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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Stoydc, So sorry to hear about your father. Unfortunately I have no info for you as I am fighting Small Cell Lung Cancer. There are others here who can probably give you more info. I am glad to hear you are going for a 2nd opinion. Welcome aboard. You and your dad will be in my prayers. David C
  2. Dean, an occasional pity party isn't such a terrible thing, and for pete's sake, you've earned it! But I am a big proponent of antidepressants. been on celexa for about five years now, off and on but mostly on. I had clinical depression BAD right after three miscarriages and infertility. tried going off 'em but one cousin died of breast cancer and then 1.5 years later her bro' (my closest cuz') committed suicide. Decided to go back on 'em and glad I did, helped me deal with Dave's diagnoses better I think. By the way, just want to make my own personal recommendation for celexa. It seems "milder" or something than most of them, at least, for me, no side effects. Dave tried Paxil and it made him anxious I think. So our family doc put him on celexa recently. he hasn't been on it long enough to know how it's doing - those things take like six weeks to kick in. but it's been very good to me. Dean, I think you have a great attitude, overall, and just remember that getting down is allowed, staying down is not allowed. as long as you know you're in the slide you can put your feet out and stop yourself. You take care of yourself, we need your wise words on this board every day! God Bless you my friend, Karen C.
  3. Hey, Debaroo, reading my mind. I've said many a time I sure wished the Fab 5 would work outside the NYC area and come to Aylett! I just love that show, I want to take Carson home with me, he's the cutest! Karen C.
  4. Daggone it, Norme, I can't believe things got so crummy so fast for Buddy. We are thinking about you two and pulling for you. And I know you're taking care of yourself, I can tell you do whatcha gotta do. I, too, wish I lived in the same town so I could help you out. God Bless you and Buddy, Karen C. and Dave and Faith
  5. Yeah Dean, Really good music throgh really good headphones, way to go. In the words of the Great American Poet Eddie Murphy.......The Mind Is A Terrible Thing. David C
  6. Yum, Yum,.........Sputum, don't disaput'em them David. David C
  7. Ugh!! Shoot me now!!!!!!!!! David C
  8. David, a little late seeing your situation here. I hope you are feeling much better, pneumonia sucks. Get well soon. David C
  9. TBONE!!!!!!!!!!! You should find that Doctor and tell him he was DEAD wrong and he should not give people time limits. Then invite him to breakfast, ha,ha. Such wondeful news. David C
  10. Dean you owe us no appologies. Please know that we are always here for you. Talk to the nurse and get you some antidepresants, We need your wisdom. David C
  11. Yep. She has all the particulars. David C
  12. You are doing great. Always be a fighter and keep your mind positive. David C
  13. Pinky, Like my Sis said--WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That is such great news. You definitely did not waste our time, we are here for anyone weather newly diagnosed or worrying about a diagnosis. Keep on coming back, miracles happen every day. Go out and celebrate. David C
  14. You are not only on the cancer roller coaster you are on your wedding rollercoaster, I don't see how you are staying sane. Get a goofy hat and SLOW DOWN. I know easier said that done. My prayers are with you and your family. David C
  15. Sandy, I am speechless. I ............ David C
  16. Awesome, awesome, awesome news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you and your mom are simply ecstacic right now, we are too. Prayers have been answered. Congratulations. David C
  17. Cheri, miracles happen everyday. There are numerous folks here fighting the exact same. If you did a lot of reading then I hope you dide not get caught up in the statistics, they are outdated and do not apply to anyone especially not your father. Be aggressive and please know that we are all here for you and your father. PS don't let my hat scare you off!! David C
  18. Mo is right, everyone reacts differently to chemo. I did not start feeling the effects until after my 2nd round and then the side effects really kicked in after the 3rd round. Mainly severe fatigue was my problem. Radiation at the same time as chemo only adds to the fatigue. I never had any problems with my throat but the doc gave me some stuff in case I did. I would ask your doc to give you some medication. Tell your mom we are all rooting for her. David C
  19. Hi, Shannon, I'm glad to see you again. I think Mike's death was one of the first ones on this board after we joined, and as a spouse, it hit me hard. I'm so happy to see how well you are doing, and I know Mike is proud of the way you are carrying on with life and enjoying your family so much. Welcome back, and stay in touch! God Bless, Karen C.
  20. OK, Dave - what up with the new crazy photo? Now I KNOW you're getting too bored at home! All my Love, Karen C. (p.s. this is Dave wearing a hat that a good friend of ours made for him. She had lost her big brother to lung cancer the year before Dave was diagnosed. It's a fishing hat adorned with flowers (so he can wear it to church) and lots of orange yarn hair, for when he lost his hair).
  21. Hey, I figure you women should not be the only ones that get to wear wigs!!! This hat was given to me from a good friend who had lost her brother to cancer recently, She has been great support to me throughout my ordeal and makes an awesome Rum Cake in addition to silly hats. David C
  22. Good news indeed!! Gotta love Wal-Mart. I spent many days there during my treatments just wondering around, mainly to get out and get a little exercise. Bethany is a beautiful girl, aren't they all Daqddies Girl? I know mine is. PS.-I lived in Vernon TX until I was 8 years old and remember going to the big city of Wichita Falls a few times. Small world.
  23. Remembering Dave


    It's a beautiful day here in Aylett VA on the banks of the mighty Mattaponi River. Wish you all were here. David C
  24. My prayers are with you and Dean. Radiation is the hardest in my opinion. I hope and pray that things smooth out for you. David C
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