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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. ashmegsmom, I am so sorry you are here but this is a good site for you. A diagnosis is not a death sentance. There are plenty of people here who have proven the Doctors wrong. Try and keep her spirits up and instill in her to fight like she has never fought before. This disease can be beat. Make sure the Doctors are doing everything they can. Ask a lot of questions and be an advocate for her. Don't hesitate to get a second opinion. Ask as many questions on this site as you need also. There are a lot of very knowledgable folks here. You and your family will be in my prayers. David C
  2. truely good news. Happy New Year David C
  3. Yes, Happy New Year!!!!!! Doubt I will see the ball drop this evening unless it is in my dreams. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone and my wish for everyone to have a happy and prosperous year in 2004. David C
  4. Laurie, I listened to Claude Bollings Toot Suite for Trumpet and Piano a couple of times over the past few days. Maurice Andre does a wonderful job, if you do not have any recordings of him you should get some. He is by far the best classical trumpet player in the world. I cannot find my recording for the Flute and Piano. If I were to record anything for a LCSC CD it would probably be Piccolo Trumpet and Organ pieces. I have a long way to go. My Doc wants to make sure my brain is back to normal after my PCI. He does not want me to have a brain anurism while playing from weakened blood vessels in the brain from the radiation and I must say I have to agree with him. Keep practicing. David C.
  5. Hey it could be worse. One of my best freinds here works at the Hohner Factory in Ashland Va....................repairing Accordians..........all day long. David C.
  6. Yes, like Peg said--One Day At A Time. You will be in my prayers that it is not what you fear. David C
  7. Hey Gina, do they make F'-ing trumpets. I could use a good D/E flat Trumpet. David C
  8. Anne, just wanted to let you know you and your family will be in my prayers tonight. David C
  9. Add me and my Karen to the list. We are going to Glacier Nat. Park in Montana the first week of August for a family reunion and my Mother has all kinds of hikes planned. My sister used to work there so we have all been just not in years and years. So, Karen and I need to drop a few (to say the least) lb.'s and get into shape. Karen is the cook so she will be in charge of our diet but we will need all the help and suport we can get and will be willing to do the same for others. David C
  10. I think I see a CD in the LCSC Future!!!!!!
  11. Yeah, I was going to go to Berkley but their Jazz program was not up to snuff. JUST KIDDING!!! That's great. I am familiar with Claude Bolling although it has been a while since I listened to the suite for Flute and Piano. Good luck in the practice room. You are doing it for a great cause. The wine is a great idea but it would eat into the profits........unless you could get it donated. David C
  12. Hey Don, Tuneing is not just a city in China. Sorry, couldn't resist. David C
  13. Laurie, I am also a trained musician and must admit you have a wonderful idea. I was a proffessional Trumpet player for 13 years traveling up and down the east coast in a variety of bands such as Top 40, Blues, Jazz, traveling shows, Ringling Bros. Circus, Brass Ensembles Etc. I was going to try and play the X-mas cantata at my church this x-mas but just could not get it together in time. Imagine, a trumpet player with lung cancer, now that really sucks!! Anyway your stage fright is all in your head.....I know, easy for me to say. I used to get scared and beat myself up over every little thing that did not come out the end of the bell just exactly the way I wanted it to. The thing that really helped me was when I just let go and said to myself, I am good and if the people out there don't agree then they can go spit (Of course I used stronger terms than that!!!) If you are trained and confident in your abilities as a musician then trust in yourself. Also just remember 99.9 out of 100 people listening are not going to know if you make a mistake and also they would not be there unless they wanted to hear you. As for the nude thing I used that to but sometimes you can get a little distracted and loose your place, ha,ha. No seriously, just concentrate on your music and the enjoyment you get out of playing. I am going to give serious thought to seeing if I can do the same. Good luck to you. My prayers will be with you. David C
  14. Hey folks, I seem to be having a hard time dealing with things this Christmas lately. Not sure whats going on. I should be ecstatic due to my last scans went well but I am just so tired all the time and have no energy whatsoever. I am working 4 hours a day and am just so wiped out after that. I am not making it easy for my wife either who does such a good job of taking care of our little girl, not to mention me. I just get so cranky when I am tired, which, like I said is all the time it seems. I don't feel like posting replies to folks who need the support more than I do although I do read everyones posts every day. I have always had such a positive outlook on my prognosis never once thinking this is going to get me and don't get me wrong, I am not doubting that I have beaten the beast ..... I'm just tired of being tired and cranky. I can't seem to help it. I know that there are people who have it much worse that I do here but folks please keep me in your prayers this Christmas season. You will all be in mine. Thanks for listening. David C
  15. Connie, that was lovely. Thank You!! David C
  16. Bob, so sorry to hear the news that you will have to take up the sword again but you can do it. Keep your mind positive and your heart pure. You and you family will be in my prayers. David C
  17. I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish you'd come here in April but glad you're here now. In my opinion, a healthy 58 year old woman, even with mets to bone and brain, can fight this. You might want to find another doctor or at least get another opinion. I am disappointed that they didn't keep a close enough eye on her to not realize the cancer had spread until recently. Browse this board and read what others have said, you will find out lots through other's experience. Take care, Karen C.
  18. Hey you, Kat, They think it's a mets and not a primary, meaning that it's probably not ovarian cancer but lung cancer spread there? Just wondering. I know it's hard to not get depressed, but keep your chin up and your spirits high. We're all here to cheer you on, ok? Keep us posted on how you're doing. Take care and God Bless, Karen C.
  19. Cathy, will include you in our prayers. I think you're in good hands with your brother, and on the right track yourself. By the way, very attractive photo! Keep up your spirits! God Bless you, Karen C.
  20. Katie, Where/how you selling those items like the tote bag? Something you can/will advertise on this website? Something we can help you sell? Something we can buy from you? Karen C.
  21. Remembering Dave


    When Dave was diagnosed last March, I went to one of our local Christian bookstores and bought a book called "The Beginners Guide to Intercession" by Dutch Sheets. I hadn't been much of a praying person in the past, had wanted to learn to pray better, and all of a sudden, I felt like it was time to get on the stick! I picked up this book, and I learned so much about prayer, how to talk to God, how to ask for help. It's not a book about Christianity and cancer, but it was very helpful to me. After that I began praying every day and got more and more comfortable with that. So far, I feel very confident that God has really been listening to me! I also like the book Don Wood mentioned (am having a brain blockage right now, can't remember it's name). Good luck! Karen C.
  22. Thanks, Fay! By the way, we got our copy of CURE the other day, and it DOES look like you on the cover! Did you get a side job as a model? You do have a beautiful head! I had a friend once who's sister was a foot model. She wasn't the best looking person above the ankle, but apparently had some good looking feet! So if you can be a foot model, why not a bald head model? Take care! Karen C.
  23. Wow, what an airhead! OK, someone, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one lung smaller than the other lung anyway? Thanks for sharing the story, MO . . . makes me think maybe she's gotten an overdose of xrays in her brain! Karen C.
  24. Did anyone mention drinking fluids is very important????? Ha, ha. Everyone pretty much said what I would have said, the radiation will contibute to the fatigue. I totally believe in the imagry also--just imagine the radiation burning the crap out of the cancer cells. Merry Christmas!!!! David C
  25. Anne, I am so sorry to hear the news of your mothers passing. I know this is a very difficult time for you. This is a beautiful time of year and it is so sad that we must deal with these things. You are correct that we must ask God to help us in times like this. Please know that you and your family will be in our prayers. David C
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