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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. RAY - this is Karen C. Don't let this experience discourage you. I think you should still get the portacath. Dave said that someone, the radiologist, I guess, said the catheter part (the tube that goes into the vein) wasn't long enough or wasn't as long as most of them are, I guess, and that might be why it flipped out of place. Just tell them when you get it that you want to make sure you get one with a long enough catheter. OK, off the topic, but while I'm here - I get the feeling that when people call up and want to know how Dave is doing, they don't really understand (or really care, which is harsh of me to assume) about the ups and downs like we had on Monday. I think people who've never had cancer or someone close to them had it, I think they assume that you're either dying or you're fine. Dave's not dying but he's not exactly fine, either. I'm just saying this because I got a phone call on Monday, RIGHT BEFORE all he%$#* broke loose, from a well meaning person at our church, asking how he is doing, and when I said, well, he is doing OK but he isn't great, they immediately change the subject. LIke they want to hear "he's dying" or they want to hear "he's in remission" and that's that. Oh well, not a big deal, but you learn alot about human nature when you go through something like this. Best to all, Karen C.
  2. Hello again. I did not get the results from the CT Scan yesterday, I will get them Friday. I was also unable to get the PET Scan due to the hospital has a traveling PET Scan machine which was unable to do me the day I was scheduled so The Docs office is trying to reschedule me at the Medical College of VA. (MCV) which could take a few more days to do and another few weeks to complete the process and get the results--they just move slow over there at MCV, so I am told. I did get a letter from my insurance company saying they would cover the PET Scan so that was a good positive sign. I too have little tollerance for incompetant people and there is no place for incompetance when dealing with Cancer. I sure hope that nurse was just having a bad day. Well I better get off here and on my back, I am supposed to kep my leg straight and stay off it for 48 hours, that will be difficult for me to do.
  3. Hello all, I had a very interesting day today, to say the least. I went in for my CT scan and chest x-ray this morning and all went fine. Then I met my wife for lunch-all is still fine. I took the films of the CT and x-ray by my Onc. office and saw my primary nurse and she casually mentions that we will need to look into my port due to the last films showed that the cathater was working it's way up into my neck and that she would probably call me tomorrow to schedule an appt. Immediately following that I had an appt or a Stress Test so I go over to that Dr's office and all of a sudden all H#!! breaks loose. First I get a call from my wife on my cell phone saying my Onc's office called her all frantic because I was not home and they could not reach me (DUH!!! I just left thier office not 5 minutes before they called my wife looking for me) and that I needed to check in to Outpatient regeistration IMMEDIATELY to have a Portagram done. Then I get a call at the Stress Test Dr's office from my Onc.s office and the nurse (not my primary nurse) is all in a tizzy saying I need to go to Outpatient and have the portagram done and that she was setting me up an appt and I would probably be operated on tomorrow. I asked her which hospital because my insurance does nt cover outpatient stuff at the hospital right accross the street from my Onc.s office. When I reminded her of that she got even more frantic saying what do I do, I don't know what to do, Oh my gosh, What do I do----over and over and over! Finally she calmed down, put me on hold and got me an appt at the right hospital. Meanwhile my wife is sortof freaking out, I am wondering what the heck is going on because the nurse was so frantic Sooo, I go over to the right hospital and after I finally get into the Interventional Radiologists they say No problem we will get it all fixed here today no matter what the problem is with the port--Geeze!! What had happened was that the cathater to my port had worked it's way up into my juggular vein instead of being down towards my heart like it is supposed to be. The Radiologist went into a vein in my groin and stuck a wire with a lasso on the end of it and fed it all the way up into my neck and lassoed the catheter and pulled it back down to where it is supposed to be, actually it was pretty cool, I got to watch it all while it was being done on the monitor. So now I am to be on my back for the next few days to make sure the groin incission heals up correctly. My Onc.s office was scared that the port had falllen apart which I guess can be pretty dangerouse if that happens. I know which nurse it was that was getting all frantic and it does not suprise me really. If I did not love my primary nurse and my Onc. I tell you I would prbably be looking for a new Onc. and My wife and I plan on telling them that the next time we go in, which will be this Friday. That nurses behavior was unnacceptable. Anyway that was my interesting day!! It could have been much worse and I am atg home and will be sleeping in my own bed so I thank God for another good day. God Bless you all and never stop fighting. David C.
