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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Angie, your father is lucky to have you. As has been said, slow down and take it one day at a time. We are all here for you. David C
  2. Wars are faught over fear and hope and we are all wariors here, including you. Welcome aboard and telol us more about yourself. Congrats on the wonderful news. David C
  3. Angie, I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Please know that you have found a great site with many wonderful, knowledgable folks who are here to help you everystep of the way. We are all in this together. My prayers will certainly be with you and your father. David C
  4. So Sorry you are here but as you can see, you could not have found a better sight for you situation. Keep positive and stay away from the statistics. My prayers will be with you. David C
  5. Hi Cathy, read this post. http://www.buy2k.net/lungcancersurvivor ... php?t=4902 David C
  6. Connie, fantastic news. Lets Kick A$$ in 2004!!!!! David C
  7. You sure they did not give you some feel good pills, if so you need to share. Great news. David C
  8. Dang Dean, you go!!!!! David C
  9. Great news MO. Hope the little mends quickly. I am sure he will, they are so resiliant . David C
  10. Dave, wonderful news!! No gowth is good. Keep it up. Hey does cheese have any cancer fighting properties?? David C
  11. Great news and congrats to you for pushing that Doc. Keep on pushing they don't know as much as they think they do sometimes. Your Dad is a lucky man to have you around. David C
  12. Rick Great news!!!!! Ray and Fay!!!!! I was not going to go there but oh well........ Rick, thats never something us guys want to hear. David C
  13. Happy B-day to you........... David C
  14. Yep Dean I'm singin for you........."Mobile, mobile, mobile, mobile". Congrats, I know this has made you a happy man. Better tell them to give you an extra battery or 2!!!! David C
  15. Joanie, I am in the same boat you are, they told me to eat, eat, eat and well......I did. I put on a considerable amount of weight which I had just spent the last 2 years loosing and now I do not have the energy to get out there and do it again..........yet!!!! I do not have any breathing issues except the bronchitis I am facing right now. No mention from the docs about needing O2 or emphazema. David C
  16. Sorry I do not have any knowledge of blood clots. Shrinking tumors is great newws though!! David C
  17. Sorry I do not have any knowledge of blood clots. Shrinking tumors is great newws though!! David C
  18. Looks great Rick. Baby must be asleep if you have time for this!! David C
  19. I say share the info. It could not hurt and may help. David C
  20. Good news, Good news, Good news, Good news, Good news................. David C
  21. So sorry to hear about the bad scan. As said this is very beatable. You can do it, especially if you keep on campin!!!!. I went camping as often as possible during my treatments and it helps to keep your mind in the right place. My prayers are with you. David C
  22. Get a 2nd opinion. Your post does not say where you are located but I would try to go to a Cancer Center at a University if you have one close enough. David C
  23. Daggone, that is an unreasonably long time w/o food and drink. I think you should talk to your doc or someone and see what is reasonable. One time Dave was having something done late in the day and I remember they revised his nothing by mouth order so he could eat first thing in the morning. The port you describe is exactly what Dave has. I think most of them are like that these days. My oncology surgeon (for my melanoma) was telling us he put the first port in, in our area, and "back then" they had the tube thing permanently sticking out, so the disk under the skin thing is a huge improvement. The nurses in the emergency room used Dave's port for just about everything they did to him. I have terrible veins and not so fond memories of all the blood draws I had done during infertility treatments. Wish I'd had a port then! I told the emergency room doc I was thinking about getting my own port, just for the heck of it! Ha! Hang in there, and your chemo will start again soon and you will be glad of the port. Only a temporary delay. God Bless, Karen C.
  24. Oh Boy, this may have been a mistake bringing you on board. David C
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