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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing. What an inspiration. David C
  2. Cutis, don't worry. What you are doing is perfectly normal. Those were beautiful vows and a testament of true love. Hang in there, we are all here for you. David C
  3. Dentists are evil people. They do nothing but cause pain and evidently make people go to the emergency room. I have been studying George Washingtons wooden choppers and think I could probably carve you a good set if you want. Do you prefer Oak or Cherry? Wow, Ry, that sounds awful, so glad you are back home. David C
  4. Don, I am so glad that Lucie is doing so well. How are you doing??? My hopes and prayers are with Lucie for a complete response to the chemo. David C
  5. Angie has some good advice, PET scans do show hot spots for different reasons. It is so wonderful y'all had a good vacation. My thoughts and prayers are with you. David C
  6. You painted a beautiful picture, thank you. Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!! And many, many more!!!!!!!! David C
  7. Thank you all for your replies and thoughts. I would like you all to know that EVERYONE here is in my prayers. David C
  8. Yes, I did see it. It is amazing that the Bill submitted by Senator McCain got killed when it was so close and the Tobacco Co.'s were going along with it. It is also amazing that the eventual monetary settlements among the states has resulted in so little anti-smoking campaigns as promised by the governors of the states in the settlement, instead the states are treating it like a discretionary fund building golf courses etc, one state even used the funds to build a Tobacco Warehouse to house tobacco going to the cigarett factories?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simply unbelievable. David C
  9. Stable is good!!! Prayers for the MRI. Hang in there. David C
  10. Glad to hear from you. Glad to hear from any of the Florida folks! Karen
  11. Dave used to get coupons. He used to get all kinds of stuff. They had the marlboro miles where you sent in UPC codes and got free stuff like duffel bags and jackets. he got a duffel bag. but I don't think he's gotten anything since being diagnosed. I THINK he may have sent them correspondence telling them to stop, am not sure, but I can tell you anything from them that comes in the mail these days goes straight in the trash. Although I should considering using it for what Don Wood suggested we consider doing with it . . . we also have a deep dark secret in our marriage related to Philip Morris USA. please remember we live in (near) Richmond, Virginia. Karen C.
  12. How is the HECK did that happen, you never smoked!!!! Karen C.
  13. Baydreamer, love your name!! Welcome aboard. I can't answe your question as I have Small Cell and SCLC is almost never operable. I hope you can get some good answers from the folks here with similar diagnosis. Remember that we are all here for you. David C
  14. Congrats on the first successfull radiation treatment. Get some pure aloe cream and start putting it on the site(s) you are receiving radiation. Do not wait until you see or feel anything. Good luck with the rest of you treatments and remember, we are all here for you. David C
  15. Geoff, I hope she's going to be OK and that it's something simple. she's so lucky to have such a wonderful son and future daughter in law to look after her and love her. you two are very special young people (OK, that makes me feel old to say). Keep us posted, Karen C.
  16. Cat - you need to take TeeTaa up on this offer. You need a break, I just know you do . . . I'm so glad you're OK but wish you were more comfortable. God Bless, Karen
  17. Shelly, I just know she's going to be OK and I understand how YOU must feel. You love her very much and hate to see her going through this. Take strength from all of us here, we're behind you all the way, and Katie, too. She'll be OK, just more hell to go through. Hang in there kiddo, we love you, Karen
  18. David, you ae an incredible inspiration. Congatulations!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!! I have been wondering how everything was going. Glad to have you back. Wear that jesey with pride. David C
  19. Hello everyone, Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. It seems as if the concensus is that Karens mom had a mini-stroke. They kept her in the hospital overnight and are going to run more tests today. If it was a stroke then Thank God it was a miniature one!! As for the pic, it is of me and Miles, The greatest dog in the whole wide world. He was my baby. Have you ever had a dog where everything just clicked? He knew my every move and mood. We went everywhere and did everything together. He disapeared during the last big snow storm of 2003 a little moe than a month before I was oiginally diagnosed. He was 8 years old when he disapeared. There will never be another Miles. David C
  20. well, we are still riding the roller coaster. my dad took my mom to the ER today. I was at the same darn hospital all day yesterday with Dave as he got his porta cath fixed. Anyway, she saw bright flashing lights this afternoon for 20 minutes or so, then had some other weird vision problems. being so close on the heels of her liver surgery they decided to play it safe and to get it checked out. They brought in a neurologist, her family doctor also came to the hospital and examined her, and both think she had a TIA (mini stroke) but she could have mini brain mets. head CT scan was clear. blood work was great. tomorrow she gets an MRI. She's feeling great though and I had a pretty good time hanging out with my folks in the ER, we talked and laughed and had a good ole' time. The nruologist looked to be about 16 and I had to tell him so (well, I called him Doogie Howser when he first walked in which got my mom to giggling but by the end of his visit he and I were best of friends and competing to see who had the prettier child . . . dueling children photos). Mom is spending the night and I'm sure will come home tomorrow. anyway, it's late and I'm tired so better close now. thanks for your good thoughts. Karen
  21. Beth - just another word of support from Dave and I. Hang in there kiddo. Also, to everyone else who was taken back by the unbelievably sarcastic response to Beths plea for support, Karen and I as well as others here have received numerous emails and pm's ranging from suppotive fom many, many individuals and downright nastiness from only one individual. I really like to stay away from controversy but I would like to ask in public that he at least apologize to Beth (justakid) even if he can't find it in himself to apologize to everyone who disagrees with his attitude and approach. God Bless us all (and I sincerely mean that), Karen C.
  22. Nancy, what did the Onc say?? Big prayers comming your way. David C
  23. Shelley, I am so sorry fo your loss. My condolences go out to you and your family. David C
  24. Shelly, I am so sorry the sugury did not go as well as hoped. You and you sister are in my prayers. Tell her to never give up, she has many people rooting for her and praying for her. David C
  25. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Here is to many more Roses in yours and Dons future. David C
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