most important thing is that he's got his fight back. With that, he's got the most powerful tool, also, the techology on dealing with brain nets these days is really good - RFA, gamma knife, etc. Keep us posted. Which I had more advice, except to hang tough with him! Karen C.
  22. Kathy, welcome aboard, David P is vey wise and has vey good advice. I have SCLC so I eally don't have any idea what to tell you about your particular situation. It sounds as if the Chemo may have some benefit. My attitude is if a treatment will help me stay one more day on this earth with my wife and daughter then I want it. I had preventative Brain Radiation which is pretty controversial but if it improves my chances by 5% or even 1% Then I would do it again in an instant. Please let us know what you decide. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. David C
  23. Pam so sorry you had to find us but welcome. I did not get a 2nd opinion but my wife and I both decided that if it ever eturned to my lungs then I would go to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore MD for a 2nd opinion. My oiginal diagnosis I was staged as Limited so it had not spread outside the lungs. I think if it had spread I might have gone for a 2nd opinion right away. Any decision you make will be the right one for you. There is no right or wrong answer to your question unfotunately. I was told that even if I got a 2nd opinion the Docs. probably would not change the treatment protocal once it has started. Betty is right about the peferred drug combos, I had Carboplatin and VP-16 last yea and now I am on the combo your husband is on. Hang in there, this is a roller coaster ride. You have found a great bunch of folks here who will give you all the support and information they can. You and your family will be in my prayers. David C
  24. Angie, I am so sorry he is in the hospital but glad he is ready to fight. Attitude makes all the difference. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. David C
  25. Ha...Hurry up and wait. Prayers coming your way. David C
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