  4. Ray, Get the Port, Get the Port, Get the Port, Get the Port, Get the Port, Get the Port, Get the Port, Get the Port, Get the Port, Get the Port. No advice on the contrast. Hang in there bud these 2 weeks will be over before you know it. David C
  5. Hey Buddy, Listen tyo your Doctors and ask lots of questions and write it all down. Remember we are all here for you to help you FIGHT. Let us know what you find out about those trials. My prayers are with you. David C
  6. Yipee!!! Just what we want to hear!
  7. Dave and I are praying for you. You will win this battle!! Please keep us posted! Best, Karen C.
  8. Hi! Well, I have to say that so far, it doesn't sound so bad. I don't want to slight ovarian cancer, it's pretty darn deadly, but I have a good friend who survived I think it was Stage IV ovarian cancer, and if this is, they will have caught it pretty darn early for you. But you never know about the urether thing, I'd vote for that to be the problem. Dave was supposed to have a PET Scan today but something was amiss with the machine. He's gone back in to the doc's office for a shot of procrit and I guess the nurse will tell him when they'll try again. You two are on the same schedule, and I am still laughing from your last post when you corrected me on the age thing (when you said you and Dave are not the same age since he's already 39 and you're 38!). I'm 44 years old so 39 seems still young to me. Please keep us posted. I enjoy your sense of humor! And best of luck on the CT scans. God Bless, Karen C.
  9. Ray, I can tell you that this whole cancer experience has really changed Dave and I. We found ourselves being drawn closer to God after deciding to adopt Faith, we honestly felt that He had called us to her, we started attending church regularly and joined a new church, and then with his diagnoses it really hit home with us both. Especially him. For me, it was sort of like: I can say I am a certain religion, belief, but when it comes right down to the wire, you have to be able to put your money where your mouth is. Are you really prepared for what comes next after life on earth? Isn't that what it's all about? If you are, you shouldn't fear death. I also think you shouldn't exactly welcome it, either, because God wants us to enjoy our lives on earth, live them to our fullest, and not want to leave them, especially to leave our loved ones. I believe thinking about what comes next is fine. I don't think it means you're giving up. And I'm glad you brought up the subject. I'm sure it's something alot of us think about but are not sure how to talk about. take care, and God Bless you, Karen C.
  10. Speaking for Dave, he finished chemo and lung radiation months ago, but has a persistent cough, I guess it's a dry cough. He had some pneumonia after the radiation and a recent CT scan shows what looks like scarring which is probably causing it. He's getting another CT Scan and a PET Scan in the upcoming couple of weeks so we'll see, but I suspect it's pretty common after all that bombardment to the lungs. Karen C.
  11. David G, very uplifting to see such a good post from you! I hated to see your "restaging" back in April so soon after Dave and I joined the board, so this is certainly great to see! It's encouraging stories such as yours that keep us going. Hang in there and God Bless, Karen C.
  12. HI, this is Karen C., Dave C.'s wife. I often log in and post with his log in. Welcome to the board, this place has been very very helpful to Dave and I, for information and support. Your ordeal sounds very similar to Dave's (see his signature info). I sure hope you do not have bone mets. Dave finished everything - the last thing he did was the PCI (brain radiation) - about a month ago, but he is struggling to get his strength back. He gets a CT scan and a PET Scan next week and we are both holding our breath that everything comes out clean. Dave's oncolgoist, who we checked out thoroughly and know is really good, sort of says the same thing - go home and come back every other month and if you feel anything out of the ordinary let's check it out in case it's cancer. Well, we have pushed and prodded to get the follow up scans - we want to BE SURE NOW that the cancer is all gone. So he finally agreed and ordered the PET Scan and follow up CT Scan (don't know why he wants both . . .). Please keep us posted on the results of your PET Scan. also, wanted to point out that you and Dave are the same age. Young, in my opinion, to have this mess, but there are other similarly young folks on this board. Hang in there and God Bless, Karen C.
  13. Wonderful, wonderful news. Here's to many more years!!!! David C
  14. Berisa, I am so happy for you and your Dad!!! It is an accomplishment to be proud of. Tell him not to overdo it too soon. My prayers will be with you and your Dad every day. Keep us posted on his progress. David C
  15. Ray, we all know there ain't nothin' inside your noggin, ha,ha. Good luck on the scans......patience my dear. Don't worry you will be in our prayers at this household. David C
  16. GO GET ANOTHER ONCOLOGIST!!!!!!!!! Like has been said before, this guy sounds like he has given up on the 2 of you, that is unnaceptable!!!!!! Keep the positive atitude and always fight, never give up. Never let a Doctor tell you to give up. I sure wish you were having a better birthday Carleen, I spoiled our 10 year anniversary with my diagnosis. Please keep your head up and let us know how it is going. My prayers are with you and your husband. David C
  17. Kathy, Our condolences on losing your best friend and wonderful husband. He will live in your heart forever. God Bless, Karen C. David C. and Faith
  18. There is no worse feeling than having to "fish" around for a vein to have an IV needle inserted. I have good veins but I have had the experience of a bad stick and then they have to keep poking and it hurts. I am on Warfarin, a generic brand of Coumadin and I have a port. My vote is to get the port---It really is nice and the surgery to implant it was very quick and easy. David C
  19. I agree with Bess. She needs to stop being so selfish and grow up. And she is wrong. Stopping smoking after 15 years, your lungs will surely start repairing themselves, at least some. If she doesn't smoke, then the damage will snowball and get much worse. I tried to get Dave to quit for the entire 10 years we have been married and he wouldn't. The easiest cold turkey quitting for him came when the oncologist looked him right in the eye and said "your type of LC is almost always caused by smoking". I think he meant SCLC. Dave smoked for 20 years. I'm sure if he had quit 10 years ago this wouldn't have happened. She has got to stop, she's just looking for a convenient excuse not to take the initiative. Hang in there. Karen C.
  20. This sounds terribly selfish and not much comfort to you, but you are living my worst nightmare. I am sitting here feeling your pain and your loneliness. I am so, so sorry. How long were you two married - how old was your husband? Did you have children together? Just wondering, maybe it will help to talk more about your life together. You were a wonderful wife and a faithful and loyal partner. Know that your husband is in heaven and telling God what a good job you did for him. My thoughts are with you, Karen C. (wife of David C.)
  21. Dave's oncology nurse told him the same thing. She told him not to load up on too many antioxidants because chemo is an oxidant, so the vitamins may interfere with the chemo, but did recommend that he take Centrum Silver (or something comparable) vitamins. Now that he's off chemo we're trying to power up on antioxidants, mostly through healthy eating, but I also got an "immunopower" vitamin at the natural foods store for us both to take. Hope that helps. Karen C.
  22. I think everyone else has given you some good answers, I just want to say that I can't believe you are only in the 7th grade - you sound so mature and together! I was a good student and a good girl in the 7th grade, but I would never be taking the initiative you are, or sounding so poised. Best of luck with your project and with your friend's mother, and God Bless you, Karen C. wife of David C. - Mom to Faith (adopted from China exactly a year ago and the world's most wonderful two year old!)
  23. Great tip!! Thanks. David C
  24. Hi Sam, I felt better than I had in months for the first week after my first chemo treatment but the side effects, mainly fatigue, started to set in the 2nd week. Extreme fatigue was my real problem........of course my hair started coming out so I went ahead and shaved it all off. Please let us know how your mother in law does. David C
  25. Yippee!! Don't rely on that Darvocet too much instead of the crutches. Keep those screws tight. David C
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